That's really tough to predict Brad; especially this week. The rains early last week finally brought the rivers up and murky and dropping into the greenish water you love to see by Wed. & Thur. Both days were hot double figure days driftboating the Trask, Wilson, and Kilchis rivers. By Friday it was getting clearer but still pretty good fishing. By Saturday the rivers were gin clear and the fishing slowed way down in the lower ends, with the fish gone upriver, and just fair up river. This is a common pattern there. We are forecast to get showers this week so the rivers should get back up to where you want them to be and more fresh fish in from T-Bay. Into November the fish move thru the bay much faster and are harder to catch than in Sept./Oct., so I suggest bringing your driftboat. If you can, put your trolling motor on it so you can run it down into the Trask tidewater section for re-stacking new fish if the rivers don't come up much (use the west end of Fifth Ave. launch site). If they do come up high enough, you can leave your motor stored at the Guide Shop (not in your truck) and drift any 3 of those rivers with good prospects. They can give you info on where to launch at the Guide Shop, or you can call them at (503)482-3474. Lots of huge Kings this fall! Good luck.