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#172569 - 02/02/06 04:35 PM Re: A
BW Offline

Registered: 04/04/00
Posts: 749
Everyone's superman behind the keyboard

#172570 - 02/02/06 04:41 PM Re: A
Theking Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/10/03
Posts: 4756
Loc: The right side of the line

"for my "wealthy" brother. "

You did not impy this he did.

"Now you ****ing genius show the world PROOF that I was soliciting funds "

How is this? It does not matter if you think it does or does not constitute solicitng. There is a rule the courts use called the common man test. What would the common man think? There are a few lawyers on this board ask them what they think a court would find.

"I have spoken with Josh's Grandmother and got the account information and created a Paypal account linked to the bank account.

It sounds like many of you are familiar with Paypal, I am not.

My understanding is you can use the email address I setup the account with to make donations. If you go to the paypal website there is a make payments tab where you enter that email address. If someone knows an easier way please share, this is my first time working with Paypal."

Again I never said you did anything underhanded or intentionally decietful I said I could draw that conclusion if you wanted to continue with the liarking line and justify it as you have.

We can continue this here or we could forward it to the states attorney generals office for clarification if you would like. Are you interested in more name calling or what the professionals think. Your call.

You may call it attacking your family the state calls it due dilligence which you are legally bound to provide.
Liberalism is a mental illness!

#172571 - 02/02/06 04:43 PM Re: A
Hoh Humm Offline

Registered: 04/29/05
Posts: 487
Loc: Forks
I am glad you said that Wailuku. flog
I was on the oars.

#172572 - 02/02/06 04:47 PM Re: A
Wailuku Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 05/02/04
Posts: 384
Loc: Portland
"Again I never said you did anything underhanded or intentionally decietful"

"if I was a shill like you trying to get people on the internet to send my retired wealthy bother money I would be concerned."

What was that TheLiarKing? Do you need me to post the definition of a shill? Are you ever going to stop the lies? Perhaps you will just continue with the slander!?

If you think I have done something underhanded or have something to hide then knock yourself out.

#172573 - 02/02/06 04:47 PM Re: A
papaslap Offline

Registered: 07/02/03
Posts: 622
Loc: Olympia
"get over it"
"Hunting is the only sport that I know of, in which one of the participants doesn't know that he is in the game." John Madden

#172574 - 02/02/06 04:55 PM Re: A
BW Offline

Registered: 04/04/00
Posts: 749
I would have thought that someone as well read as KT would know that it's "Attorneys General".

Oh well.........
Everyone's superman behind the keyboard

#172575 - 02/02/06 05:36 PM Re: A
Theking Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/10/03
Posts: 4756
Loc: The right side of the line
"Do I beleive that was your intent? " Is pretty much a clarification of my thoughts there Wacky.

I cannot believe you are so hard up for an internet BB win that you would risk legal action by possibly 3 states. I am not as pathetic as you I would never file a complaint. But I would be careful because anyone can that reads this.


Go to this site and read the title come back and tell us what it said.

It might say something like this. "Welcome to the Washington State Attorney General's web site. "

I deal with them for work about once a week.
Liberalism is a mental illness!

#172576 - 02/02/06 05:43 PM Re: A
BW Offline

Registered: 04/04/00
Posts: 749
Everyone's superman behind the keyboard

#172577 - 02/02/06 05:52 PM Re: A
fishpolelease Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 10/19/05
Posts: 404
Loc: port ludlow
This thread has just gotten way too ugly and out of hand, yes even for you tk

Here you go tk, find the rules which have been broken and let me know what he did wrong, anxiously awaiting.

I think it would be more plausible to find fault with your favorite political action committee.
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here, this is the War Room!"
President Merkin Muffley

#172580 - 02/02/06 06:53 PM Re: A
Theking Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/10/03
Posts: 4756
Loc: The right side of the line
Grow up AM.
Liberalism is a mental illness!

#172581 - 02/02/06 06:55 PM Re: A
Wailuku Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 05/02/04
Posts: 384
Loc: Portland
"I am not as pathetic as you"

You are the only person on this board that I know of that talks about "winning" on a BB. I do not try to win on any thread, I merely express my opinions and every now and then a fact or two. I have ruffled feathers no doubt but I personally do not look at doing that as a victory.

In short, your statement I quoted above may be true, who is to say? The only thing we can say about it is, it is your OPINION. In saying that I also think it is safe to say everyone else on this board has their own opinion...

#172582 - 02/02/06 07:00 PM Re: A
Theking Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/10/03
Posts: 4756
Loc: The right side of the line

You say it out of hand but you want it to go further make up your mind. I will just touch the tip of what you ask for.

RCW 19.09.100
Conditions applicable to solicitations.

The following conditions apply to solicitations as defined by RCW 19.09.020:

(1) A charitable organization, whether or not required to register pursuant to this chapter, that directly solicits contributions from the public in this state shall make the following clear and conspicuous disclosures at the point of solicitation:

(a) The name of the individual making the solicitation;

(b) The identity of the charitable organization and the city of the principal place of business of the charitable organization;

(c) If requested by the solicitee, the published number in the office of the secretary for the donor to obtain additional financial disclosure information on file with the secretary.
Liberalism is a mental illness!

#172583 - 02/02/06 07:01 PM Re: A
Theking Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/10/03
Posts: 4756
Loc: The right side of the line

Liberalism is a mental illness!

