#194003 - 04/11/03 01:55 PM
Lake Washington basics
Registered: 02/07/03
Posts: 40
I've never fished lake washington before but would like to start. The posts on lake washington cutts is interesting. What i would like to know is: 1 Directions to boat launches. 2 What areas and water depths to fish for perch,rainbows,cutts, etc 3 What tactics to use for the species 4 And landmarks on the bank to look for so i know I'm in the right area. Any info you guys can give will help because i know nothing about the lake,even a little info helps. THANKS! 
#194004 - 04/11/03 03:26 PM
Re: Lake Washington basics
Returning Adult
Registered: 02/19/01
Posts: 249
Loc: SnoCo
Anything else?
If anybody needs me, I'll be on the river.
#194005 - 04/11/03 03:38 PM
Re: Lake Washington basics
Registered: 05/03/01
Posts: 972
Loc: Moses Lake
driftin, you got a reply button on your computer? I see you only ask the original question and then never participate in the discussion.
Besides... you got some good tips for getting info on fishing Lake WA on the other board.
One launch is on exit 9 off of I-405. Drive to the end of the road... launch your boat.
zen leecher
#194006 - 04/11/03 05:32 PM
Re: Lake Washington basics
Juvenille at Sea
Registered: 02/19/03
Posts: 238
Loc: redmond wash
the lake is huge it takes alot of time to figure it out but theres some big fish in that lake in july and aug. off kirkland there is lot of perch around the docks the docks get packed with guys fishing for perch in the spring theres some good trout fishing there too just got to find them.
wishin i was fishin
#194007 - 04/11/03 06:28 PM
Re: Lake Washington basics
River Nutrients
Registered: 10/04/01
Posts: 3563
Loc: Gold Bar
I seem to remember Cigar catching a nice fish in that lake last year. Dang I still remember that was a huge piggy
A.K.A Lead Thrower
#194008 - 04/12/03 12:55 AM
Re: Lake Washington basics
Registered: 10/29/02
Posts: 64
Loc: Lake Forest Park
I usually fish this lake for the big rainbow and cutthroats. I troll spoons and plugs either off downriggers or I use leaded line. These fish are boat shy. Get your lure far behind the boat. This can be a very frustrating lake. I can go 1-2 trips w/o a fish, then get a couple of 4-6 pounders the next trip. I believe these trout are few and far between and should be released. If you want to do some meat fishing, go after the perch. Ancher up and fish w/ worms on the bottom. usually it's pretty fast fishing and great fun for the kids. I launch at Magnuson state park off of Sand Point way. I'll be out there this Sunday.
#194009 - 04/12/03 01:04 AM
Re: Lake Washington basics
River Nutrients
Registered: 05/06/01
Posts: 2959
Loc: Nisqually
Stray, you are right about that: This can be a very frustrating lake. I can go 1-2 trips w/o a fish, then get a couple of 4-6 pounders the next trip
Carl C.
#194011 - 04/12/03 11:34 AM
Re: Lake Washington basics
River Nutrients
Registered: 10/04/01
Posts: 3563
Loc: Gold Bar
Ya that is the one. Dang I cannot believe the size of that piggy. LOOK at the belly on it, Geez its fat. I think that fish should be tested for Steroids. 
A.K.A Lead Thrower
#194014 - 04/12/03 07:48 PM
Re: Lake Washington basics
Returning Adult
Registered: 09/01/01
Posts: 354
Loc: Shoreline, Wa.
Right on Big Daddy!!! That big cutthroat (14.9lb.) that Sok caught chomped down on a size 3.5 Yellow Tail Coyote Spoon. Some helpful tips: Troll fast, fish in open deep water near local creeks. Best depth to set your downrigger in the spring and summer months is 65 to 75 feet. Cigar 
"Always on a mission to go fishin"
#194015 - 04/12/03 10:42 PM
Re: Lake Washington basics
The Tide changed
Registered: 08/31/00
Posts: 7083
Loc: Everett
I am headed out on the the big W tomorrow to water test my rig prior to heading to the CR next weekend.
I agree with all the other advice given here. I also use pop gear and worm trolls, spinners, and just worms sometimes behind pop gear.
Cigar, when you say work offshore of creeks, which ones are you referring to?
You know something bad is going to happen when you hear..."Hey, hold my beer and watch this"
#194016 - 04/12/03 11:20 PM
Re: Lake Washington basics
River Nutrients
Registered: 05/06/01
Posts: 2959
Loc: Nisqually
I think I am going to head out to the big lake tomorrow.
Carl C.
#194017 - 04/13/03 01:55 AM
Re: Lake Washington basics
Returning Adult
Registered: 01/24/03
Posts: 254
Loc: Renton WA
Got skunked today Carl, but I know of one boat that did not, He was trolling a green and yellow k3 frog at 27 to 35 ft off his rigger on the south end of poverty rock in 100', at about yer trollin speed. He caught a bunch over 2-3lbs and one 10+lb triploid. Give it a try and let us know, I trolled all day, took the flatfish out two or three times, put 'em away and used something else DOH! 
