When the tide changes, go with the flow. I fish Redondo alot and no matter what day it is, there are always fish biting there. Just dont' try to troll the same areas you would for low or high tides. In a low tide, go out, high tide, come in. It's not always just the "spot" you troll.
I always see people hugging the shoreline no matter what the tide is, they are always in the same spot. I always thought most of them were there for a reason, but when i ask them howz the fishin, they say the tides aren't right and it's slow or too much sun. LOL.
On a low tide We fish the 200-300ft drop line straight out from the pier and headed south hugging the 200ft depth but only fishing 20-80ft deep for Silvers, 100-140ft for Kings. High tide we come in 100ft. In my experience of doing this, i have removed the phrase " The Bite " from my vocabulary, because there is no such thing in Salmon fishing.

Just a bunch of fatties moving with the tides.
If you do the math and say: 2 hours before and after tide change with a 1/2hour to 1hour of water shift in a 24hour period with 2 full cycles at 4-5hours a cycle of "Prime" fishing. Then you come out with 8-10 hours of prime fishing in a day. More than a third of the 24 hours is "prime" fishing. That's like a 1 in 3 shot, pretty good odds. But now you have 2/3 of the day undefined. What do the salmon do in this time? Play cards, pick on the dogfish, harass the crabs? No, they feed then they feed some more, then when there so bloated and they don't think they can take another bite, they feed a little more.
SO what am i saying in all of this? Hell i don't know. It took so long, i forgot. I think it was something like, there was this old wives tail about tides and salmon.......