Fly's thread on the other BB. kinda funny
Author Topic: R.T. and Superfly Asked To Join N.B.C.
Member # 257 posted 08-09-2001 08:50 am
After Top executives yesterday witnessed Fly and R.T.'s Bass and Bluegill clinic put on at Lk. St. Clair they thought it would be in there best interest to have them on board. So we were invited on the National Bluegill Circut. It usaully takes years of fishing and a strong resume to get the invitation. But with the fishing prowess they witnessed yesterday afternoon that was all they needed. With My new reveloutionary side arm hook set and R.T.'s long distance sight fishing technique that was all they needed as they saw a fish every cast for hours on end.
So we hope to see you soon. Our P.R. person has told us of an upcoming meet and greet at your local walmart soon.
Peace Superfly
Vison Hooks and Tackle Prostaff
All Star Rods prostaff
Thorbuilt Boats Prostaff
Pop tarts Prostaff
Uncle Joe's eggs
Big Dawgs River Ice Tea Mix
Wind river clean uup crew 2001
If you want to run with the big dawgs then get your *** off of the porch!!
Member # 640 posted 08-09-2001 09:02 am
Come on guys, This crap is the reason we had to start a warmwater board
Sounds like an entertaining afternoon. Sight fishing bluegills, geesh!
Member # 341 posted 08-09-2001 09:29 am
Fly - I've got you guys doing openings of 12 new Wal-Marts here in the next couple of months. This will be good for me. While you guys are meeting and greeting the public, I'll be in the store picking up women
Of course, I'll have to erase the things Osprey said about me on the bathroom walls too, so I get to kill 2 birds with one stone.
[ 08-09-2001: Message edited by: THE REEL HEY_YALL ]
Team Redneck
Team Corona & Lime
Pork Rinds Pro-Staff
Then it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel, is just a freight train coming your way .
Member # 564
Please define "women" Would that be the plus size in the "stressed" spandex or the thin as a rail, bleached blonde trying to consume her jeans in reverse.
Rich H
Member # 4 posted 08-09-2001 03:09pm
I'm ready to rock and tour Joe! It's kinda of ironic that I've become much less competitive about salmon and steelhead fishing in recent years, yet this bass and bluegill fishing became a real contest between the 'Fly man and RT. After the feesh got used to "The Renegade White Man's" anchored driftboat they started swimming in close enough that I could sight fish for bigger ones. I kept yanking the worm away from the little ones and only fed the big ones. Joe's strategy was to hookset yard them so hard that they flew thru the air - and now I know why; to stretch out his fish so they would be longer than mine . Lot of fun really. And for sure 'Yall, the touring "Bluegill Brothers" should garner a lot of groupies from Walmart parking lots, eh! We'll tell them you are our "roadie" (roadies get slim pickins though - I remember that). ... And Joe does have that nice lake 'wired' for good spots. Catching fish on almost every cast in clear view of bikini clad lakesters is pretty cool! No wonder 'Yalls cataraft is laying under Joe's deck. You sly ol' dogs - keeping this place such a zipper. Lake Sin Clear.
Steve (RT) (STS)
"For every fish there is a hook"
I think
Maybe not
[ 08-09-2001: Message edited by: RT 1 ]