Foresight and planning ahead will NOT be tolerated
#194018 - 04/14/03 01:13 AM
Re: Lake Washington basics
Registered: 08/12/02
Posts: 49
Loc: MA10
I stumbled across this informative article about Lk Washington cutthroats by John Beath. Same playbook. I'll also throw in this great report turned to fish story. the Legend of Hiroshi
#194019 - 04/14/03 09:36 AM
Re: Lake Washington basics
River Nutrients
Registered: 05/06/01
Posts: 2959
Loc: Nisqually
JohnnyD, thanks for the good report. I will have to try my favorite lure (frog flatfish) a little deeper next time I am out on the big lake.
I hit the big lake yesterday for four hours. Fished around the south end of the Island and around Coulon. Not a single bite.
Carl C.
#194020 - 04/14/03 09:57 AM
Re: Lake Washington basics
Registered: 10/29/02
Posts: 64
Loc: Lake Forest Park
I fished lake Washington on Sunday. Released two cutthroat about 1 1/2 pounds each. They hit large spoons. I had no luck on a flat fish.
#194021 - 04/14/03 01:26 PM
Re: Lake Washington basics
Returning Adult
Registered: 01/22/02
Posts: 271
Loc: Covington
One thing you might want to try is drifting power bait. What I usually do is use a 24" leater with a large egg wait and drop her to the bottom and let the current take me. Always make sure you're dragging bottom and you're line is in an angle. I have had great success on both ends of the point of seward park usually in 70 ft. Avg fish has been 5lbs. Another spot is in the middle of the bridges, but I do not drop my bait to the bottom. I let it hang in an angle around 90ft. I have yet to troll for them, but now that I have DR's and a poor man troller, trolling plate, I'm thinking i'm going to have to give it a try.
Quit crying and just fish. FISH ON!!!!!
#194023 - 04/14/03 04:11 PM
Re: Lake Washington basics
The Tide changed
Registered: 08/31/00
Posts: 7083
Loc: Everett
Launched yesterday from Kenmore to water test, take a cruise and fish a bit. The fishing report? It was one of those days where you say " oh, we saw bald eagles!" No fish. We trolled from St. Edward SP down to Juanita/Point Holmes. Was nice to get out and drink a cold one though and enjoy the day.
You know something bad is going to happen when you hear..."Hey, hold my beer and watch this"
#194024 - 04/14/03 04:54 PM
Re: Lake Washington basics
Registered: 05/03/01
Posts: 972
Loc: Moses Lake
I think your fish was an outgoing steelhead.
zen leecher
#194026 - 04/14/03 05:59 PM
Re: Lake Washington basics
River Nutrients
Registered: 05/06/01
Posts: 2959
Loc: Nisqually
NICE cuttie! Do you use anything in front of your spoon?
Carl C.
#194029 - 04/15/03 02:03 PM
Re: Lake Washington basics
Three Time Spawner
Registered: 09/16/02
Posts: 1501
Loc: seattle wa
many say that the windy side of the two bridges out produce the calm side
"time is but the stream I go a-fishing in"- Henry David Thoreau
#194030 - 04/16/03 11:16 AM
Re: Lake Washington basics
Registered: 07/10/00
Posts: 948
Loc: Snohomish, WA USA
#194032 - 04/16/03 09:29 PM
Re: Lake Washington basics
Returning Adult
Registered: 02/11/03
Posts: 272
Loc: Olympia
Hmmm the upper part of the tail looks fairly ragged. I notice the adipose is intact. Wonder how that happened to the fish's tail. Did you do a stomach analysis? Just curious as to how these cutts get to this size.
#194033 - 04/16/03 10:36 PM
Re: Lake Washington basics
Returning Adult
Registered: 02/11/03
Posts: 283
Loc: Renton, WA
Went out on the lake today with not even one bump, seen a few boat's out there with a net in the water every now and then. We seen one that probably went 5lbs get netted. Fished at the southwest end of mercer island. Marked alot of fish on the finder but no hit's. Think I will try it again sunday morn.  Work just called said there is really nothing going on tomorrow so it look's like I will hit it again.
I've got a Shotgun,a rifle and a 4-wheel drive and a country boy can survive. - HANK WILLIAMS JR
#194035 - 04/17/03 02:49 PM
Re: Lake Washington basics
Registered: 05/03/01
Posts: 972
Loc: Moses Lake
I've caught sea-runs in the Sammamish slough years ago.
My guess is your cutt is a spawner based on the shredded tail. Whether it's a sea-run or not is open to debate. I don't think there were many lake living cutts years ago when I caught sea-runs in the slough. I think resident cutts have really come on since those days.
zen leecher
#194036 - 04/17/03 05:09 PM
Re: Lake Washington basics
Returning Adult
Registered: 04/01/03
Posts: 249
Loc: Bothell wa
Generally dont preach, but fish barbless and put'em back boys, This fishery was out of this world back in the early 90's but has declined big time Since, Bottom line to many people Bonking them, fish'em enjoy them but for Gods sake release them along side the Boat. Mark my words you wont do much catching in the near futore if everyone stays at the present pace on the Fishery!!
