First off don't make me type all of this for nothing! You better READ IT!
Strip cutting your herring is the most effective way I've ever fished for silvers in the salt.
They have a very fast action to them when rigged properly.
All you do is fillet your herring as if you were filleting a fish but you don't want to much meat on your strip or it want have the right action you want. You can make them long and skinny strips or short and fat strips believe me sometimes one way will out fish another way.
Make the top of the fillet longer than the bottom by cutting the front part at an angle tapering back as you get closer to the bottom of the fillet. Then cut a tiny piece off the top of the fillet right at the head area tapering back as you cut up. So your finished product will come to a point just where the silver body meets the blue coloring of the herrings top part of it's body.
OK if your still with me I will tell you how to hook it on.
Start with your standard double hook tie ups but don't make the hooks more than a few inches apart we usually use size 2 hooks.
YOur top hook you will want to put in just behind the little notch you took out of the top front part of your herring. Poke it through skin side do not pull it all the way through instead only pull it through to where the hook bends and poke it back through so you have your front hook set up with the point coming through the skin side as slose to the top of the fillet as possible.
All you do with the bottom hook is poke it through the skin side a half inch back from where your front hook is poking out and pull it all the way through and let it dangle back on the meat side of your herring.
It is much easier to show someone than trying to tell them.
I hope you understood all of this.
Let me know.