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#189701 - 03/07/03 08:17 PM George W.'s View on Iraq - funny
powerstrokincowb Offline

Registered: 03/22/02
Posts: 92
Loc: Philly via Puyallup
If we are not supposed to eat animals, then why did God make them out of meat??

#189702 - 03/07/03 08:42 PM Re: George W.'s View on Iraq - funny
Easy Limits Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 05/06/01
Posts: 2959
Loc: Nisqually
Very funny! laugh laugh
Carl C.

#189703 - 03/07/03 10:00 PM Re: George W.'s View on Iraq - funny
RRR Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 08/18/00
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Loc: (Tacoma native),San Diego WA, ...
Didn't he inherit that from dear ol dad's gulf war?
"Man can learn a lot from fishing. When the fish are biting, no problem in the world is big enough to bne remembered. " -- Oa Battista

VERY Homesick in San Diego

#189704 - 03/07/03 10:06 PM Re: George W.'s View on Iraq - funny
Dave Vedder Offline
Reverend Tarpones

Registered: 10/09/02
Posts: 8379
Loc: West Duvall
It is sad to say the reason it's funny is because it's close to the truth.

I thought hsi dad screwed up by not finishing waht he starterd. Jr. seems to be screwing up before he starts.
No huevos no pollo.

#189705 - 03/07/03 10:12 PM Re: George W.'s View on Iraq - funny
starcraft tom Offline
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Registered: 06/04/02
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Loc: marysville
Who has rights to oil in iraq.? the french the germans and the russians.Whats the price ? the enslavement of the iraqi people. If we wanted the oil we would just trade arms to him like the rest of the u.n. evil
Thomas J Elliott
Veterans Realty Services.

#189706 - 03/07/03 10:32 PM Re: George W.'s View on Iraq - funny
John Lee Hookum Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/12/01
Posts: 2453
Loc: Area 51
Sad but true. frown

Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of
Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter
of the gods.

-- Albert Einstein

#189707 - 03/07/03 10:58 PM Re: George W.'s View on Iraq - funny
Tabfry Offline

Registered: 02/28/03
Posts: 88
Loc: Monroe
I agree JLH, it's sad but true

#189708 - 03/08/03 01:55 AM Re: George W.'s View on Iraq - funny
fish4steel Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 09/12/01
Posts: 348
Loc: yelm, wa
You seem to forget that approximately 250,000 sons and daughters of America are on the wrong end of this humor. I personally don't think this is funny at all, especially seeing as I have to say farewell and be safe to some of MY soldiers tomorrow evening as they depart for the Persian Gulf. Think about it. frown
And where is Downriggin? And fishaddict? Boardmembers, on their way over there into harm's way. Probably more from PP board too. This attitude damns their sacrifices. Sorry for the explosion, I've had a few, but just think about it. 'Nuff said. mad
Any day spent fishing does NOT count against one's life expectancy!!
Cyberfishing from Korea sux!!

#189709 - 03/08/03 10:38 AM Re: George W.'s View on Iraq - funny
lupo Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 09/16/02
Posts: 1501
Loc: seattle wa
I love that so many are brainwashed by the headlines..... germany, france and russia profiting from iraqs oil!!!!! does anyone know that the USA and britian both get more oil from iraq than france or germany or russia?
How many know that 3 years before the gulf war..... Isreal, Britian and USA were sending billions of dollars in military equiptment to iraq?
How many know that very high CIA officials gave sadamm the wink and nod to invade IRAQ?
How many times will American kids die in the mud to protect us from republican frankenstein projects?

