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#170634 - 07/04/05 09:06 AM Bin Laden is DEAD, Update 1/21
VHawk. Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 08/26/04
Posts: 2744
My very own conspiracy theory. Figured 5am was as good a time as any to share it on the web.

I'll start with the theory itself:

OBL was killed during the battle of Tora Bora in Dec of 2001. I'll give a date 12/16/2001.

Now the motives for keeping it secret:

1. GW benefits from the public believing the bogeyman is still out there. If bad folk is still alive then public gives him free reign to 'protect us'.

2. Al Queda benefits by having a leader who has challenged the Great Satan and walked away alive.

Facts supporting conclusion that OBL is Dead.

1. No credible video since end of Nov 2001. Any video that has surfaced either are obvious imposters, or not so obvious. Either way, video has been scarce since Dec 2001. Google up OBL video and you'll find some great webpages doing comparisons between known OBL pics and the latest videos. Even if the last one was a good fake, some of the authenticated tapes are completely obviously NOT OBL. Why would they pass them off as being real?

OBL video link

2. Audio tapes have been authenticated by "US intelligence officals", but never by anyone willing to give thier name for the record. Google it up. Its always "officials". Someday the truth will come out and Rummy, Dummy, and Cheney will all be able to say "Well I never said he was alive". One of those "authenticated" audio tapes was independently studied by an independant Swiss reserch group, they gave a statement they were 100% sure it was NOT OBL. And never a counterstatement from the White House. Case dropped.

link swiss researcher group

3. Rummy was specifically asked 2 years ago at a news conference "Is OBL dead or alive?" His answer was a wise ass "Yes". He refused to give anything more then that.

4. Since Dec 2001 Bush has mysteriously lost personal interest in finding OBL.

5. Bush keeps a list of the most wanted terrorists in the top drawer of his desk in the Oval office. He mentioned the list during a 20/20 interview. He said he couldn't show who on it was captured or dead, but did say he marked them off his list as they were 'taken care of'. Now I remember them bragging about every high level capture or kill they have made except for 2, OBL and that Jackas Taliban Mullah Omar.

6. Shortly after Tora Bora a report on NPR was done on how the military has tissue samples from several of OBL's family. Those samples were being kept at the base on the East Coast where they process military remains. Evidently samples from Tora Bora were going to be analyzed against those tissue samples from OBL's family. Why the hell would they be doing that? Never any follow up reports. Believe me I looked, this is the story that got me thinking.

7. Several reports have gone out from different sources over 'power struggles' within Al Queda. Why would thier be a power struggle if OBL was alive?

8. (this is the only non-public/non-verifiable info I am going to give) Early summer I get an email from someone I'd been exchanging correspondence with for a couple years. He is involved with operations in Afghanistan. Thats all you get I dont need him buried in some hole in Turkey. He tells me that morale among troops in afghanistan is falling. They have killed anybody important, and the little guys are dead or humping goats in Pakistan. They get sent around the countryside on pointless missions since December. 90% of the 'company' guys are gone too. Why the sudden change in only 3-4 months?

9. Tora Bora was not some huge screw up. Multiple reports were made that hundreds of American special forces troops had surrounded the area known to be the last hidout of OBL. B 52's were turning the hills into parking lots. He farted and Spec Ops were analyzing what he had for lunch.

Tora Bora

I can get other links as requested. The truth is out there.


#170637 - 07/05/05 07:31 AM Re: Bin Laden is DEAD, Update 1/21
sinker Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 03/12/01
Posts: 434
Loc: Puyallup, WA
as far as "US intelligence officals", do you think they'd give their name to the media?? It's actually probably some geek working in the depths of a concrete office that no one has ever heard of before.

To you and I he may not seem credible but what do we really know about this stuff??

6. Shortly after Tora Bora a report on NPR was done on how the military has tissue samples from several of OBL's family. Those samples were being kept at the base on the East Coast where they process military remains. Evidently samples from Tora Bora were going to be analyzed against those tissue samples from OBL's family. Why the hell would they be doing that? Never any follow up reports. Believe me I looked, this is the story that got me thinking.

