I do believe that our President made his case for war. I believe that we are a nation that is capable of acting on our own to solve the problems that we as a nation are face with.Do we have to ask permission from the united nations to protect our values and beliefs that generations before us has fought for???? Do we the people choose to believe the media or the president when it comes to war in Iraq. Our former president clinton knew that Bin laden was a threat. He knew because bin laden claimed resonsibility for the bombing of the U.S. embassy in africa. Our former pres. knew where bin laden was at that time and he choose to send a destroyer to the area and launch cruise missles at a asprin factory. President clinton could have save many lives if he would have had the balls to send in our special operations units at that time to eliminate the threat of bin laden. But no its easier to sit back and launch some missiles at a target and not sacrafice any American blood.
Well folk times have changed, four airplanes with americans were flown into our buildings killing thousands!!!We all saw it. They have declared war already!!They have struck the first blow. The Iraqi people danced in the streets!!!!Burning our flag!!!! Cheering as our innocent men, and woman burned and were crushed!!!If only they all could be with us for one moment to take this poll. What would thier vote be. Does anyone feel like I do??? Do we sit back and wait for the next Islamic extremist, or crazy dictator to figure out how to strike us??? The UNITED NATIONS laid out laws for sadaam to follow. Did he follow what was set forth???NO Should the USA have to lay the law down???NO the UNITED NATIONS should!!!!! But they are spineless, and more concerned with trying to talk the crazy bastaard in to giving in!! how many people think that its a good idea to try and talk a bully into not being a bully???? Inspections???
How easy do you think it is for sadaam to hide some chemicals and biological weapons??? Dig a hole And bury it! not to hard ehh? Mobile units????sure you bet.Easier to hide cause all you have to do is watch the inspectors leave their compound call ahead with the direction of travel and then move any trucks that are in that direction...Wake up folks! those of you who say that the former Bush should have done the job 12 Years ago. YOUR EXACTLY RIGHT!!! but he didnt he gave into the united nations and their pressure to just push sadaam out of Kuwait, and then set up insepections to disarm sadaam.Now many of you are wanting to listen to the united nations again!?!?!?!???? "give them more time. Let the inspections take place. Maybe in a year if the inspectors find something then it will be ok to go in and get him." What B.S.!!! Folks our president is a man that I would serve under!!
He is doing the best to not let SEPT 11TH happen again. Bin laden is a terrorist with limited resources.sadaam huesian is a HITLER,
with a whole nation behind him. I think that he has the capabilities to harm us just as dramatically as binladen did.
Folks in closing, I would like to remember those who died on that awful day.May they rest in peace, God be with them! May their families that were left behind be comforted by the knowledge that we have a president that will do all in his power to protect our people.
Lets go and get that insane
bastaard! May God protect our
troops in battle.