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#184065 - 01/29/03 08:10 PM Re: PRESIDENT BUSH STATE OF THE UNION
herm Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 02/06/02
Posts: 306
I don't think he even tried to make his case, I suspect he has already done that.

RE. The Demos. put the most eneffectual (sp) person (IMHO) they could find to refute him cause they are convinced something has to be done about the ******* (sadam).

CWF said it for me!

Its a very scary time in my book.

I'm not concerned about the $$$ it's gonna cost if we go, I'm concerned about the price we pay if we dont do something

9/11 was way too much, I don't want to wait till we see the smoking gun.

For some reason I don't think it's all about oil!

God Help Us either way......please!

herm frown
too much of anything is just right

#184066 - 01/29/03 09:17 PM Re: PRESIDENT BUSH STATE OF THE UNION
egg goober Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 07/09/02
Posts: 176
the bottom line is if you can't stand behind our president, and you think that saddam is telling the truth, then you should go live in iraq, or some other country cause you dont belong here. "IF YOU DON'T LOVE IT, LEAVE IT!".

#184067 - 01/29/03 09:38 PM Re: PRESIDENT BUSH STATE OF THE UNION

Registered: 01/27/03
Posts: 12

#184068 - 01/29/03 11:05 PM Re: PRESIDENT BUSH STATE OF THE UNION
lugnutt06 Offline

Registered: 10/23/02
Posts: 48
Loc: Olympia
I believe the U.S. is more active in the sponse to Iraq than North Korea is due to the danger. North Korea is broke, run down and pretty much a hell hole. The people have relegated to eating bark off trees in the winter due to starvation. The Chinese military has had to use their military to stop immigration form North Korea. Mostly, North Korea wants to have a bargaining chip with the U.S. , so the nuclear issue is thier ticket. The have always posed a threat and have always issued their silly blabbering propaganda about how great their country is and the evils of the United States. Sadly, this garbage has been the only information their people have been exposed to for the last 50 years.

As far as Iraq, there's no doubt they will use their capabilites and uleash WMD upon the world. Therefore, they must be dealt with.

As far as intelligence, no need to show all of it due to loss of sources. One of the bozos in Congress was briefed about the NSA being able to monitor cell phones of known terrorist and the information gathered. The idiot Congressman, and I don't recall which one, blabbed this to the press. Guess what?? They quit using the phones and no more info.

As far and the economy, does anyone really think the Federal Governemnt can simply flip a swith and creat jobs and reduce unemployment totally?? The economy will take time to recover due to overcapacity for production as well as inventory. Additionally, corporate crime has accounted for many of the problems. I do fault the current administration for not being more aggressive in cleaning up corporate crime as well as active legisaltion to prevent it, since the former administration did nothing about this. The government has lowered intrest rates, increased government spending (good or bad) and has also produced tax cuts. This is classic economics and really isn't mcuh more to do. The leadership fo this state could do more to help the economy than the Fed Gov could.

#184069 - 01/29/03 11:06 PM Re: PRESIDENT BUSH STATE OF THE UNION
lugnutt06 Offline

Registered: 10/23/02
Posts: 48
Loc: Olympia
I believe the U.S. is more active in the sponse to Iraq than North Korea is due to the danger. North Korea is broke, run down and pretty much a hell hole. The people have relegated to eating bark off trees in the winter due to starvation. The Chinese military has had to use their military to stop immigration form North Korea. Mostly, North Korea wants to have a bargaining chip with the U.S. , so the nuclear issue is thier ticket. The have always posed a threat and have always issued their silly blabbering propaganda about how great their country is and the evils of the United States. Sadly, this garbage has been the only information their people have been exposed to for the last 50 years.

As far as Iraq, there's no doubt they will use their capabilites and uleash WMD upon the world. Therefore, they must be dealt with.

As far as intelligence, no need to show all of it due to loss of sources. One of the bozos in Congress was briefed about the NSA being able to monitor cell phones of known terrorist and the information gathered. The idiot Congressman, and I don't recall which one, blabbed this to the press. Guess what?? They quit using the phones and no more info.

As far and the economy, does anyone really think the Federal Governemnt can simply flip a swith and creat jobs and reduce unemployment totally?? The economy will take time to recover due to overcapacity for production as well as inventory. Additionally, corporate crime has accounted for many of the problems. I do fault the current administration for not being more aggressive in cleaning up corporate crime as well as active legisaltion to prevent it, since the former administration did nothing about this. The government has lowered intrest rates, increased government spending (good or bad) and has also produced tax cuts. This is classic economics and really isn't mcuh more to do. The leadership fo this state could do more to help the economy than the Fed Gov could.

#184070 - 01/29/03 11:08 PM Re: PRESIDENT BUSH STATE OF THE UNION
lugnutt06 Offline

Registered: 10/23/02
Posts: 48
Loc: Olympia
I believe the U.S. is more active in the sponse to Iraq than North Korea is due to the danger. North Korea is broke, run down and pretty much a hell hole. The people have relegated to eating bark off trees in the winter due to starvation. The Chinese military has had to use their military to stop immigration form North Korea. Mostly, North Korea wants to have a bargaining chip with the U.S. , so the nuclear issue is thier ticket. The have always posed a threat and have always issued their silly blabbering propaganda about how great their country is and the evils of the United States. Sadly, this garbage has been the only information their people have been exposed to for the last 50 years.

