Okay, first of all I was heavily advised against posting this very embarrasing story but now that I look back on it, I think it is quite humerous. Besides, everyone already knows that I manage to do some pretty embarrasing things.
I guess I will doing anything for a little attention and I am sure the story that follows will provide me with plenty.
Eventhough I have a desk that is perfect for tying flies, I still plop my vice down on a pillow on my bed and sit there and tie. Also, my tying materials are in complete disarray. I have yet to discipline myself to put the marabou and hackles and even hooks back into their packaging. I have bins upon bins of loose hooks and tangled messes of tinsels, chenilles, thread and marabou.
Usually when I am done tying, I push all the crap back into the bins but in the process many of the materials just end up on my bed. I either throw them in a bin or throw 'em back on my tying pedestal.
Normally I atleast put the bins back in the little stacker thingamijig that I have but I have been tying many flies every night as of late, so I just threw the bins and crap on the floor and went to bed.
I woke up at about 5 in the morning last night and was just trying to get comfortable again. I was tossing and turning and on one spin to the other side, I felt a deep, penatrating, sharp and painful as Hell feeling in my left buttocks. I reached down to see if I could feel what is was and it was frickin' hook.
Everytime I moved the pain got worse and worse and worse. I tried to sit up to reach at it but the pain was unbearable. It had actually gone through my mattress pad, through my sheet, my boxers and finally into my ass.
I did what I could to get the pain to go away but it wouldn't and I could not, for the life of me, get a good grip on the hook without the pain reaching near screaming mode.
I looked around to see if I could find a pair of pliers to cut it at the shank but there were none around. I tried to reach for my lamp so I could atleast see what I was doing but even that was too much pain to bare.
I was almost at the point of yelling for
HELP, but I figured there was a much better way of solving the problem at hand. Last thing I wanted was my sister to walk in and see me stuck to my bed with a hook in my ass, in my underwear.
I hoped that the hook had not gone through the mattress so I began to peel away the mattress pad. Reaching to every corner of the bed involved large amounts of shearing pain but I had to do it. After about 5 minutes I had the mattress pad off and totally wrapped around me, as to prevent it from getting caught on anything which would inturn pull on the hook.
I managed to get up, turn on the light and back the hook out through the pad, the sheet, my underwear and my ass...with not alot of blood lost. What hook had been set into my ass??...a size 1 1/2 Alec Jackson Heavy Wire.
Oh well...hope ya all got a good laugh!!!