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#194829 - 04/19/03 01:04 PM The Cowlitz Zoo
glowball Offline

Registered: 12/06/00
Posts: 783
Loc: bullcanyon
I'm betting a few of you want to know what's going on down at the cowlitz. A freaking zoo has been established there already. We got there 45 min before daylight and there was already 7-8 boats on the other side. We fished over there for about an hour or so and gave up. Got tired of hearing "coming down" I guess you can't hold em with 15lb when the fish are hooked in the @$$.

We ran down river to baker and saw nothing caught but the fisherman were there. Yep its only 10:00 and I'm home. Can't stand fishing with goons. There were a few good guys over there but they were outnumbered. I didn't read the seattle times yesterday, but I bet it said go fish the cowlitz up by the barrier.

Oh yeah there is some guy shuttling people over to the other side that needs some brains. He cut a fish off from a lady this morning. She didn't react like I would've.

Well now you know that it ain't worth going unless you're into combat fishing.
There's no head like steelhead!
Operations manager of coors light testing facility.

#194830 - 04/19/03 02:22 PM Re: The Cowlitz Zoo
centerpin Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 11/24/00
Posts: 377
Loc: The Terrace
a little rant;
glowball hit it right on!
There is a herd of fishers in the northwest that you find at all the zoo fishery's.
to be part of the herd you must not have any ethics,principles. or manners,anything you hook is yours to kill,no fishing zones are a challenge to the herd ,fishing regulations don't apply to you,you read fishen & hunten news to find out where the herd is moving next.
In the herds wake are river banks strewn with trash fish line and fecal matter.
Most areas the herd fishes the property owners close to public access after one season of the herd.
Public places frequented by the herd are intolerable at best
Just some thoughts and observations from three decades of river fishing
Bait thug
AKA 98043

#194831 - 04/19/03 02:40 PM Re: The Cowlitz Zoo
RK43 Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 07/23/02
Posts: 476
Loc: Edmonds
I have property with a boat launch on the COW between Barrier and BC. You guys are right. What a bunch of freeking idiots. Every weekend I go down there, it is not a problem to pick up a bag of trash.

It is the same low life goons that apply the new layer of garbage every weekend.

To bad there is not a way to cull the herd a bit.
ARGH!!! The cooler's EMPTY!!!

#194832 - 04/19/03 11:53 PM Re: The Cowlitz Zoo
Returning Adult

Registered: 02/12/03
Posts: 368
Loc: W. WA
A Friend said fishing was good and I was tempted to check it out but then I said easter weekend eek forget it. I don't mind the zoo once in a while. It is kind of fun if the fishing is hot and you are next to the right group of guys.
I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it. Thomas Jefferson.

#194833 - 04/20/03 10:46 AM Re: The Cowlitz Zoo
egg goober Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 07/09/02
Posts: 176
what a joke! i braved the barrier crowd on the launch side for about 2 hours is all. i couldnt even walk down the bank cause there was so much frickin line wrapped around my feet evil . i have never seen so many crackers in my life. yes i did see that moron shuttling people across, which i'm sure was really great news for the people who were up there first. i seen the guy with the leg brace fighting his fish down the guantlet. he did good for having a bum leg. he did better than all the other crackers with just one leg thumbs thumbs 2 thumbs for that. i fished elsewhere the rest of the day with a big smile .

#194834 - 04/20/03 03:38 PM Re: The Cowlitz Zoo
micropterus101 Offline

Registered: 01/03/03
Posts: 802
Loc: Port Orchard
I think down by the boat ramp Roy, Rick turner, Ron lagar, Andy, and Bill would have something to say about you calling them crackers They have been fishing that river since they were born. AS far as the so called snaggers across the way you havent fished there enough to Know whats going on! sure there are exceptions but most the fish taken down are not SNAGGED! I cant explain why without giving you all a big tip about the fishing over there but if your using 15 your using to much! Cracker, Cracker, Cracker!

