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#114939 - 06/08/01 01:13 AM 'Yall and Os are undercover moderators?

Well isn't this a funny twist of fate. I noticed that Osprey seems to have edited a bunch of posts on ifish today and I just got an e-mail rumor that Hey_Yall is going undercover here. I guess we can try to flush him out with some questionable fishing posts to see if he edits anything? So ....

I heard that 'Yalls m***a likes to fish for bass. Uses rubber worms with a little of her ***** juice rubbed on. Scores both feesh and big ******* when out bassin and carpin. Eats both of em too. I also heard that 'Yall scored his first Wal**** 'springer' the other day. Of course they're made of ****** in there, but from a ******** ya likely couldn't tell the difference from a real one so he can hold it up when boats pass by. laugh Here's the reel shocker though; found out he's still v*****! Ha ha ha. After all that smooth smack talkin. Well, with all those revelations I guess we'll find out whazzup soon enough, ay? - RT

[ 06-07-2001 This message edited by: THE REEL HEY_YALL ]

mad Dam I can't stand all those feesh RT catches while I'm gettin skunked. And the young beautiful fisherwomen that cling on to him while I just stand around is wrinklin my vent. How's he do that? And don't be sayin anything about my momma. She can outbass him anyday! mad

#114940 - 06/08/01 04:02 AM Re: 'Yall and Os are undercover moderators?

It's true because I helped set it up! You guys will do a great job I just know it. Maybe after you become ex-mods you can join RT and I for some Dolphin fishing! All you need is plenty of $1 bills. Damn thing is the "trophys" take all your bait don't they Steve?

#114941 - 06/08/01 11:09 AM Re: 'Yall and Os are undercover moderators?
Osprey Offline

Registered: 05/09/00
Posts: 915
Loc: Osprey Acres /Olympja
.............(oh never mind)...........HC????
[/b]The less I give a [Bleeeeep!] the happier I am[/b]

#114942 - 06/08/01 12:39 PM Re: 'Yall and Os are undercover moderators?
Hey Yall Watch This Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 03/05/01
Posts: 444
Loc: Olympia....beeyotch
We all know I'm the H.N.I.C. I may be the new undercover moderator; I may not be wink If I tell, then that wouldn't make it so undercover, now would it? :p I still think that ****** is the moderator over at ifish and here. ****** won't cuss anymore or talk about all those blow-up dolls in his garage. ****** now watches the political posts with a passion for some reason. confused Come clean ****** and tell us that "****** is the new [expletive delete] moderator.

[ 06-08-2001: Message edited by: Osprey]

[ 06-08-2001: Message edited by: Steve Hanson, spelled with an O ]
N.W.O. fan club

#114943 - 06/08/01 01:07 PM Re: 'Yall and Os are undercover moderators?
Oregon Fish Chaser Offline

Registered: 04/05/01
Posts: 22
Loc: Beaverton, OR
Why do they have to moderate under the covers? Not happy with the Reel Truth?

#114944 - 06/08/01 02:12 PM Re: 'Yall and Os are undercover moderators?
rainycity Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 12/06/99
Posts: 419
Loc: Seattle
A moderater??????
Better hope it has a spell check..*J/K* laugh
Or maybe that hooked on fonics buke he got wurked.. wink
Teach your kids,
Ever wonder why Noah didn`t just
slap them 2 mosquitos????

#114945 - 06/08/01 10:02 PM Re: 'Yall and Os are undercover moderators?

OFC, I better reveal to those that didn't realize, that this is just playing around having fun. Some of us guys in our second childhoods are typing in such as [06-08-2001 Message edited by: Bigstew] to tease each other. Nothing going on. smile


#114946 - 06/11/01 01:48 PM Re: 'Yall and Os are undercover moderators?
Oregon Fish Chaser Offline

Registered: 04/05/01
Posts: 22
Loc: Beaverton, OR
No, I caught that.

