#184126 - 02/02/03 09:20 PM
Registered: 12/05/00
Posts: 553
Loc: Everett, Wa, USA
John Lee.
Wake up!!! Yes the Isrealis RESPOND with out mercy. AFTER they are attacked by some idiot who straps a bomb to himself and goes into a shopping mall, a bus, or a movie theatre to blow up women and children. The Palestinians objective is simply to kill Jews, and the more the better to them. That sounds like racism to me.
Isreal will go to the PLO and ask them to turn over the guys that made the bomb, provided the money, planned the bombing ect... The PLO/Yasser Arafat could avoid having buildings blown down if they would turn those guys over, but they never do. So who's falut is it when Isreal takes things in to their own hands?
#184127 - 02/02/03 11:58 PM
River Nutrients
Registered: 10/12/01
Posts: 2453
Loc: Area 51
Vic, I don't think that you'll get it until you start to look at both sides.  It sound like you think that Israel does no wrong.  Why can't you see why the Palistinians are sceaming out to be heard and people like yourself could care less.  How long could you live as a refugee on your home land without feeling as they do? When people are willing to give their lives the way they are, I think it would be good to explore the root cause of this desperation. Their screams are being heard throughout the world and I don't think that missles and bombs and WMD will silence their crys for freedom. 
Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods. -- Albert Einstein
#184128 - 02/03/03 01:33 AM
Registered: 12/05/00
Posts: 553
Loc: Everett, Wa, USA
No doubt the Isreali/Palistinian conflict is complicated (there is more to it than any of us here will ever know). In my opinion the Palistinians that commit these horrible acts are cowardice, murderice animals, and should be delt with in a decisive manner. While I am sure that many there want peace there is a very large percentage of the Palestinians people who aren't really interested in peace.
I try and look at both sides of things and be fair. When you compared the Isrealis to the KKK you weren't being fair. The Isrealis aren't killing because they don't like the race or religeon of the Palestinians. Race and religeon are a factor everytime the Palestinians blow up little old ladies and kids riding the bus.
One more thing. It is pretty hard to listen to the desperate cries of a people who won't quit blowing up themselves up long enough to sit and discuss peace.
#184129 - 02/03/03 11:08 AM
River Nutrients
Registered: 02/08/00
Posts: 3233
Little G.W is an idiot... Of all the problems in the world he picks perhaps the smallest one to deal with. His economic agenda is a total loser. The economy is going into the toilet and the general claim is "Clinton set it up"... Thats BULL.. His stance on the enviroment is also something thats not getting press that it should. In my opinion.. the two Koreas need our attention right now. Thats right , both of them. The South is killing many of our American companys with un-fair trade practices. How can a company like Hynix semi stay in the DRAM game with something like 12 Billion dollars of goverment support over the last two years. Hell, I could whip Tiger Woods in golf if I could tee it up over and over until I got the exact shot I liked. The Korean Goverment lends the money and tells them no problem, you don't have to pay it back.. and here have some more. Where the hell is G.W ... Head in the Sand looking for oil. The North is a real threat. Its not a question of looking for possible signs of nukes.. its them saying yes we already have em and guess what we are making some more. G.W wants to pick on the smallest kid on the bus. His dad was O.K- Daddys boy is an Idiot.
Clearwater/Salmon Super Freak
#184130 - 02/03/03 01:07 PM
The Renegade White Man
Registered: 02/16/00
Posts: 2349
Loc: The Coast or the Keys !!!
everyones opinions are valid on this thing, I just don't want to see U.S. Servicemen and women coming home in bags. I think we all realize that we have to take this phukhead Hussien out!!! But when and how is the question. The way I see it, it looks like it is going to happen within the next several weeks wether anyone supports us or not, I think we are already to far in to back out, I think it would make us look bad if we did back out now. For our Soldiers sake I hope the idiot(George W) lets the Generals and the Millitary people run the war and stays out of there way. Because they are professionals and know what there doing. It has to be that way and he needs to let them do there jobs and then it will make him look like a genius in the long run. Peace Superfly
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#184131 - 02/03/03 01:34 PM
Returning Adult
Registered: 07/23/02
Posts: 476
Loc: Edmonds
What a post. Long way from fishing and the great out doors.
Easy solution with just two words.
Tactical nukes.
Change the government, and take the oil....Any of the neighbors got a problem with that, we can take their oil too.
ARGH!!! The cooler's EMPTY!!!