Maybe because after those B-52's and B-2's get done there's no possible way to tell what the remains are?? Heck they find a body here in the states and have no clue who it is most of the time.

#170638 - 07/05/05 11:17 AM Re: Bin Laden is DEAD, Update 1/21
Theking Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/10/03
Posts: 4756
Loc: The right side of the line
I have maintained OBl has been dead since TB as well.
Liberalism is a mental illness!

#170639 - 07/05/05 07:40 PM Re: Bin Laden is DEAD, Update 1/21
VHawk. Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 08/26/04
Posts: 2744
Just imagine where Dubya's polling numbers would be if the public knew 3 years ago OBL was dead. He'd be at 70% unfavorable rating. All he would have are the home schooling Southern Baptists.

#170640 - 07/05/05 07:57 PM Re: Bin Laden is DEAD, Update 1/21
Theking Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/10/03
Posts: 4756
Loc: The right side of the line
I think it is less about what happens here vs turning him into a martyr over there.
Liberalism is a mental illness!

#170641 - 07/07/05 09:29 PM Re: Bin Laden is DEAD, Update 1/21
VHawk. Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 08/26/04
Posts: 2744
I think it is very important for Dubya that people think OBL is alive. Does anybody really believe Iraq would have been possible with Osama dead? The publics attention would have quickly drifted off to something else.

#170642 - 07/08/05 01:16 AM Re: Bin Laden is DEAD, Update 1/21
nzzlcrzy Offline

Registered: 10/18/04
Posts: 59
Loc: Sumner
Hey VH
Why do you waste what is obviously a great deal of inteligence and political insight cooking these things up? It seems like all the lefties on this board are so busy drumming up reasons to hate the current administration and its foreign policy that they have lost sight of the fact that even if it was wrong from the outset we are up to our noses in it now. Do you think we could fust end our involvement today without serious international backlash?
And yes, Iraq would have been possible if OBL were dead since they made the case for war there with the misconception that there were WMDs around. The propaganda would have been something like "well we got one, lets go get another!"
The point is that no matter what anybody thinks or believes WHOEVER is in office is going to drive our contry in what ever direction he or she wants. Now mind you I'm about as conservative as they come but I'm not so close minded to admit that ALL administrations from Washington to Bush #2 have cooked up info and distorted truths in order to sell their policies.
OBL is still alive because to conceal that sort of thing would be suicide for Bush and his money even after he's out of office. We all know these conspiracies, if true, have a way of being blown wide open.
Just my thoughts

#170643 - 07/08/05 12:12 PM Re: Bin Laden is DEAD, Update 1/21
Chives Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 06/23/05
Posts: 156
I cannot believe that with all the gear and gadjits and satelittes and spies and troops that we cannot find any human being on the face of the earth if we really wanted to. There for I think we do not want to find Osama (Dumbya himself said "I dont give him much thought). Afterall if we were serious about hunting down Al Q, the money and troops set aside to do that by Congress would not have been needlessly diverted into Iraq.

I beleive he is alive and working with the Bush administration, towards some diabolical end a plebian like myself is too out of the loop to phathom.

#170644 - 07/08/05 12:17 PM Re: Bin Laden is DEAD, Update 1/21
theMillionaire Offline

Registered: 06/27/05
Posts: 39
Loc: Bellevue
Bonjour everyone!
Chives vous et correct monsieur! Mr. Bin Laden is alive and well. He and Monsiuer Boosh often dine at my mansion in the west Hollywood Hills.
After a magnificient feast we smoke CIA grown killer bud from our solid gold bongs and discuss how to ream the american public for every sheckle we can. We usually finish with dessert ( a nice gill-net caught native steelehead pie!), smoke a few cuban cigars and laugh hard about the dead american troops and their families. Mr Bin Laden is quite the humorist I can assure you....mon Deiu! how we laughed and laughed!
...Vive La France!!!

#170645 - 07/08/05 01:33 PM Re: Bin Laden is DEAD, Update 1/21
Theking Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/10/03
Posts: 4756
Loc: The right side of the line
Chives I thought Vhwaks logic was about as convoluted and paranoid as one could get/ They have medication have you tried it?
Liberalism is a mental illness!

