Did I hear it said that WDFW isn't wholely responsible for the control of how many fish return to the river and spawn? I respectfully disagree.
I do not disagree that habit, ocean changes, nets, sport fishery, etc., etc., are impacting factors on the decline of game and food fish. And I'm sure dozens of other reasons can be listed as well......my point is simple....so is the solution.....if there are not enough fish many years, why are we killing them? If returns of fish cannot be accurately predicted, why not leave the fish alone until escapement and adequate natural reproduction are assured? It seems painfully obvious to me that WDFW has a huge responsibility in fish management and it is by definition extraordinarily difficult.....so what?!
WDFW's attempt to micro manage every little aspect of a fish's life is ridiculous.....there is nothing complicated about a freaking fish. Leave it alone and it will do what it needs to do. Don't kill mom and dad fish....you get lots of babies....not difficult.
My wife and I live on a salmon and steelhead creek that has been closed to fishing for very nearly 30 years. WDFW closed the creek and set up a weir to "study" the wild steelhead run in this creek. I checked with a friend today who's wife works with the biologist who has made this creek his career. So far this season, there have been ZERO returning steelhead......ZERO! Habitat is not a huge factor here as there is very little development. Fishing has had no impact as the creek is closed.
There was a good chum run this year and a few were allowed to spawn naturally, and the silvers were very late (they arrived around Christmas and none were noticed by me spawning naturally). Perhaps some steelhead will yet arrive....I hope so. But at this point, it is hard to believe that WDFW hasn't studied this creek to death.
Any other outfit with a bottom line that looks like the one the State has produced would have been sent packing long ago.....don't you think?
Enjoy your fishing and respect your catch....
Ban bait....it's a good start