That's a big un Bob, is that a Salmon shark.....oh no here we go again.

Padre, speaking of catching Blues, I too, caught a big one at Westport a few years ago. There is a funny story to go along with that fish. Well after believing that I had hooked a huge Salmon, it then became , well maybe it's a Halibut, then a Seal , then a Skate and then finally realizing it was a Shark
I played this thing for a long time as I had not wanted to lose my beloved last "red" mooching sinker. Got it to the boat and by this time the fish had wrapped itself in my line and was coming in tail first. I told one of my buddies to grab my rod ,as I grabbed the shark by the tail. My other buddy looked as if I was insane, with the gaffin his hand. The Blue shark started shaking back and forth trying to take a chunk out of my arm, as I yelled at my buddy to help me yank it in.
WHAT A MISTAKE!!!!!! It layed on the deck for a minute and then started writhing, trying to bite all of us, we all jumped up on the gunnels and deck seats like a bunch of sissies with a mouse on deck. I said "smooth move Ng" as I tried to beat it to death with my fish club which was more like a toothpick in this case. Well I finally beat it to death and there it lay in a bloody mess on the floor.
The next mistake, was deciding to call it a day and to take the fish to the dock for pictures.
We left it on the deck and headed in where we were got "wows" from everyone on land.
Mistake #4? of the other fisherman at the dock suggest that it is neat for the kids to take the fish home, and place the jaw in cage, on an ant hill, and that in a few days all that will be left is the jaw. I took that shark home intact and let me tell you, as that "Uric" acid from the shark gets hot and starts spewing, and I mean spewing.....out of it......well it is a smell that you will remember for months.....yuck.
And to top it off, I then had to haul it to work in the back of my new truck, to put it into the dumpster to smell for a few more days.
C/R > A good thing > fish all day,into the night! Steve Ng

Dad, think that if I practice hard, they'll let me participate in the SRC ?
[Gig Harbor Puget Sound Anglers....Join your local chapter. CCA member