I was just trying to make a subtle jab at hey_yall and Os. Apparently too subtle. wink

If they are moderating under the coversthen they must not be happy with the equipment that God gave them laugh

#114947 - 06/11/01 02:26 PM Re: 'Yall and Os are undercover moderators?
Dave Jackson Offline

Registered: 04/18/01
Posts: 846
Loc: Milwaukie, OR
I heard from a very reliable source that this is actually an attempt to test the waters with the forum here to see what the reaction would be if Os and Hey were actually the moderators. So far the reaction has been less than anticipates so they'll probably go on and make them moderators shortly.

Having Gee Dub in office is bad enough. We don't need any more rednecks in power positions.
Get Bent Tackle whōre. Just added spinner section, where you can special order to your hearts content!

#114949 - 06/11/01 04:13 PM Re: 'Yall and Os are undercover moderators?
Dave Jackson Offline

Registered: 04/18/01
Posts: 846
Loc: Milwaukie, OR
Originally posted by femfisher:
Hey Yall and OS are a couple of fun guys (not fungi) and probably not subject to threats of emails to significant others...May be a good choice eh?

Doesn't matter. Sheep cannot read.

Get Bent Tackle whōre. Just added spinner section, where you can special order to your hearts content!

#114950 - 06/11/01 06:58 PM Re: 'Yall and Os are undercover moderators?

Now I get it OFC. Good one. And from what I've heard, the fungi's are a bit lacking in hardware. laugh I think they would make for fun moderators though. smile


#114951 - 06/12/01 11:15 AM Re: 'Yall and Os are undercover moderators?
Osprey Offline

Registered: 05/09/00
Posts: 915
Loc: Osprey Acres /Olympja
What would be any different.(if I were a mod.)
I'm afraid I'm are just a little bit to out spoken .
I cannot accept this position at this time eek
besides I'm having way too much fun ,being just another board member.
My ego doesn't need to be stroked.

When I get home my dog's still glad to see me ...heck sometimes even Mrs. Os is to ...sometimes rolleyes ...Os

Redneck Pro-Staff
[/b]The less I give a [Bleeeeep!] the happier I am[/b]

#114952 - 06/12/01 05:44 PM Re: 'Yall and Os are undercover moderators?
Hey Yall Watch This Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 03/05/01
Posts: 444
Loc: Olympia....beeyotch
Femfisher - you would think people who had a problem with me would email me, but for some reason, I guess they already realize that I don't give a **** if they have a problem with something I post. cool

Fobb - Good thing sheep cannot read. I guess it's an even better thing for you that they cannot talk or scream HELP!....or then they would be able to testify against you in a court of law. :p :p :p
N.W.O. fan club

#114953 - 06/12/01 05:56 PM Re: 'Yall and Os are undercover moderators?

Hey Os, we must have a different meaning for HC. When you posted in an ifish thread that "sometimes things are best left unsaid" I couldn't help putting up HC=hypocritical, because you have lots to say about everything - which is fine; it was meant to be lighthearted. You are an entertaining guy; as I said in that same post. BTW, what else does HC mean that I'm not aware of? What does H.I.N.C. mean 'Yall? Oh ya, I got that letter your momma wrote the other day. Pretty good. Mind if I share it with the guys. ... [go ahead RT] ... hey thanks dude. ....


Dear Son,

I'm writing this letter slow because I know you can't read fast. We don't live where we did when you left home. Your dad read in the newspaper that most accidents happen within 20 miles of your home, so we moved. I won't be able to send you the address because the last Arkansas family that lived here took the house numbers when they moved so that they wouldn't have to change their address.
This place is really nice. It even has a washing machine. I'm not sure it works so well though: last week I put a load in and pulled the chain and haven't seen them since. The weather isn't bad here. It only rained twice last week; the first time for three days and the second time for four days.
John locked his keys in the car yesterday. We were really worried because it took him two hours to get me and your father out. Your sister had a baby this morning; but I haven't found out what it is yet so I don't know if your an aunt or an uncle. The baby looks just like your brother.
Uncle Ted fell in a whiskey vat last week. Some men tried to pull him out, but he fought them off playfully and drowned. We had him cremated and he burned for three days. There isn't much more news at this time. Nothing much has happened.

