Also sounds like a downstream fish or "spawner" to me. When they're brat downers, we like to call 'em pepperoni's 'cuz that's they tend to resemble.
Even though they may appear very bright at times, the meat quality is usually quite poor so keep that in mind before harvest ... usually better to let them go - always when a nate
- and hope that they might return again and you might just get them on the way back up.
Only a small percentage of these fish make it back up the river a second time and they are a very important part of the steelhead population.
Somethingt to keep in mind is that these fish are usually actively feeding on whatever they can grab when headed back down ... I've watched them chase gear being reeled in on the water's surface all the way back to the boat. These fish will swallow baits very easily, so it it is important to be careful with use of bait when they are present ... bait / divers are especially deadly with these as they often swallow the offering as it is being slid downstream with current flow as opposed to swinging across and line drawing tight immediately when you're drifting (make sure you set fast to help reduce mortality to these fish with any offering).