Oh Come On Blueback! The only reson you even have those resources is because the rest of us are paying into the system that the tribes have come to depend on! And don't even start with the "Crybaby" thing. Who are the ones who are always whining for more? WAAAA! WAAA! We want to net this run of fish! WAAA! WAAA! We want to net that run of fish! WAAA! WAAA! We want to kill off all the Elk herds! WAAA! WAAA! We want BPA To pay us $32000.00 for a rain dance that we did.....That didn't work! You've got to be kidding me! You are not simply "Taking advantage of the resources, you are using a loophole in the system as a way to "Rub the White Man's nose in it" For every injustice that's ever been committed against the Native American people. Well, payback time has come and gone. What else do you want? We gave you the Elk, we gave you the salmon and Steelhead, we gave you the Shellfish, we even gave you an entire F*****G Whale! Nobody gets to kill whales! But we let the Native Americans kill one, because they whined about it. Hell, I haven't even mentioned the Millions of dollars the Tribes get annually in Federal assistance! Not to mention the fact that your children will be more likely to be awarded a college scholorship than mine..... Because of their race! By the way, you would also have a much better chance of landing any sort of a Government job than me.... Again, because of your race. So don't ever call me a crybaby. Call us stupid when we buy your Indian fireworks, call us suckers when we lose at Blackjack in your Indian casinos, and call us ignorant when we buy into your little "Poor me, I'm a poor conqured Indian" speech, But don't call us Crybabies. You should be thanking your maker every night, that you are fortunate enough to live in a society where everything is handed to you on a platter just because of your race. I'm sorry if I've come across as a "Redneck", but somebody has to set you people straight.
If you get home and I'm not there, don't eat it.