O.k. K-Boy, I'm a bait and bobber fool, so I'll help you out here.
I use sliding "center hole" dink floats (Canadian tampons) exlusively because of their versatility and relatively cheap price.
Thread a dink float on your main line to the desired depth you wish to fish and then stick a toothpick in the top of the float (the toothpick prevents your float from sliding and helps you not lose your float if your main line breaks below the float).
Next attach a small 3-way swivel to your line. AT the bottom eyelet of your swivel tie on a 5" strand of 20# test. This short piece of line is your dropper for sliding on and crimping hollow core lead.
Then on the other open eye of the swivel tie on a 2.5 to 3-foot leader (8-12# test) to a size 1 or 1/0 Owner/Gamie hook. You can thread a piece of yarn or corkie/yarn combo to the hook before baiting up with a sandshrimp tail/eggs. If you do use a corkie stick a toothpick through the center of it, and then brake it off at the top of the corkie. This will help lift the shrimp tail up off of the bottom and keep your corkie near the hook at all times.
Cast out and let your offering slightly tap the rocks every 5-6 feet as you "free spool" through the drift.
I have found this setup to be the best at eliminating line twist and getting the offering down to the fish.
Good Luck!
Bobber Down
"It makes no sense to regulate salmon habitat on land while allowing thousands of yards of gill nets to be stretched across salmon habitat in the water"
John Carlson, Gubernatorial Contender, Sept. 2000 speech at the Ballard Locks