#170646 - 07/08/05 01:52 PM Re: Bin Laden is DEAD, Update 1/21
Chives Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 06/23/05
Posts: 156
well Kingy, the last sentence was bait and a half joke (who knows for real? not you thats for sure!)

But from the first paragraph can you point to specifically what is convoluted or paranoid?

Do we not have incredible satellite tech, a massive spy network, etc etc. Has there ever been a case where we could not locate someone we were seeking to find?

When Bush said he doesnt give Osamam much thought, does that sound like someone who really wants to capture him? Does diverting funds and troops set aside by congress to find osama to Iraq sound like he really wants to find them?

Do you have such little faith in our capabilities that you actually beleive it possible for him to remain hidden from us? Well i support our troops smile and have confidence in them, and am not gonna sit here and listen to you bad mouth the united states of america by claiming we are so inept we cannot find Osama. Dont hate our freedom King. Support our troops and beleive that had we really been looking they wulda found him dead or alive by now.
How can you hate our soldiers so much? thumbs

#170648 - 07/08/05 02:03 PM Re: Bin Laden is DEAD, Update 1/21
Chives Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 06/23/05
Posts: 156
last thing I want is guberment weed. They'll charge me 50$ a pack, put filters on my joints, and add a healthy dose of arsenic to em to boot. Then tax me for the priveledge of purchasing their enhanced deathsticks.

Best way to screw something up completely? Let the government handle it.

I kid around alot, but even the biggest Bush mark should have the sense to admit something dont look and smell right here.

Then again, if you can beleive Iraq is about wmd, no wait freedom!, no wait 9/11! ...if you think if it werent for bush we'd all be speaking Saddamese by now...well then you can probably beleive everything Dumbya and the christian right tells ya. have fun with that, but dont complain when he ****s in your salmon beds, polutes your forests , or sends your son off to get his dick blown off in some godforsaken desert because halliburton stock needs to rise a few points.

I wish i could buy it all hook line and dink float, life sure would be easier as one of the cattle. but unfortunately i have eyes and a brain.

#170649 - 07/08/05 02:08 PM Re: Bin Laden is DEAD, Update 1/21
Theking Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/10/03
Posts: 4756
Loc: The right side of the line

I think with our technology he has been worm food since Tora Bora. I jump off where the conspiracy theories start. Binny serves us fine with the Muslim world thinking he is dead. I doubt it really makes that much difference here.
If anyone thinks that this alll started and ended with Bin laden they have a lot of homework to do. Bin Laden is an errand boy, sent by grocery clerks
to collect a bill.
Liberalism is a mental illness!

#170650 - 07/08/05 02:57 PM Re: Bin Laden is DEAD, Update 1/21
Chives Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 06/23/05
Posts: 156
I think with our technology he has been worm food since Tora Bora. I jump off where the conspiracy theories start.
Hate to break the news but that right there would be a conspiracy would it not? If bin laden is dead, and bush is keeping that info from us, is that not a conspiracy???? So you think the president is actually lying to the american public? for what purpose? I would think that a dead Bin Laden would be a feather in Bushies cap. I dont buy that he needs to be alive to grease the wheels of the iraqi invasion because he wasnt even given as the reason back then. It was all about those elusive wmds if you recall, no mention of Osama. Not only that the american public would go along with whatver he wanted anyway because thats just how dumb we are.

Osama an errand boy?hehe...for whom? What message is this errand boy bringing and for what purpose and who would send HIM as messenger? (This would be another conspiracy theory imy book, you seem to be implying Osama is acting on behalf of other unkown that not a conspiracy?)

Breifly as i can:
Osamam fought i afghanistan w/ the Mujihadeem backed by the USA against the russians. They won...hurray! Osama has pride and confidence in his army of rebels... oh joy!

fast forward a couple years, and Iraq invades Kuwait. Oh no cry the Saudis to america, please help us we cannot have Iraq on our border!!! Dont worry says Osama, my mujihadeem will fend them off! The saudi royal family takes one look at Osamas rag tag army, chuckles slightly and then calls to the US again to intervene (which we do quite gladly)
Osamam is pissed! Pissed at the Saudi Royal Family, pissed at the US. He becomes further enraged when after the conflict, US bases remain on Muslim holy ground. (is it completely wacko to blame us the USA? no doubt, dude your country invited us i there to protect you!)