While my dad was watching his best friends die in NAM. ole george was AWOL from the texas air guard for a year and a half......
With such a moron in charge,,, the best way to support our troops is to keep em home!!!!!
If Isreal was willing to arm this guy, let ISREAL take him out and take the responsibility for it.
"time is but the stream I go a-fishing in"- Henry David Thoreau

#189710 - 03/08/03 10:42 AM Re: George W.'s View on Iraq - funny
lupo Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 09/16/02
Posts: 1501
Loc: seattle wa
ooops... i meant to say gave the wink and nod to invade kuwait (who was diagonal drilling into iraqui oil)
"time is but the stream I go a-fishing in"- Henry David Thoreau

#189711 - 03/08/03 11:00 AM Re: George W.'s View on Iraq - funny
Dinker Offline

Registered: 11/10/02
Posts: 12
Loc: seattle
Can't wait till the bombs start dropping on that crazy *******!
I'm sorry, did all you commie conservatives forget that most of the arab world has a price on our innocent civilians, ie. 9-11...
I'm all for taking the initiative by taking out the crazies and protecting our safety. Saddam's just the first in a long line of targets!
Can't wait to see the coverage on ABC,NBC, CNN, Fox, etc...

#189712 - 03/08/03 11:40 AM Re: George W.'s View on Iraq - funny
lupo Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 09/16/02
Posts: 1501
Loc: seattle wa
conservative commies?? really? wow u must be reeally intelligent. where in your list of crazies that need to be taken out do you fall? didnt you notice that the 9-11 highjackers came from countries that are our allies? now you want to make more allies to be safer? I bet you get all your info from headlines, wack natives and love damns and nets!
"conservatie commies"---wow... ill have to remember that moronic coment. you perfectly embody conservative thought... oh wait thats a contradiction of terms...... sound it out.... con-tra-dic-tion there ya go
"time is but the stream I go a-fishing in"- Henry David Thoreau

#189713 - 03/08/03 12:36 PM Re: George W.'s View on Iraq - funny
Old Man Offline

Registered: 05/02/01
Posts: 762
Loc: Silver Star,Mt
The more I hear that only Americans died on 9/11. the madder I get. How many from foreign countrys were in the place and got killed also. Those killings were just not aimed at Americans. I think that they were aimed at everyone in the free world. And if they want to just kill that Idiot why not just send in some Special forces. You know Snipers. mad mad
I forgot what I was supposed remember.

#189714 - 03/08/03 12:42 PM Re: George W.'s View on Iraq - funny
steelheaderone Offline
Juvenile at Sea

Registered: 12/18/02
Posts: 98
Loc: Eastern, Wa
Spoken like a true Liberal! How is that people like yourself can never speak factually and only emotionally? You are entitled to your opinion, however research the truth before you shoot your mouth off!

You seem to hate Bush, but why is there no anger coming from you about Sadaam? I know why! You hate America don't you? Why don't you and the rest of the America hating, IRAQ Apologists go over with Barbra Sreisand and the Hollywood crowd to Iraq and have a group hug. I also don't hear you complaining about your buddy Clinton for being a big part of the terroist threat we face today.
Shame on you!

I applaud your statement about our troops and understand your disgust about people like Chappy! Don't be discouraged though because they are in the very very very small minority in this country. Most Americans feel like we do.......
Protect and Defend our country and the freedom we enjoy!
God Bless you, our troops and our President !

#189715 - 03/08/03 01:42 PM Re: George W.'s View on Iraq - funny
CWUgirl Offline
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Registered: 11/19/02
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Loc: Seattle, WA
Rad Tech,

Having a little bit of reservation about the war doesn't make one a Bush hater or anti-America. I voted for Bush, support our troops, but think this war effort is just about as intelligent as sticking your hand in a bee hive.

Saddam is a ruthless dictator. Is he the only ruthless dictator or the worst one in the world right now? Not a chance. Is he a danger to America? Not in my opinion. Any sort of bio or chemical attack he could muster- which would be quite small- would result in the US reacting with its entire might and would probably spell the end of Iraq's existance on planet earth. It would be an insane move and no analyist is pushing that Saddam would ever do anything that would certainly cause his own death.

Beyond that, our ties in the middle east are strained at best. Do we really want to make more Bin Ladens or have Israeli style suicide bombings spread across the world? By making enemies with Iraq you polarize the entire region which is suffering from a rise in Islamic fundamentalism as it is. The last thing you want is to give the fundamentalists reason to overthrow quasi-democracies like Egypt, which is the most powerful Arab country. Mubaraks rule is only legitamite by way of control of the military... if they believe he's too western friendly, they'll cap him like they did Sadat in 1982. Other than Saudi Arabia, our allies are walking a tight rope between keeping fundamentalists at bay and remaining somewhat west-sympathetic.