#172584 - 02/02/06 07:29 PM Re: A
fishpolelease Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 10/19/05
Posts: 404
Loc: port ludlow
I read the original post awhile back, I know who was soliciting, I know the whereabouts of where they are, or are operating from and (c) is only if I request the information, then they must provide it. So I think you missed the mark there, no foul by H20 or Wailuku, go back and try again.
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here, this is the War Room!"
President Merkin Muffley

#172585 - 02/02/06 07:39 PM Re: A
Theking Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/10/03
Posts: 4756
Loc: The right side of the line

It does not matter what you think you know it has to meet a legal standard. It has to be spelled out completely with full names and addresses aand contact info of any one with access to the funds or involved and in plain view. Which is good info for anyone that attempts to do this. I have done several at my church and we are currently doing one now for our youth group. It all goes through the lawyers and bonds are placed on anyone with access to the funds. You owe it to contributors to have full disclosure.
Liberalism is a mental illness!

#172586 - 02/02/06 07:55 PM Re: A
Wailuku Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 05/02/04
Posts: 384
Loc: Portland

#172588 - 02/02/06 10:24 PM Re: A
fishpolelease Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 10/19/05
Posts: 404
Loc: port ludlow
So, did you go somewhere and see a donation box that did not have this info on it??? I'm guessing that's a no as you seem to not get out much at all. Or, maybe, you have little or no info as to how this charity is set up and operating and therefore have no clue what you are talking about. Or possibly, you're jeaous because you realize that you are a charity case in need of a soul.

I never saw any solicitation. How do I remember it happening? I recall reading the article of Josh fishing, then wailuku asking for our prayers, then a large flood of posts of the good people here asking how they could contribute. If anything Wailuku was goaded to set up a charity to appease the good will of people at PP.

TK, I fear for your
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here, this is the War Room!"
President Merkin Muffley

#172589 - 02/03/06 04:34 AM Re: A
Aix sponsa Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 01/13/03
Posts: 405
Loc: Port Orchard
Originally posted by BW:

Aix, you have proven my point. Every comment I made was civil and open for discussion. But instead you and Papaslap demonstarted the limits of your abilities to look at things from a different perspective.

As I said for the most part the liberals I know will at least enter into a conversation and at least try and keep it civil. Aix could not even get 5 words out before getting insulting.
Well you may see it that way but again your wrong
I tried to get the Libs on this bb to have a discussion and they My friend are the ones to start the Name calling I did not call you any thing, I stated that your remark was full of it. I f you feel that is a lie then just say so and I can prove it for you.

Originally posted by BW:

By the way Aix, my wife and I have booked a trip to Namibia (thats in Africa) for july of 2007 beathead
Well sorry to here that. But it would seem that you would rather have a good quality taxidermist due your trophy, than to let a misunderstanding keep you from it. It’s sad that you may use a less qualified taxidermist for a once in a life time trophy. I know my work and I know that I have been around here on this board for a long time, and I truly doubt I you would choose not to use me from that remark. I know I’ve made worse ones and have been misunderstood here before. And I really doubt I was even in your consideration. If I truly was thank you, and hope you would reconsider. But most folks that have already booked there trips, I know have already got me in contact with there guides to get the paper work handled. smile Jim W
In memory of Floyd M. Wright Nov 3 1925 – Oct 8 2007 I love you Dad; You were the greatest.

#172590 - 02/03/06 09:53 AM Re: A
BW Offline

Registered: 04/04/00
Posts: 749
We will be visiting the taxidermists our agent recomends over the nex few months. Yes my decission on who will do the work is going to be made well in advance of the trip.
Everyone's superman behind the keyboard

#172592 - 02/03/06 02:57 PM Re: A
Aix sponsa Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 01/13/03
Posts: 405
Loc: Port Orchard
Originally posted by AuntyM:
Originally posted by Aix:
You are so full of s@#^ its not even funny. I cant even believe you had the cahonies to even make that remark
Aix, for the fricken record, BW didn't cast the first stone. You did. He only expressed an opinion, which he can support with facts.
You will not find a more pleasant guy on this board than BW. I can't understand WHY you are unable to allow others to have an opinion without getting rude and insulting, but you expect to be treated with respect by others here? [/QB][/QUOTE]

I just stated facts AM, and you know it rolleyes if hes insulted buy that remark all I can say is toughen up, the truth hurts.

Originally posted by BW:
Has anyone else ever noticed that liberals will at least try to talk about issures. But conservitives just start throwing insults.

Take a look If you believe that all the insults come from conservatives first, You all are blind. You pic any thread, and its an all out name fest from MOSTLY LEFTIES. and I called it like it is and if that pisses the left off to bad the truth hurts You can twist it all you want facts are still facts. and bye his last statement.
Originally posted by BW:
We will be visiting the taxidermists our agent recomends over the nex few months.
I know I wasn’t going to be used buy him,(I’m not in with any out of country Guides yet) and that’s fine. He has proven him self to be a Liar and un trust worthy. I didn’t need clients like that. And I’m not going to have some one try and play games either. Just had one busted from my shop. I will, and do turn in poachers. I run an honest shop.(not saying he is a poacher) I have a very good rep on my self and on my work and that’s what counts. I have game wardens that send folks to me and a few sports shops. this Board will bring maybe one, and the others just a small few. so to let you all know I don’t care if you use me or not. All any one here can honestly say about me or my work is they don’t like my personality, cause if you never used my services, any thing else you would say would be a lie. smile Jim W.
In memory of Floyd M. Wright Nov 3 1925 – Oct 8 2007 I love you Dad; You were the greatest.

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