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#170657 - 07/11/05 11:50 PM Re: Bin Laden is DEAD, Update 1/21
goharley Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 3188
Loc: U.S. Army
Well, since you're new here and obviously don't know how to play our little game (although it seems you've read up on the Cheney School of Debate), here's what you need to do: if you don't think the above posted has any merit or is not fact based, then please by all means post your facts to refute it. Otherwise you're just what you're standing in (whatever that means). And please make your arguments better than bush and Cheney; no one's buying those anymore. wink
Tent makers for Christie, 2016.

#170658 - 07/12/05 01:44 AM Re: Bin Laden is DEAD, Update 1/21
nzzlcrzy Offline

Registered: 10/18/04
Posts: 59
Loc: Sumner
Careful Jeremy --- Bunch of lefties in here. Problem is most of em can string together a complete thought. Fun to watch the debates though. Step in at the wrong time and nobody can be resposible for the flaming you're likely to get in return.

VH did start a fire and run though --- where ya at?

#170659 - 07/12/05 09:59 AM Re: Bin Laden is DEAD, Update 1/21
VHawk. Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 08/26/04
Posts: 2744
I've been fishing with ........"TheMillionare".

Nah, just following the fishing side. I didn't think anybody would find much interest in my theory. So I guess I should respond to some questions that were thrown my way.

My theory has nothing to do with whether we should be in Iraq or not. It is about being LIED to by the POTUS. And why couldn't they keep this a secret? They've kept it secret who Cheny met in the White House for our national energy policy. Why couldn't they keep secret what happens in a cave 10,000 miles away?


What part of my logic seemed convoluted to you? I laid out a series of facts and observations. They pretty much tied themselves together to a solid conclusion.


OReilly hasn't done you any favors. I'd suggest more NPR and less FOX NEWS.

#170661 - 07/12/05 10:54 AM Re: Bin Laden is DEAD, Update 1/21
Theking Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/10/03
Posts: 4756
Loc: The right side of the line

It's just another grand conspiracy theory from the left to paint Bush in a poor light. One can go out on the web and find support for any such endeavor. The truth lies in the fact that over the many many years people have been dreaming up these convoluted theories very few if any pass the test of time. Did you here the one about OBL and GW being gay lovers?
Liberalism is a mental illness!

#170663 - 07/12/05 02:29 PM Re: Bin Laden is DEAD, Update 1/21
Chives Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 06/23/05
Posts: 156
The truth lies in the fact that over the many many years people have been dreaming up these convoluted theories very few if any pass the test of time.
lets recap the past twenty five years or so:

Kennedy-pretty SURE Oswald didnt act alone . Most likely snuffed out by (Rep controlled)CIA. Anyone believe Oswald acted alone? Just a lone gunman a cooky commie? haha.

NIxon (Rep.)-Well we KNOW he tried to cover up the bugging of the dem national headquarters.

Reagan (Rep)-we are pretty SURE arms were traded for drugs to help finance the contras. Anyone care to defend that lil "conspiracy" theory?

Bush 2 (Rep.)-we KNOW there were no wmds.
and we are pretty SURE about the other lies. Time will bear out what lies arent covered up sufficiently, or maybe a senile old Bush 2 will take the stand and say like reagan did "Mommy? I cant remember."

I think the biggest Dem conspiracy you can point to is a blowjob from a chubby intern.
Coincidence all these totally evil plots are Rep generated? or maybe we liberals just like to pick in the poor ole honest and forthright GOP?

PS no one has to paint Bush in a bad light. Just examine his performance in ANY area of his presidency. Hell , just listen to him for two minutes. He paints himself up just fine in the idiots cloth.

#170664 - 07/12/05 05:23 PM Re: Bin Laden is DEAD, Update 1/21
Theking Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/10/03
Posts: 4756
Loc: The right side of the line
Chives see even in your own example you are 50% wrong.

No proof just conspiracy on the Kennedy case. If it where true the only longer coverup has been Roswell wink

Reagan never ws a conspiracy theory and from day one their was direct evidence.

Nixons tent folded in short order and all the facts where know an proven in th epublic arena.