We're getting in to something that could be huge uniting arabs and perhaps the muslum world (fastest growing religion) against us. Is that smart? Does that foster global security? Not in my opinion.

Lastly, if we go in without United Nations sanction, we make enemies with the world. The US is powerful enough to get away with it, but do we want to past that line?

Our reasons are admirable but the I just don't see the reasoning for our Iraqi assult. Would I protest? No... I think its already decided that we're going in and anti-war protestors creep me out with their lack of knowledge (general don't kill babies approach). beathead

Anyway, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong. <img border="0" alt="[wall]" title="" src="graemlins/wall.gif" />
"If fishing is like religion, then flyfishing is high church." -Tom Brokaw

#189716 - 03/08/03 02:01 PM Re: George W.'s View on Iraq - funny
BigShark Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 08/20/01
Posts: 221
Loc: PDX
March 3, 2003 For your consideration!

Methinks the protestors protest too much

The worldwide antiwar movement hasn't accomplished much, but it has made George Bush and not Saddam Hussein the villain in certain European precincts. The demonstrators, who might have attacked Franklin D. Roosevelt instead of Adolf Hitler two generations ago, are looking through the wrong end of their binoculars. They're appealing to abstract notions of compassion instead of real issues of humanity.

Andrew Sullivan, the blogger columnist, gets it right. The war against Saddam Hussein, he writes, has taken on the contours of the culture wars. "Almost the whole academic class, the media elites, the college-educated urbanites, the entertainment industry and so on are now reflexively antiwar." The dogma is as inflexible and nondebatable as political correctness. And yet everything that Saddam Hussein stands for is an anathema to the people who make up these categories.

In Iraq there is no free speech. Amnesty International has carefully documented the torture of Iraqi women and children in the presence of their husbands, brothers and fathers. Iraqi dissidents are tortured with cigarette burns and electric shocks, and then murdered.

George W. Bush and Tony Blair are routinely derided on the posters and placards of demonstrators as "baby killers," but it was Saddam Hussein who gassed whole Kurdish families.. At least 100,000 Kurds were killed in 'near-genocidal" proportions, the first ethnic group since the Holocaust to be targeted for death by its own government. Most of the Kurds were not murdered by poison gas, writes Jeffrey Goldberg in the New Yorker magazine, "rather the genocide was carried out, in large part, in the traditional manner, with roundups at night, mass executions, and anonymous burials."

In Amman, Jordan, where a number of dissident Iraqi exiles have fled, men show their scars from the regime's torture chambers. "The people who are protesting the war don't know what the regime is like," says one young man, showing cigarette burns on a shin and scars on neck and breast from a brutal whipping with a power-cable. He says to a reporter for the Village Voice: "You tell Bush my people are waiting for him."

The argument of the antiwar movement is for delay and containment, but since delay is really an argument for more delay, the movement is really about hating the president and the attitudes he represents. The Europeans resent our prosperity and power and show disdain for the "McCulture" they deride but can't get enough of. Recent public-opinion polls in Germany show that almost three-quarters of the Germans say America has "too much power," and more than half find us a greater threat to peace than either Iraq or North Korea.

Unlike the peaceniks of the Vietnam War era, the peaceniks so far show no sympathy or apology for Saddam Hussein; there is no cry similar to "Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Minh; Ho Chi Minh Will Win." The demonstrators have appropriated only one memorable cliché from their parents: "Make Love, Not War."

There seems scant idealism among either the American and European demonstrators, no cries for "a better world." There's mostly a continual dump on Israel for not creating a Palestinian state, which has become an acceptable form of anti-Semitism. But if Saddam Hussein is nobody's friend, expecting him to change his ways is as naïve as it would have been to expect Hitler to have changed his in the 1930s. It didn't happen then and it won't happen now; war made the difference then and war will make the difference now.

