Here's a couple of reports.
1. My neighbor across the street pulled a 27 pounder out of Gorst creek a few days ago. I don't know how bright it was, but they kept it.
2. I have a friend who lives in Colvos passage and he reports the silvers are in, jumping, rolling and biting. He hooked 2 decent sized ones from his dock using bobbers and herring strips.
So, where should you fish this weekend? In your boat, I would say that the Slag pile and Browns Pt. in the Pt. Defiance area are a couple you could try. Over on the Gig Harbor side, Sunrise beach can be real good this time of year for silvers. Southworth might be a little slow right now, but you never know. You can hit the Allen Bank area and Dolphin while you're there. Try solo herring trolled at 3-4 mph in shallow, right up next to the beach in the Southworth and Gig Harbor areas.
In my boat, I'd try Jeff Head/Possesion, or better yet, I think I'd make the tow up to Port Angeles for hooknose coho. The reports are still quite good from up there. The usual herring and coyote options up there.
So depening on the weather/tides you could launch at Eglon from the beach or Kingston at the sling and fish Point No Point and/or Jeff Head/Possesion, or stay in the more protected waters of Southworth and Pt. Defiance if the wind kicks up.
Confused yet???