WMD, What the left consistantly leaves out is there where 10 reasons to go to war each one of them valid . Secondly indepandant review in both England and the US have concluded it was bad info and not an attempt to Lie, cheat or steal. Even your boy Billy Clinton said there was WMD in Iraq well into the invaison. He even said the Iraq war would last less than 2 weeks. Hate the guy all you want but at least get the facts straight.
Liberalism is a mental illness!

#170666 - 07/12/05 05:31 PM Re: Bin Laden is DEAD, Update 1/21
Theking Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/10/03
Posts: 4756
Loc: The right side of the line
Nov. 2004 video of Bin ladens prior to the election. Verrified by almost every nation as being Bin Laden on the tape.
Liberalism is a mental illness!

#170668 - 07/12/05 05:44 PM Re: Bin Laden is DEAD, Update 1/21
Theking Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/10/03
Posts: 4756
Loc: The right side of the line
Sure they can so much so that it will stand up in court as evidence. You need to look into voice print and related video technology. Almost as good a DNA technology.
Liberalism is a mental illness!

#170670 - 07/12/05 05:59 PM Re: Bin Laden is DEAD, Update 1/21
Theking Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/10/03
Posts: 4756
Loc: The right side of the line
You been watching too many movies laugh
Liberalism is a mental illness!

#170672 - 07/12/05 06:04 PM Re: Bin Laden is DEAD, Update 1/21
Theking Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/10/03
Posts: 4756
Loc: The right side of the line
I only need to refute one point to refute all of them. There is an accepted video showing that he is alive. So any and all of his points are moot. Except that it would make a great Tom clancy book.
Liberalism is a mental illness!

#170673 - 07/12/05 06:34 PM Re: Bin Laden is DEAD, Update 1/21
VHawk. Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 08/26/04
Posts: 2744

First of all which "accepted" video are you referring to? And I challenge you to give me the name of the individual/s who will accept responsibility for authenticating it. 'intelligence officials' doesnt count either. Did you follow any of the links I gave? Did you get a chance to look at some stills from previously "authenticated" video? Is that the best our Intel can do for us?

Is the notion that Generallismo Busho is telling you lies to much for you to handle?

My theory does not rest on any single one of my points. It is not a web based conspiracy. Its a VHawk based conspiracy. Suspicions which hardened over time and with repeated news stories which didn't quite fit together. It would NOT be that hard to keep quiet. I sat in a ravine near Dodger Stadium back in May of 1992 for three days, with 1,600 other Army National Guard troops. The media was reporting that all the Guardsmen called up for the LA Riots had been sent home. The people in charge were worried that the riots would start up again as soon as we were gone, so they 'hid' us out in some ravine. They 'hid' 1,600 soldiers in uniform in Los Angeles. Nobody reported we were there. No reporters, and no media copter's ever bothered us. If those idiots can hide a battalion of troops in LA, they can make a body in a cave 10,000 miles away disappear.

If there was one single story reported in the mass media that completely convinced me it was the one regarding the Swiss research institute which tried to verify a audio tape that "unnamed US intelligence officials" were 100% sure was OBL. They came to the exact opposite conclusion.
Why don't you do your own Google research on that story? I'll provide this link again, but you can find numerous sources from credible news organizations. Swiss research group

Actually while searching for links to post on the board I found the follow up to that story which makes it even better. The Swiss were asked to verify another tape and they refused. The WH had no comment of course.

#170674 - 07/12/05 06:47 PM Re: Bin Laden is DEAD, Update 1/21
Theking Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/10/03
Posts: 4756
Loc: The right side of the line

"My theory does not rest on any single one of my points."

Sure it does. Bin Laden has to be dead for anyone of your points to have merit.

"individual/s who will accept responsibility for authenticating it. 'intelligence officials' doesnt count either"

Well since you want to exclude the very groups in each country that has the most expirience at it will you take the old man down the streets word for it?

How about I use the fact that some parasite like Michale Moore did not make a movie about it as proof. Certainly he or Stuart Smallie would have jumped that boat ? Nope none of the main stream conspiracy big wigs will touch it but some nurse from Olympia has it nailed. I bet the CIA is holding you back from taking this Holywood?
Liberalism is a mental illness!