It's always impossible to "prove" what will happen in the future. That's what Tony Blair meant when he said that no one would have believed a modern-day Jeremiah saying in August 2001 that an al-Qaida terrorist network would have to be destroyed and that the only way to do it was to invade Afghanistan: "Yet, my goodness," he says, "a few weeks later, thousands of people were killed in the streets of New York." When Israel bombed Iraq's nuclear reactor, it felt the wrath of world opinion, but who's sorry about that now?

Bill Clinton correctly identified the evil of Saddam Hussein five years ago. He saw him as the leader of a "rogue state with the weapons of mass destruction, ready to use them or provide them to terrorists, drug traffickers or organized criminals who travel the world among us unnoticed." Too bad that all he did about Saddam was to give him more time.

More delay now in doing what nearly everyone agrees will have to be done sooner or later signals a deadly reluctance to deal not only with Saddam but future predators who will be - and maybe already are - gathering the chemical, biological and nuclear weapons of mass destruction. We can't see into the future, but we can learn from the past, if we only will.

#189717 - 03/08/03 02:58 PM Re: George W.'s View on Iraq - funny
Maguana Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 10/16/01
Posts: 199
Loc: Hoquiam/Newton
Right on Rad Tech!!!!!!!!!!

#189718 - 03/08/03 03:36 PM Re: George W.'s View on Iraq - funny
Dinker Offline

Registered: 11/10/02
Posts: 12
Loc: seattle
well said Rad Tech and Big Shark!
CWUgirl, I agree with some of what you say and respect you for not blasting our president like some of these chanting, sign holding morons.
However I do disagree with you about Iraq not being a threat to us here at home. Do you think that Saddam is above supplying weapons to terrorists? I don't. And although we can't overwhelmingly "prove" it yet, I DO think he has everrything that Bush says he does (kinda have to think that Bush has access to a little more intelligence information than we do)...unfortunately I think our troops are going to be the first ones to suffer that pain beathead
At least then we kill the SOB and try prop up what's left of his country.
As for the rest of the arab world...(I know this is an ignorant statement based entirely on my own opinion, but) I don't give a rip about any of them. As far as I'm concerned after 19 of our so-called allies flew panes into our buildings, it unfortunately became a religion based war. I know not all muslims are bad, but WAY too many of them HATE us for me to be comfortable with them. I jsut say close our doors to all muslims and cut off all ties with their governments...if they get pissed and want to go to war with us...bring it on!
As for oil, I think our best bet would be to align with another almost super power and help Russia utilize it's HUGE untapped oil reserves. Now imagine that, the two biggest powers in the world working together smile
who would need those piss ant rag heads then...they'd be free to go on whatever little jeeehaaad they frigging wanted. and if was towards either us or Russia, they'd get supersized crushed shoot
Go Bush!
Go America!
Freedom for all who want it!

#189719 - 03/08/03 03:40 PM Re: George W.'s View on Iraq - funny
Dave Vedder Offline
Reverend Tarpones

Registered: 10/09/02
Posts: 8379
Loc: West Duvall
Right on Rad Tech.

Big Shark, you may have a point, but I'm not about to weed through all those words to find it.

What so many don't understand is that you can be a patriot, you can support our tropops and not support an ill thought war.

How better to support our troops than to want to keep them out of an unnecessary war. I supported George senior. In that case we were responding to a clear act of agression - and the world supported us. God knows what his little boy is responding to, and the world is rightly against us.

I love my country,but fear this government.!
No huevos no pollo.

#189720 - 03/08/03 05:49 PM Re: George W.'s View on Iraq - funny
John Lee Hookum Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/12/01
Posts: 2453
Loc: Area 51
Thanks Surecatch, I agree with you. thumbs Sad to see some board members so hopelessly brainwashed. It would be good if the fishing was better so that they could get away from the TV (U.S. media= mental poison) thats generating their hate, fear and confussion. Sad, Sad, Sad. cry

Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of
Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter
of the gods.

-- Albert Einstein

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