Speaking of Pike's Place market. Last weekend I went off on a guy at the fish counter in the main entrance. I saw a huge, and dark might I add, adipose-clipped steelie lying on ice with some non-clipped (fully formed dorsal too) bright hens next to the big brat. I said "Do you have any WILD steelhead for sale?" and his reply was "No sir, and what would one of those be?".
Well, Kid Sauk don't sell out on the cause for nothing, but with Miss Kid Sauk's fine blonde ass in tow, I decided to only go off a little bit. I calmly picked up one of the wild steelies and said "THAT'S A WILD FISH....AND DON'T GIVE ME YOUR BULLSH!T, TAILOR-MADE, ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSE!!! YOU KNOW DAMN WELL WHAT A WILD STEELHEAD IS!!!
Shocked by my knowledge and tone of voice, the merchant walked off and so did about a dozen potential customers. Miss Kid Sauk was surprised that I was relatively calm this time as I have had a history of much worse down there. What really shocked me was that one of the fish market employees followed me around the corner to the downstairs and asked me, and I qoute "What my problem was". Now I'm smart enough to know that I shouldn't repeat what I said on the internet so let's just say that I "told him where to stick his wild steelhead" and if they were going to be selling them, then they should at least have the decency to acknowledge the fact that they are buying and selling wild steelhead (which is bullsh!t IMHO) and not try to con the public into thinking that they are ignorant of the fact that they have wild steelhead on ice in their market. Another guy showed up that also worked at the fish market and said they were going to follow me and I again quote "I'd better watch my back". I laughed and said "Is that a threat or a promise? I'm sooooo scared!"
Nothing escalated from this incident and the guys may be good at throwing fish, but I doubt they are as good at throwing blows so I wasn't scared. Just upset me that I had to defend my cause against the sale of wild steelhead in front of Miss Kid Sauk.
Now we may not be able to get the sale of wild steelhead stopped completely, but if there is no buyers market, then there is no sale and no need to sell wild steelhead. The Casino revenues should be put to good use and buy the tribes huge, fully-contained net pens and let them make a sh!tload more money than what they are getting currently. Think, people, think. If fish are big business, then why net a fragile resource when you can grow them and make money of exponential proportions dependent on how many fish you "raise" to adults not "net" as adults. This would also allow for more on reservation employment (all tax free that way) and the tribes could dominate the fish farm market in no time. Last time I checked, a particular Tacoma area-based casino had reported profits of $125 million annually. $125 fukking million and they still have to net?
Un farging believable! I hate politics and I normally don't piss and moan, but I live to fish and I need to rant once in a while
I caught more than one 20+ pound steelie last year and I don't want to tell my grandkids someday about "the good ol' days" I want to show them a 20+er in person!
So how do I support the cause? Well, I raise hell at the fish market. I'll do more when I can and I am willing to do so, but my constitutional right to free speech let's me go off on fish merchants....so be it!
Remember, protesting DOES get response, sometimes good and sometimes futile, however, I have 50+ years left on this planet and I intend to do whatever I can to save these precious fish. I hate to sound like a hippie, but let's get together and protest soon or we can all go through the woulda, coulda, shoulda rap later.....when the last two living wild steelhead are both males and we can only remember "the good ol' days". The good ol' days are not gone, my friends, they are out there waiting to come up there rivers, but that aint easy when there is so many friggin' gillnets!
Remember, Kid Sauk don't sell out for nothin'!!!!!!!