I wouldn't want nor would i take money out of the mouths of children or single mothers intentionally, however i do expect the things that i pay for and the people i pay them too, to have as much accounatablity as I do. When i earn i have to justify all of my expenses and earnings and i just ask that the same rules apply. If AFTER an audit they show justified means for raising the cost, then by all means do that, but to just do it and say that it is because of this 695 DOES not wash. The state didn't fold and the sky didn't fall when 695 passed. But the gouging by our state did, when the state can justify the increases then and only then should we have to pay more.There is sooo much waste in state and local goverments that if we were to cut down on just a fraction of that , there would be resources to feed those same kids and to support that single mother and let us keep more of our money to feed and cloth our own children.
NRA Life member
The idea of a middle class life is slowly drifting away as each and every day we realize that our nation is becoming more of a corporatacracy.
I think name-calling is the right way to handle this one/Dan S
We're here from the WDFW and we're here to help--Uhh Ohh!