I lost a nice steelie yesterday because the guy up-stream of me was not working with the rythym. Everytime he reeled in his line he cast again without the slighest regard or concern for anyone! My float went down, I set the hook and the next thing I know his line drifts right over mine, wraps around, fish gone! the only take I had all morning too! His excuse? 'I was trying to get out of the way, sorry" That don't cut it bub!If your going to fish in with the crowd, at least take the time to learn the right way to do it, I usually take time to watch the guys already there and pick my spot so that I'm between guys who look like they know the code, but you never know when a clueless knothead will squeeze in next to you
One other thing, I do a lot of float fishing, but I really hate those guys up-river, who always let their floats or even drift gear carry a half a mile below their position
STOP IT! Fish your slot with a reasonable swing, but quit trying to pick off a fish in front of the 20 guys below you!
Do unto others as you would want done unto you, a simple but easy way to make sure that you won't be the kind of jerk everyone *****es about on this BB.
Or don't be to suprised when one of those twenty guy's finally cuts you line :p