And there you have it. Errand boy? hardly. INsane fanatic, most definetly.

Hope that helps some, its an abbreviated hstory of the conflict and Osamas rationale as best as it can be described , but I think fairly accurate.

#170651 - 07/08/05 03:39 PM Re: Bin Laden is DEAD, Update 1/21
Theking Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/10/03
Posts: 4756
Loc: The right side of the line

This whole thing started 50 years ago and has a bigger purpose than anyone person. Names like Arafat and Bin Laden are just more notable than others. Binny is an errand by for Muhamed and mainstream Islam.
Liberalism is a mental illness!

#170652 - 07/08/05 05:15 PM Re: Bin Laden is DEAD, Update 1/21
Chives Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 06/23/05
Posts: 156
Oh I see.
So muslims are bent upon global islamic that it?

I'd like to say thats ludicrous, but in fact I cannot blame you for thinking that way because that is what these peope ARE saying. Kill the infidels, spread Islam throughout the land.

It would be nice if Islamic leaders stood up and denounced terror and these kind of statements of global domination but they do not. Perhaps they fear being veiwed as toadies of the west if they do so. Unfortunately for them if they do not distance themselves from these fanatics and get some control over them , the west will be forced to do it ourselves and that will not be very pretty or comfortable for them.

Now, 50 years ago we installed Israel.
The root of the problem in that region, undeniably. Hard to carve a homeland out of territory of people that hate you most and expect them not to get a tad miffed. What is to be done about that now? Should we relocate Israel to Miami Beach?

Osama hmself has given his reasons for the attack, and it is not to spread Islam, not because of US support for Israel. He said he did it because of infidel presence on muslim holy lands (he is referring here to the saudi bases left over from Gulftrot 1). So yes israel and yes islamic global domination , but more than anything else the guy just seems to be a loose screw whose ego was bruised because his mighty army of rebels, the army that repelled the largest super power on the planet (I saw Rambo wasnt easy! wink ), was scoffed at by his own countrys leaders.

I say he's alive and well, kickin it on Dumbyas ranch with the Prez, as they drink the blood of newborn infants out of Kennedys skull.

#170653 - 07/08/05 05:27 PM Re: Bin Laden is DEAD, Update 1/21
Theking Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/10/03
Posts: 4756
Loc: The right side of the line

So muslims are bent upon global islamic that it?

No they just want Islamic law to rule their former empire.

It really started with Abraham in IraQ having two sons Issac and Ishmael and gods promise to his heir.

As far as the modern issue it ultimately relates back to the confilct over Issac and Ishmael but as far as Bin Laden is concerned it started before Isreal in Saudi Arabia. Pres Truman broke a promise to King Saud not to vote for Isreal and this angered the Islamic clerics in SA. Bin Laden was educated by these clerics as where others. They went on to educate others and it has been spreading ever since.
Liberalism is a mental illness!

#170654 - 07/08/05 05:29 PM Re: Bin Laden is DEAD, Update 1/21
Chives Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 06/23/05
Posts: 156 Kingy. didnt know all that Ismael and Issacc stuff. Gonna have to look into that.

#170655 - 07/08/05 05:56 PM Re: Bin Laden is DEAD, Update 1/21
Chives Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 06/23/05
Posts: 156
After some brief research i gotta say....

Oh man, that Issac and Ishmael schtick is some whacky goofball stuff. If they're realy pissed about something like that, we should just get it over with and nuke em now, save us the 'tweener years of dealing with lunatics.

#170656 - 07/11/05 10:27 PM Re: Bin Laden is DEAD, Update 1/21
jeremy bennett Offline
Eyed Egg

Registered: 05/24/05
Posts: 6
Loc: idaho
I have just lurked around for quit a while. Hate to make this my first post. I hope that you are just poking fun if not you should be ashamed of your self. If you are going to make alligations about any one make DAMN sure you have facts to back it up or you are just what you are standing in! The facts that you stated are about as good as Michael moores facts. Give it up man guys like you will never make a difference because no one in there right mind is going to by into it!

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