Open to all!!!
Fwd a msg from pilchuck steelie on WFF:
chris, i hope you don't mind me posting this. after reading the post, fish in a barrel, i thought you folks might be interested in this information. There's also some other info about wdfw plans for the skagit estuary and endangered chinook salmon, if you'd like i'll post it later.
United Sportsman's Rally In Olympia
As Washington Sportsmen and Women it is time our voices are heard as one. We are gathering in Olympia to let the people of Washington State know that sportsmen and women are not bad people! We are here to inform the public that we are not the slobs that we are portrayed to be! We are many people including but not limited to Firemen , Doctors, Lawyers, Construction workers, Bus Drivers, Accountants, Police Officers, Mothers, Fathers, High School Children, Managers, Elementary Students, Teachers, Technology Workers, Retail Workers, Grandpa's, Grandma's, Professional Athletes, Politicians, Real-Estate Agents, Soldiers, Government Workers! Think of a job and chances are a sportsman or woman is doing that job. We are the people of Washington State that contribute!
The Facts Of Washington State
Number Of Hunters 227,000
Number Of Anglers 938,000
Total Expenditures $1.4 billion
Total Number Of Jobs Supported 23,000
Salaries and Wages $600 million
State Tax Revenue $95 million
Ripple Effect on the State Economy $2.41 billion
Sportsmen in Washington annually pay $95.2 million in state sales and fuel taxes – this could pay 2,471 teachers' salaries or fund the annual education expenses for 14,650 students.
Sportsmen support more jobs in Washington than Microsoft Corporation (22,766 vs. 20,000).
Twice as many Washington residents hunt or fish each year as attend Seattle Seahawk games (1.02 million* vs. 508,367).
One of every six Washington residents hunt or fish.
Washington sportsmen annually spend 10 times more than the value of the state's commercial seafood landings ($1.4 billion vs. $134 million).
Washington sportsmen annually spend nearly twice as much as the cash receipts from the state's apple crop ($1.4 billion vs. $806 million).
Come join us in Olympia on March 20, 2003 for the first ever United Sportsman's Rally!
Who We Are?
Rally Information The Decoy Pile Food Donations Flyers and Banners Contact Info