Hey Dogfish answer to your questions.
"I read a lot of arm chair qb/fishermen here, so instead of complaining about the handling of this fish, what would you have done to make sure that this hog survived"?
Do you ALWAYS carry a cotton net?
Answer no. Cotton nets are available if ordered however. I got one once from the state when catching wild steelhead brood stock in the Green, you could contact them and ask where they get them. To answer that question though, I would have NEVER removed the fish from the water. (I never do when practicing cnr regardless of the fish or the size). After that length of time, and as exhausted as the fish must have been I would have taken it as close the beach as possible (wading depth) and tried, repeat tried as best as possible to measure it. Even as tired as the fish was, a fish that size has amazing strength and it may well have been quite a feat to get any measurements at all.
Do you ALWAYS carry a dowel de-hooker?
Answer, yes two, one on each side of the boat. I doubt however that this would have been much use. 7/0 and 8/0 barbed hooks are hard enough to remove by hand. I'd have simply cut the leader.
I have yet to find a cotton net for sale, but I do have two of those dowel de-hookers on my boat.
Thanks for asking though. I agree that it is pretty easy to sit here at the keyboard and criticize others for their practices if you don't practice what you preach.