I vacuum seal them in glass canning jars ( with vacu-seal attachment) to get all of the air out and protect them from freezer burn.
This maybe should be a separate topic but I figured...eggs...what the heck. I recently curred some steelie eggs, where I was experimenting with new curing techniques. In the past I let them set for a couple of days in the fridge. cure them in glass jar by pro glow sprinkle orange or pro cure sprinkle red, adding in salt, sugar, and oils. When the eggs are cured I put the whole skein into borax and seal it into a jar.
This fateful time I dried the eggs on a screen out in the garage before sprinkle curing. They hardly juiced at all ( the point at which I normally add oil) I added some salt to try to make them juice out a bit. MISTAKE.... they juiced out too much and got much smaller, and didnt reabsorb the juice.......the eggs werent bad, they were soft but had nice tough exterior. Being somewhat satisfied I moved to my next step, storing in borax ......MISTAKE..... I cut them into clusters first ( I had never done that before) I checked the eggs after a day and the pro cure red eggs were completely dried up, the orange eggs were OK. I was....mad...... I put a little water in the pro glow red eggs and after a day the eggs puffed back to normal. THe orange eggs puffed up but turned a dark color, kind of red almost.
The reason I tried a new egg cure was that I wanted eggs that held up better on the water without losing softness. Anyone have any recommendations. Do you guys like the sprinkle cures? I have heard alot use the bait coloring with sulfites, and some use the powdered cure you soak your eggs in...........
Any help is much appreciated