My cousin who works for the WDFW was talking to me today and he told me that the numbers of winter steelies that they had worked at the N. Fork hatchery by this time last year was way higher than this year. The water has been lower, yes, but not so low that fish should not be returning in higher numbers. It was a pretty good year on the North Fork last year and is just not panning out. It is probably too early to say that as swaths of fish enter the lewis as I write this
. . . I hope. The N. Fork is dam controlled so it is one of the only rivers in the state that is fishable.
There are however lots of summer run steelies still in the river still and the count at the hatchery is reaching 13,000 fish. Good summer run I must say. So anyway if you want to go wet a line, are getting cabin fever, and dont mind down sizing your presentations, those summer steelies can be fun and multiple hookups are not to difficult. Just be sure to release those fish so they can do what they do, spawn. If you want to keep fish wait for the chromers, the main core has to be on its way soon.
I would also like to address some of things I have seen for years not just on the N. Fork but everywhere. I have been seeing lots of snaggers still harassing the spawning salmon and steelhead. Some snaggers are stripping the fish of their eggs which makes no real sense. They take the eggs and discard the carcasses on the bank. The eggs are all too developed to cure for future fishing anyhow. Also some people keep the fish which are pretty much worthless for the dinner table or for the smoker. Then some just snag to catch and release for the hell of it while unhooking fish and kicking them back into to water. I am sure all of you have seen it as well at one time or another. Anyhow dont be afraid to say something to those who dont follow the regulations. Do every little bit you can to help the fisheries of the Northwest. Also If everyone would pick up one, two or three pieces of garbage along the river banks every time they went out, the rivers would be much more beautiful. Its too bad that some people think that the garbage will just magically dissappear or wash downstream and out of sight. Well to those wish backlashes forever and may no fish ever again bite your hooks.