#170676 - 07/12/05 06:55 PM Re: Bin Laden is DEAD, Update 1/21
Theking Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/10/03
Posts: 4756
Loc: The right side of the line
Seriously, Try and sell it. Better yet hock everything you own and make a movie. It's how spike lee and MM got started. Take it to the American people don't keep it a secret any longer. I bet all you get out of it is free room and board at a fine establishment on a big lake in Whatcom co?
Liberalism is a mental illness!

#170677 - 07/12/05 07:03 PM Re: Bin Laden is DEAD, Update 1/21
VHawk. Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 08/26/04
Posts: 2744
Check my last post I made some edits.

And as for the mockery...I could care less. They mocked the hell out of the guy who said peptic ulcers were caused by bacteria. Now they pay the guy good money to speak.

All I did was go through the 'checkables'. Info that was available through public sources.

TK, don't confuse a conclusion with its premise. I've taken college logic. Your having some trouble with telling the two apart. Don't assume I only took classes for my bach nursing degree either, because I spent too much money taking extra classes for personal interest.

When you say "nurse from Olympia", you better say it with some respect. Else I'll have AuntyM thumbwrestle you into submission.

#170678 - 07/12/05 07:04 PM Re: Bin Laden is DEAD, Update 1/21
goharley Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 3188
Loc: U.S. Army
Originally posted by Elvis:
I have maintained OBl has been dead since TB as well.
eek Wow, he's so desparate he's now argueing with himself. Attagirl.

Tent makers for Christie, 2016.

#170679 - 07/12/05 07:12 PM Re: Bin Laden is DEAD, Update 1/21
VHawk. Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 08/26/04
Posts: 2744
I want a PERSON to attach thier name to the claim that it is OBL on the audio or video tape. Such as Dick, George, Karl, Donny, or whoever it is that is now the CIA Director. I want a quote that says "I am the Director of X, we have verified this tape to be OBL". All you can find are unnamed sources. No actual spokesperson makes the claim.

So unnamed US intelligence officials are reporting that 'TheKing', makes a living selling carp tacos out behind the Salvation Army. Wow you can't refute that. It comes from an unnamed US intelligence official. Gee, those same officials also tell me that you don't even bother trying to fairhook those goldfish when you catch them. Dang your a bad man.
Unnamed sources are just as dangerous as relying on anonymous sources. In fact thats what they are, anonymous. How do you challenge a source that won't reveal itself?

#170680 - 07/12/05 07:17 PM Re: Bin Laden is DEAD, Update 1/21
VHawk. Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 08/26/04
Posts: 2744
And of course this all from the same WH that made the claim "Its completely ridiculous to think Mr Rove had anything to do with revealing the name of a CIA operative."

#170681 - 07/12/05 07:31 PM Re: Bin Laden is DEAD, Update 1/21
Theking Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/10/03
Posts: 4756
Loc: The right side of the line

That quote may very well be out there or it may not be. But the absence of it does not prove anything. It is your standard and your standard alone. A liberal biased profit motivated press would have been all over this a long time ago where there any merit. If you want to claim the same outcome as the guy who said ulcers where caused by bacteria lets see the same methodology and burden of proof he was required to use to prove his claim.
Liberalism is a mental illness!

#170683 - 07/12/05 07:38 PM Re: Bin Laden is DEAD, Update 1/21
VHawk. Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 08/26/04
Posts: 2744
Which of my premises do you find fault with?
Pick one. Is it the one where I make the observation that GW is not interested in OBL personally?
Maybe you've found fault with the reported 'power struggles' within Al Qaeda?
Give me something concrete. The majority of what I gave to support my conclusion were FACTS, things that actually happened and were widely reported. I can't provide proof if you don't tell me what it is you find fault with.

#170684 - 07/12/05 07:45 PM Re: Bin Laden is DEAD, Update 1/21
VHawk. Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 08/26/04
Posts: 2744
The news media, left or right, does not have complete control over which stories develop legs. Otherwise Libby Montana would have been GW's downfall. Yea I bet nobody knows what the hell I am talking about. Its the real reason Christy Todd Whitman resigned in the middle of her term.

I'll give you all a clue. Its related to the air around the fallen Towers.

Have fun. I have a poker tourney in Shelton to win.

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