As far as Iraq, there's no doubt they will use their capabilites and uleash WMD upon the world. Therefore, they must be dealt with.

As far as intelligence, no need to show all of it due to loss of sources. One of the bozos in Congress was briefed about the NSA being able to monitor cell phones of known terrorist and the information gathered. The idiot Congressman, and I don't recall which one, blabbed this to the press. Guess what?? They quit using the phones and no more info.

As far and the economy, does anyone really think the Federal Governemnt can simply flip a swith and creat jobs and reduce unemployment totally?? The economy will take time to recover due to overcapacity for production as well as inventory. Additionally, corporate crime has accounted for many of the problems. I do fault the current administration for not being more aggressive in cleaning up corporate crime as well as active legisaltion to prevent it, since the former administration did nothing about this. The government has lowered intrest rates, increased government spending (good or bad) and has also produced tax cuts. This is classic economics and really isn't mcuh more to do. The leadership fo this state could do more to help the economy than the Fed Gov could.

#184071 - 01/30/03 02:05 AM Re: PRESIDENT BUSH STATE OF THE UNION
steelhd101 Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 02/26/01
Posts: 277
Loc: Everett, WA.
I do believe our president. I believe in our president. I also believe in what our president is doing. Saddam has committed mass murders. He will again if not stopped. Nuff said.

#184072 - 01/30/03 02:33 AM Re: PRESIDENT BUSH STATE OF THE UNION
Nebb Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 02/26/00
Posts: 146
Loc: Forks
Here's a little something for the people whom think that all of Europe is against going into Iraq.,,482-559907,00.html

I'm glad to see at least some of the countries over there are realizing what is really taking place in Iraq and appreciate what the U.S. has done in the past... beer

#184073 - 01/31/03 05:08 AM Re: PRESIDENT BUSH STATE OF THE UNION
superfly Offline
The Renegade White Man

Registered: 02/16/00
Posts: 2349
Loc: The Coast or the Keys !!!
Here it is: Bush is failing miserbly at home, the economy sucks, he is an idiot and the elections are coming soon so he needs something to distract the voting public. Ah yes a war with Iraq to distract us all while we are waving our flags and putting our Millitary personel in harms way. All I know is I don't want to see one Kid come home in a bag. We should have finished the job the first time.
[Bleeeeep!] all the republicans and there own agenda. take care of **** at home first before you go playing bully around the world.
Peace Superfly beathead
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#184074 - 01/31/03 07:55 AM Re: PRESIDENT BUSH STATE OF THE UNION
hawk Offline

Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 562
Loc: austin, Minnesota, USA
Yeah what Superfly said. We'll get a real winner when either Lieberman, Sharpton, Daschle or John Kerry become President. Then things will be all better. Fo Big Al. hello hello
The best way to be succesful in life is to keep the people who hate you away from the people who are undecided

#184075 - 01/31/03 08:30 AM Re: PRESIDENT BUSH STATE OF THE UNION
Steelheadman Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/15/99
Posts: 4166
Loc: Poulsbo, WA,USA
NO I don't think he made his case for war with Iraq. I think he is obsessed to find any excuse to finish the war his dad started and get Sad dam.

Bush talks about lowering taxes but then talks about spending more money. This equals deficits.

According to STS the Bush administration is responsible for killing 30,000 Chinook on the Klamath river last summer. Didn't let enough water flow in the river during the summer. Diverted the water for irrigation. evil
I'd Rather Be Fishing for Summer Steelhead!

#184076 - 01/31/03 08:37 AM Re: PRESIDENT BUSH STATE OF THE UNION
Loco_Dingo Offline

Registered: 11/25/01
Posts: 64
Loc: Boise
I just couldn't help myself after reading the second page of posts...

Too many people treat politics as if is was a team sporting event. They pick their team, either demo or republican, and support their team no matter what. It doesn't matter if you have a Daryl Strawberry on your team as long as he helps you win. And winning isn't the most important thing, it's the only thing. I find it amazing how many people support their party to the bitter end even if is contrary to their own best interest. Examples that come to mind are women's groups supporting Clinton or fiscal conseratives supporting Bush.

In my opinion the democratic party truly represents the far left 10% of the population, and the republican party represents the far right 10% of the population. The middle 80% are truly not represented. We just get to cheer or jeer "our" team.

#184077 - 01/31/03 11:13 AM Re: PRESIDENT BUSH STATE OF THE UNION
Maguana Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 10/16/01
Posts: 199
Loc: Hoquiam/Newton
There are a lot of people that think like superfly. That is how Bagdad Jim just won re-election with a 76% approval.