Love, Mom

P.S. I was going to send you some money but the envelope was already sealed.

#114954 - 06/12/01 08:02 PM Re: 'Yall and Os are undercover moderators?
Hey Yall Watch This Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 03/05/01
Posts: 444
Loc: Olympia....beeyotch
Well that was private information you posted there RT mad and I'd like the envelope back as it has my address on it somewhere and I don't know where I live now. confused

Poor, confused mom. She always seals the envelopes before sending money. I guess she thinks I'll just use the money to buy lures for dolphin fishing. eek

HNIC = head somethinganother in charge. You really need to rent some of the ghetto fabulous movies down at the local blockbuster. You'll learn some "dope" stuff. :p
N.W.O. fan club

#114956 - 06/12/01 11:32 PM Re: 'Yall and Os are undercover moderators?
Dave Jackson Offline

Registered: 04/18/01
Posts: 846
Loc: Milwaukie, OR
As a Scot I can tell this joke with pride:

Ya know why us Scots wear kilts?

Because sheep can hear a zipper at 500 yards.

Hey_Y'All sent me a picture of his latest lady friend. I gotta hand it to him, she's got lovely blonde hair flowing down her back. Unfortunately there isn't any on her head. It's only down her back.

I'm not saying that she is cross-eyed exactly, but every time she cries that blonde hair of hers gets wet. Y'all said it was some sort of bacterial problem. laugh
Get Bent Tackle whōre. Just added spinner section, where you can special order to your hearts content!

#114957 - 06/13/01 02:30 PM Re: 'Yall and Os are undercover moderators?
Osprey Offline

Registered: 05/09/00
Posts: 915
Loc: Osprey Acres /Olympja
The "real truth " is my comments were address to Stew ( he understud the meaning) rolleyes
When I said "sometimes things are best left unsaid" it was because I didn't want to see the post come across as a parting shot on the way out the door.....Too late eek

Hell ya I'm out spoken laugh
does that make me a "hipocrite" frown .....according to you it does.(what ever???? ) Opinions vary.

at this point the only ones that do matter are my Moms ,my children,my wife and my friends.

It's so easy to sit in judgement of others....untill it's you're turn.

I didn't take a shot at anyone
but I sure took a shot.... rolleyes

Chill out laugh

I have work to do and fishing trip to plan,which I'd much rather do than this ........Os

Redneck Pro-Staff
Team Hypocite rolleyes

[6-13-2001: Message edited by Stew(I'll have a Blue Butt]

[ 06-13-2001: Message edited by: Osprey ]
[/b]The less I give a [Bleeeeep!] the happier I am[/b]

#114958 - 06/13/01 05:09 PM Re: 'Yall and Os are undercover moderators?

Hey fobb as a fellow scotsman you can appreciate this. You know that Rolling Stones song "Hey you got off of my cloud" Well the Scottish version is "Hey McCloud get off of my ewe" laugh
Os, what is a hypocite? I think I may have had one of those at one

Stew-The understud

#114959 - 06/13/01 07:07 PM Re: 'Yall and Os are undercover moderators?

Whoa Os, hold on dude. You also said "some people are taking posts way tooooooooooooo seriously". No sheeyat!!! Lighten up man. I was just funnin around with ya. Get back in the game - it's all BS and mostly for fun. But you know that; you're just having a moment, and need a hug. HUG. - Stevie

#114960 - 06/14/01 11:35 AM Re: 'Yall and Os are undercover moderators?
Osprey Offline

Registered: 05/09/00
Posts: 915
Loc: Osprey Acres /Olympja
Thanks I needed a hug......Too bad you're too Fat for a reach around :p uuuuu Yuukkk .......Can't say that on I-Fish eek eek ......Os

Red neck Pro-staff

[ 06-15-2001: Message edited by: Osprey ]
[/b]The less I give a [Bleeeeep!] the happier I am[/b]


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