''Should have been here yesterday, It was like the old days"
#194037 - 04/17/03 06:51 PM
Re: Lake Washington basics
River Nutrients
Registered: 05/06/01
Posts: 2959
Loc: Nisqually
I will have to disagree with you on this one Budnate.
Lake WA is one of the most under-fished lakes in the state. Lake WA is a tough fishery which I think scares most people away. I have more fishless trips on the big lake than trips where I catch fish. Of all the times I have fished Lake WA for trout I maybe see two or three other boats out there (except for sockeye season of course).
Carl C.
#194038 - 04/17/03 07:42 PM
Re: Lake Washington basics
Registered: 05/03/01
Posts: 972
Loc: Moses Lake
The words in the one paper were "this (the cutthroat) is a growing fishery". Budnate may be talking of the rainbows... but those are stocked, and were stocked in previous years. This is where the Donaldson trout got it's beginnings.
zen leecher
#194039 - 04/18/03 12:35 AM
Re: Lake Washington basics
Returning Adult
Registered: 04/01/03
Posts: 249
Loc: Bothell wa
NOPE, Talking about the Cutt's, this time of year you will pick up quite a few coming off of spawn, Mostly what i am talking about is Oct / Nov when i see allott of new faces on the lake bonking spawners!! Fact is they can be tough to catch, but are vunerable that time of year and are concentrated in the usual areas. The BS about the numbers are up is just that, I wont mention any spots but one that is pretty Much totally messed up from what it was, Juanita used to produce 15 fish days and I am talking 18" to 21" Chunky fish that would rip line and jump like a crazed Coho, I know see boats there almost everyday during week and on weekends it looks like the Bubble with people pounding it, I hit once in while to see how it is and am lucky to pick up a fish or two, and generally are dinks. Like i said earlier I dont preach to people but I have seen this fishery run into the toilet before my eyes, it sucks!!. It used to a world class thing to exsperiance. I would like to see it closed from Oct till May then have at'em on the riggers out by the bridge or a few other spots.
Tight lines guys, Bud.
''Should have been here yesterday, It was like the old days"
#194040 - 04/22/03 10:49 AM
Re: Lake Washington basics
Registered: 02/07/03
Posts: 40
Does any body know anything about the 12 Inch and above perch and were to look?
#194041 - 04/22/03 02:44 PM
Re: Lake Washington basics
The Tide changed
Registered: 08/31/00
Posts: 7083
Loc: Everett
DFC, if you get a depth chart of LW there is a underwater point about 1000 meters southeast of Luther Burbank park on Mercer Island. I am told that this is a great spot to catch monster perch.
go to topozone.com if you need a chart.
Also straight off of Barnabie point just south of that location there is a good spot about 300 meters offshore. IF you look at the Topozone map, the spot is right under the "e" in Barnabie.
I used to fish from the dock at Enatai beach park for perch when I was a kid and did well there too.
You know something bad is going to happen when you hear..."Hey, hold my beer and watch this"
#194042 - 04/22/03 05:23 PM
Re: Lake Washington basics
I'm a freak'n CAKE
Registered: 05/17/01
Posts: 942
Loc: Almost on the beach
The Lake WA cutthroat fishery "used to" be one of the best things going since the invention of the Flatfish, but.....it ain't no more! Fishless days more often than not? Never used to be the case. I was fortunate enough to have some excellent teachers (thanks, Cigar  ) but that was 15ish years ago and the fishing was truly excellent. There used to be a close-knit circle of cutthroat fisherman in the North end of the lake who really knew their stuff. You could always tell who was a newcomer becuase they caught a few small ones and/or nothing. The pros released 90+% of what they caught rarely keeping the big ones and bonking rainbows for the table. The lake may be a huge lake making it seem as though there is not much angling pressure, but like Budnate said, the fish are vulnerable in a few areas where they are concentrated before and after they spawn in the little tribs. Spring and early summer is a great time to catch hungry post-spawn fish such as the one pictured by Jeff. Notice the tail is all "chewed up" which is caused by digging reds. Rememer folks, that cutthroat are trout and just like steelhead they will spawn in late winter and all through the spring. They are feeding on anything and everything that they can catch when they get back to the lake so they can regenerate muscle and tissue that was lost from overwintering in the creeks before they spawn. My buddy lives on a local Lake Wa tributary and there are some giant cutts spawning around the vicinity of his property. Neat to watch them in there, but remember that they are snakes when they get back to the lake and they need to regenerate. No different that targeting downstream steelhead which much like the post-spawn cutties will have pale white meat and are completely worthless as table fare (compared to a pre-spawn fish). Put 'em back, please folks, at least keep the rainbows which are stocked fairly heavily. If you do choose to keep the cutties, than that is your right, but don't come crying to me in 10 years when there ain't no fish left! Trust me, with all the hype it won't be long! 
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