#184078 - 01/31/03 11:57 AM Re: PRESIDENT BUSH STATE OF THE UNION
Slab Quest Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 08/17/01
Posts: 1614
Loc: Mukilteo or Westport
Superfly's post is extremely shallow and tacky.

For him to imply that he has the wisdom to sum up all the "facts" of this complicated issue in one paragraph is ridiculous. (I suppose that 9/11 was Bush's fault).

But most of all, his blanket insult of ALL Republicans is about as rude and inflammatory as you can get.

Then he closes with "PEACE". How ludicrious.

I will make a point to avoid the products he advertises (are our PP posts supposed to have advertisements?). Does he work at a takle store or something? I would like to know so I can avoid that too.

#184079 - 01/31/03 12:52 PM Re: PRESIDENT BUSH STATE OF THE UNION
superfly Offline
The Renegade White Man

Registered: 02/16/00
Posts: 2349
Loc: The Coast or the Keys !!!
Hey Loco Dingo you are absoluteley right, most of us go un represented in D,C because most of theses political figures have there own agendas beathead
And someone else stated that people treat politics like there sports team is absolutely right, whether they like what they are doing or not they stay woth them until the bitter end.
I cannot believe some of the responses on here confused
So Slabquest , did you ever strap on a uniform? Did you ever serve? Dosen't sound like it. Why don't you put you or your kids over there and then tell me what you think about going to war over something that right now is still not clear. When Bush's cabinet is divided over the thought of war with Iraq then there is something wrong. Georgey just wants his war to save his ass beathead
Also no one could have stopped 9/11 there were no safeguards in place to stop that kind of thing so be real. It would not have mattered who was in office. Also my remarks were not at all inflamatory to the republican party, just my opinion. Look at it this way, What have the republicans done for you? well they have not done a damm thing for me except make living in this great country a little tougher these days laugh

Peace Superfly
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#184081 - 01/31/03 01:14 PM Re: PRESIDENT BUSH STATE OF THE UNION
BW Offline

Registered: 04/04/00
Posts: 749
I wore a uniform, my father wore a uniform, and my son wares one now, ( special forces at Ft Bragg). He has been to Afganistan, and will go to Iraq. At the moment I cannot support the expected war, but I support the troops 100%.
Everyone's superman behind the keyboard

#184082 - 01/31/03 01:23 PM Re: PRESIDENT BUSH STATE OF THE UNION
Vic Offline

Registered: 12/05/00
Posts: 553
Loc: Everett, Wa, USA

There are several good reasons to go in to Iraq, none of which has anything to do with our current econimic state. Iraq is a threat to our national security. Disarming Iraq isn't something that the republicans just thought they might like to do for fun, or to divert attention. In fact Pres Clinton said himself a year and a half before he left office that there would need to be regime change in Iraq and that they are a threat to us. So don't try and make this a patisian issue.

One other note Bush 41 didn't take out Saddam or impose regime change in 91 because that wasn't part of the U.N. resolution. We were sent to kick Iraq out of Kuwait, thats it! If he had gone and gotten Saddam guys like you would have been calling him a rogue and saying we should follow the U.N.

#184083 - 01/31/03 01:30 PM Re: PRESIDENT BUSH STATE OF THE UNION
The Moderator Offline
The Chosen One

Registered: 02/09/00
Posts: 13946
Loc: Mitulaville
I fully agree with BW. I might not support our President, his administration, and their decision to go to war. But, if that does happen, I'll fully support our troops!

Oh, and don't worry about the cost issue on my previous post. I see the US has come up with a way to fund this war! laugh

T.K. Paker

#184084 - 01/31/03 01:34 PM Re: PRESIDENT BUSH STATE OF THE UNION
Slab Quest Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 08/17/01
Posts: 1614
Loc: Mukilteo or Westport
Originally posted by superfly:
All I know is I don't want to see one Kid come home in a bag. We should have finished the job the first time.
[Bleeeeep!] all the republicans and there own agenda. take care of **** at home first before you go playing bully around the world.
Peace Superfly beathead
That's a fine piece of logic; Should of done it then - after we promised the UN we would not and we were not militarily set-up for it, instead of now when we have the opposite situation. I guess if we would have done it then, there wouldn't be any body bags?

Aunty: "supposedly" insulted? I suggest a re-read. Maybe you have way thicker skin than me.

#184085 - 01/31/03 02:11 PM Re: PRESIDENT BUSH STATE OF THE UNION
superfly Offline
The Renegade White Man

Registered: 02/16/00
Posts: 2349
Loc: The Coast or the Keys !!!
Man some people beathead To BW I hope and pray for your sons well being, I know they did a great Job In afgahnistan and I hope they( the people in charge) do not hang any of our special ops guys out to dry. Is your son a ranger, a green beret or with one of the special forces groups?
I think if you asked anyone on here there all going to support or troops 110 % , thats not the problem, the problem people have is with the politicians defining there reasons for doing what they do. 99 % of the time they are speaking out of both sides of there mouth and lying to us as much as that MFer Hussien is lying to them. So it will be interesting to see where the chips fall and how much support we have worldwide when we go into Iraq.
Peace Superfly hello
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