I know I don't own the river but:
If you ever learn just one thing, please learn this for both safety, sanity and common
When you see an established hogline on the Columbia (I would say more than five boats in a PERFECT line is established) PLEASE DON'T drop your anchors right behind the line as if you were shad fishing.
Salmon take long initial runs, especially when someone is trying to reel in, start the motor, throw the rope, pull in the sea anchor, not hit other boats coming out, etc. etc.
In addition, a boat coming out and DOWN with a big fish can't get around your anchor ropes or even your boats, which is the DANGEROUS part!
If you have never seen a twisted up boat or anchor rope situation that can sink you and kill everyone, PAY ATTENTION.
NOW HEAR THIS! For you seven or so TOTAL DILWADS that did this in mish-mash fashion TODAY below the Oak Tree line on the Columbia - BE FORWARNED! Especially YOU big MAROON DICKWORTH!
DON'T do it a next time or in the future, AND ANYONE ELSE FOR THAT MATTER or I promise you, I will cut each and every one of your anchor ropes myself. This is common sense, very dangerous for boats coming down and can ruin someones day fast, losing a nice fish because of it. I will swear in court I did it for safety reasons, which I did!
This is not a matter of you can fish where you want and no one can tell you you can't!
Ok ranted enough on this one. TRUST ME though, DON'T do it again.
Five today, two missing the adipose. Fishing remains good above the Fishery and below the Bonneville deadline. Caught all five today on different spinners in the current. No bait. Shrimp and anise scent. Boat ramps are another story on the weekends.
[ 04-07-2001: Message edited by: Nanook ]