Neoprene is usually put together two different ways. The seams are either glued, or sewn (or a combo of both).
As neoprene gets older, and used, it compresses. If the seams are sewn, the compression of the material will usually create small gaps in the seams. This will cause leaking.
If glued, well, I doubt any glue is meant to last 20 years. Again, I'd suspect the seams.
If you still truly are in love with those waders, I'd buy a big tub of AquaSeal and sea EVERY seam. Both inside and outside. That should re-seal the seams.
If you're still getting wet, I might suspect seaping. I've seen this in nylon and Gortex type materials, but never in neoprene. Although, that's because I don't use neoprene that much.
Also, you will sweat inside neoprene. It could be just body moisture. You'd know it, if it was seeping, leaking, as apposed to just sweat. You'd really get wet and cold if they were leaking/seaping.
Kore- that doesn't always work. Due to the suction created when wading, water is forced in to the wader. Without that suction, and depending on how big the hole is, water won't flow through the hole on it's own.
[ 12-10-2001: Message edited by: parker ]
T.K. Paker