I saw what happened to the loggers when the crap hit the fan, hell I grew up in it and doing it. But it was time for a change (way overdue by some counts). And the timber industry is way better than it used to be. I know its not perfect...not my point.
I will be very happy when the last of the commercial fishing boys goes the way of the profitable logger.
Oh I won't hold my breath that they will all be gone someday, I know better than that, There will be some that will become "enviromentaly friendly" and find markets willing to pay what their product will cost. And thats fine by me.
But for the majority it is already to the point that they can't hardly exist with out "corporate welfare" from the state and feds, and I guess when enough of a rukus is raised that will be cut off too.
It just amazes me that these idiots will keep fishing when the price is so low they lose money, or sure as hell should be! How friggin long before these guys die out? Or the powers that be reorganize them to some type of "sutsainable harvest" type plan?(Hold yer breath)
Hmmm methinks I sound like a broken record
If you use up the resource then you don't have a resource to use, If there is no resource THERE IS NO REVENUE! At some point can someone get this through to the idiots making the decisions( they have such a stellar track record for making good calls for the betterment of the species( I can't find a puking smiley to put here))
Yeah chalk me up as P.O.ed
The 19th is my b-day and the trip to St Helens was my Present....
Cabo in Oct