#184134 - 02/03/03 08:02 PM
River Nutrients
Registered: 10/12/01
Posts: 2453
Loc: Area 51
Vic, I still think that the Israeli government is racist in its dealing with the Palistinians. Their system of government is run just like the apartheid government of South Africa before the World said NO MORE. As a matter of fact they were the biggest supplier of arms to South Africa during Aparthied.  Those arms were used to oppress blacks ( the majority ) and keep them beat down, denying them their freedom. Calling people that blow themselves up idiots and not saying the same for those that aim missile's and bomb's at the innocent, is hypocritical, in my opinion.  They tell us that they kill in order to defeat terrorism and we believe every word they say. Since 911 they have carte blanche from us ( our government ) to kill and destroy anything that is Pallistinian. Americans that don't see this as wrong and believe that by them ( Israel ) killing rock throwing kids , it help us ( war on terror ) and make us ( U. S. ) more secure, is an idiot.  Those are our bombs and our money that keep this misery factory working. We can use that money and resouces here at home to help American's during these difficult times and get that noose ( $ Isreal ) from around our necks. It's time to deal with the root cause. We can start dealing with it now or leave it to our kid's while we bury our heads in the sand. Aparthied is wrong where ever it is practiced. Time for us to stop putting our money into a system ( Israel ) that will ultimatle fail because it's just flat out WRONG.  Time will eventually come when this will be rejected by civilized society, just as it did in South Africa. We don't need our kid's to die at any time, for such a wrong cause. 
Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods. -- Albert Einstein
#184135 - 02/03/03 09:13 PM
Registered: 01/22/03
Posts: 36
Loc: Shoreline
The thing is we do life in a world community now and have to be think about other peoples feelings and what they think about the issuses that effect this planet we all life on! The comander of the shuttle was asked up in space about the Iraq war and was quoted as saying he prays it doenst happen but if it does he supports our troops. I wonder what different view he had of our world seeing it from up their instead of being caught up in our little daily routines. We love our kids, our families and our country just like everyone in this WORLD does, if I hear one more simple minded american say just nuke em Im going to puke
#184137 - 02/04/03 06:16 AM
Juvenille at Sea
Registered: 02/26/00
Posts: 146
Loc: Forks
Just a little more info for ya to think about http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/5097027.htm We can get'em all in one shot!!! 
#184138 - 02/04/03 11:46 AM
Returning Adult
Registered: 07/23/02
Posts: 476
Loc: Edmonds
If they use WMD on our troops. We drop a few of the venerable neutron bombs. You know, the ones we can put on artillary shells.
There were many who felt that the weapon, because of its relatively small blast and fallout, was ideal for use in densely populated Europe against a Soviet tank attack. Such a weapon could penetrate the armor of attacking tanks and hardened structures, killing the people inside while limiting other damage.
Others felt that the neutron bomb would make the unthinkable thinkable. The complete destruction that nuclear weapons would bring was the primary deterrent to their use.
The neutron bomb, however, could conceivably make nuclear war more possible by allowing the use of nuclear weapons without inviting wholesale devastation of the target, it was argued. Military planners might not be as hesitant to use neutron weapons as they might a standard fission warhead.
All the oil fields stay intact. Saddam is killed in his hrdened bunker. And the pissed off neighbors just might be next.
ARGH!!! The cooler's EMPTY!!!
#184139 - 02/04/03 02:21 PM
River Nutrients
Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 13589
John Lee,
Thanks for your contributions regarding the Israeli/Palistinian factor that seems so little understood by many Americans. It's obvious to much of the rest of the world, which I think is why other nations don't support us. But then the Israeli/Palistinian situation is reported differently elsewhere. It's either under-reported or strongly biased is the U.S. I think that's why so many Americans don't seem to understand the connection.
It has been my feeling for some time that the U.S. could by one action improve its image throughout the Arab and Muslim world almost overnight. If the U.S. contributed, measure for measure, to the Palistinians, every thing that it contributes to Israel, the political reasons for Arab hatred of the U.S. would evaporate. Of course such an action would be very dangerous, since much of what we contribute to Israel is military weapons and equipment. In that environment, there is a real possibility that the Palistinians and Israelis would turn each other and the landscape they occupy into dust. Nonetheless, I'm convinced that it's the U.S.' blatant, one-sided, blind support of Israel and disregard of Palistinians that engenders most Arab and Muslim hate of the U.S.
Your analogy with South African apartheid is a good one.
Salmo g.
#184140 - 02/04/03 04:11 PM
River Nutrients
Registered: 10/12/01
Posts: 2453
Loc: Area 51
Nebb, glue over here Our media is the problem. It directs our thinking and actions and that's why so many of us are misguided. BIG OIL benifits from this propaganda, as it promotes and justifies the urgency of an attack. A large number of us will follow it blindly like sheep. Again, I think it is unfortunate for us to have to send our kids to kill and be killed in a theatre that's scriped by BIG OIL. Our government continues to generate fear through the media and it's actions. Some of you seem to be so excited about the potential for the use of nuclear weapons you are about to jump out of your seats with joy. What in the hell is wrong with you?  Do you believe that we are the only ones that have them?  A nuclear attack on us would make the Twin towers look like a Drift Boat accident on the Callawah.  These so called board hawks in my oppinion are probably suffering from small p**is syndrome.  This tactical NUKE crap will sure go over well with the soldiers in the field that will bring home the radiation sickness. Have you already fotgotten the sickness that the depleted uranium cause to our returning Gulf War Vets and their families? They are still having all sorts of problems, and permanent disability in a lot of cases. How about you hawks telling us the number of rich or pollitically connected kids that will have to pay with their life for this high price for OIL. Just wonder what a Bill Board Hawks Flotilla would look like. Sorry, bad idea, that would be way to scary.  I Promise not to bring that up again. 
Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods. -- Albert Einstein
#184141 - 02/04/03 05:33 PM
Registered: 11/26/01
Posts: 550
Loc: Browns Point
After the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, which killed six and injured 1,000; President Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.
After the 1995 bombing in Saudi Arabia, which killed five U.S. military personnel; President Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.
After the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia, which killed 19 and injured 200 U.S. military personnel; President Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.
After the 1998 bombing of U.S. embassies in Africa, which killed 224 and injured 5,000; President Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.
After the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole, which killed 17 and injured 39 U.S. sailors; President Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.
Maybe if President Clinton had kept his promise, an estimated 5,000 people in New York, Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C. that are now dead would be alive today.
I am glad Bush is in office today and is willing to do what needs to be done. History will show that the U.S. is on the side of justice and bringing peace to the world.
No matter what your politics are; no mater how hard you lean to the left or the right; its time to come together as Americans.
There is nothing wrong with questioning the government, or their movites, but I think the case against Iraq had already been made long before the State of the Union address.
I don't want to wait for more innocent lives to be lost in another terrorist attack for us to pull our heads out and act.
alcohol, tobacco, firearms, who's bringing the chips?
#184142 - 02/04/03 07:06 PM
River Nutrients
Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 3188
Loc: U.S. Army
Metalhead, I can appreciate your frustration. However, most of the people responsible for the attacks you mentioned are either dead, incarcerated, or on trial. But I know that scapegoats make life easier at times, so if that is Clinton's legacy, so be it.
It's still amazing to me how so many people are correlating all the past suicide bombings with Iraq. No one has yet to provide any solid proof that Iraq is responsible. Sure there's a lot of speculation. Even though everything seems to point to Arrafat and the Palestinians, everyone seems to still want Hussein. Why?
Because he's killed some of his own people? Okay; then why haven't we invaded North Korea? Or China? Columbia? Rwanda? Do people really think Hussein is the only dictator on this planet that violates human rights?
It's kind of odd, actually, that the mention of 9/11 and Hussein now go hand in hand. No one even mentions bin Laden, who ACTUALLY claimed responsibility.
I believe the fact is that Bush's government has produced this neat little package of propaganda to sell to the American people to rally them for war against Iraq.
My point is not that Iraq is NOT evil, but that it is no more evil than other countries in the world. We should be asking why Bush has singled out Iraq only.
Bush is worried about Hussein's hidden weapons; I think we should be worried about Bush's hidden agenda.
Tent makers for Christie, 2016.
#184144 - 02/04/03 09:03 PM
Registered: 04/04/00
Posts: 749
Grandpa, you added a word into the quote that was not there. And that is the problem these days. Lets turn what someone said around so it fits what we want to say.
Everyone's superman behind the keyboard
#184145 - 02/04/03 09:24 PM
River Nutrients
Registered: 10/12/01
Posts: 2453
Loc: Area 51
M M Again, all of those things you bring up are happening because we refuse to deal with the Palistinian issue. As long as we don't recognize their misery( Palistinians ) and how we contribute by our actions or our head in the sand approach, we can never expect to feel secure and safe here at home and abroad. Why is it that we expect the World to accept our aparthied policies toward the Palistians without protest and disgust? We need to re-think our Middle East Policy in order to prevent our children and grandchildren from becoming isolated while fighting a war for what the majority of the people of the World are against. I repeat, the World will not continue to allow us, the free slaughter and suffering of innocent people in the name of our so called quest for peace in the middle east  . If we want peace, I would suggest that we look a the settlements and say they are wrong and through deplomacy try to show that we share the Worlds view that something has to be done now and not later. Again we don't see the elepant squatting on top of the dinner table about to spoil our meal.  Who are we kidding, we are talking about a never ending, [Bleeeeep!] for tat, cycle of destruction, that we will get blammed for starting, by taking our bombs ( possibly nuclear ) to their land and dropping them on lots of innocent people.  They ( Iraq ) are not threatening us over here. I ask you, would our Government be acting in our best interest and will you feel safer?  I think not! We will be seen as the only Country that started using( Japan ) and continue to use nuclear weapons. Try to remember, that what goes around, can come around. If it did, wouldn't you want your screams to be heard by all of humanity, if we had to live our lives on a daily basis as they ( the Palistinians ) do, now. War should be considered carefully and for the right reasons and not for just a few ( BIG OIL, Politicians ) to benefit for a limited time, because we gave them a blind eye. Got to demand decision that will work for the long term. Openning a NUCLEAR pandoras box will not help the prospects for us to have a business as usual recreational fishery.  Our environment is not bullet proof. Those of you that advocate that we do the wrong thing ( dropping bombs on the innocent ), will be inviting wrong things to be done to us. We have it good and I say lets not blow it.  And we complain about the poor hatchery returns and poor Steelheading now? Can you say radioactive? Just hope that one day, our best leaders are allowed to lead. 
Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods. -- Albert Einstein
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