#194835 - 04/20/03 05:22 PM Re: The Cowlitz Zoo
Fish Jesus Offline

Registered: 09/25/01
Posts: 744
Loc: Tacoma
This does not apply to the many good folks practicing voluntary take tactics at Barrier Dam.

I saw a lot of the successful guys using 10ft.+ length leaders, 2-3/0 hooks, small drift bobbers and 2-3 ounce of weight.

Call it what you will but in reality it's plain and simply called lining. If it isn't lining then what is the benefit of such a long leader? Wouldn't a receptive fish easily take a setup on a 3ft. leader?

If you chose to line fish then there is no way to deny the out side in hook placement more than 70% of the time.

It's not my intention to crack on anyone just calling a spade a spade.

#194836 - 04/20/03 10:16 PM Re: The Cowlitz Zoo
scottguides Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 09/19/00
Posts: 215
Loc: elma
i'm with you fj. beer .scott

#194837 - 04/20/03 10:55 PM Re: The Cowlitz Zoo
glowball Offline

Registered: 12/06/00
Posts: 783
Loc: bullcanyon
Hey micro
I've fished with those guys over there on the other side and they ain't getting the fish to bite. I don't care if you're convinced they are or not. If it makes you sleep at night thinking otherwise than so be it.

I've also fished with those old timers down at the launch and I doubt they would care what anyone says. I don't think anyone was referring to them. Those boys are egg fisherman not SNAGGERS.

Can't explain without giving the secret. HA Here I'll do it for ya. Use at least a 7 foot leader 10 is better. Tie a double hook setup with your corkies in the middle of the two hooks. Don't bother using yarn (it doesn't stick in scales like it does teeth) Cast out and hopefully your line will cross through an open mouth of an unsuspecting fish. Than yell "fish on coming down". If you don't hook one on the drift always jerk at the end of the drift, and if you miss just tell the guy next to "ya darn missed again".
What a freaking joke. Maybe I'll take the digital camera with me next time and I'll follow you down to the corner and take a pic of your fish with the hook outside the mouth.
Let me know when you're going.
There's no head like steelhead!
Operations manager of coors light testing facility.

#194838 - 04/20/03 11:03 PM Re: The Cowlitz Zoo
egg goober Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 07/09/02
Posts: 176
well said glowball! thumbs

#194839 - 04/20/03 11:20 PM Re: The Cowlitz Zoo
ParaLeaks Offline

Registered: 01/11/03
Posts: 10363
Loc: Olypen
the technique you describe is called well when fish are stacked up and it or not, it's not going away, because it works slap
Agendas kill truth.
If it's a crop, plant it.

#194840 - 04/20/03 11:28 PM Re: The Cowlitz Zoo
Aix sponsa Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 01/13/03
Posts: 405
Loc: Port Orchard
Glow ball:
Why don’t we get together I just went with Micro; to the cow last wen & Thursday And I got video of our trip and I’m sorry but you would have to do some apologizing to him.
He’s the most ethical fisher men I ever seen down their, every fish I’ve seen him pull in has always been in the mouth.
In memory of Floyd M. Wright Nov 3 1925 – Oct 8 2007 I love you Dad; You were the greatest.

#194841 - 04/20/03 11:30 PM Re: The Cowlitz Zoo
KingFisher85 Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 11/15/02
Posts: 258
Loc: Amboy Wa
Sounds like a fall report to me beathead
Keep it simple~~~
Come on and come to my house girls, girls~~~
Life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.~~~
How to fix a gun-- Take it apart--Put it back together--Hide extra parts~~~

#194842 - 04/21/03 12:01 AM Re: The Cowlitz Zoo
centerpin Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 11/24/00
Posts: 377
Loc: The Terrace
The Herd mentality,Flossing = fish in the freezer.
Bait thug
AKA 98043

#194843 - 04/21/03 05:43 AM Re: The Cowlitz Zoo
micropterus101 Offline

Registered: 01/03/03
Posts: 802
Loc: Port Orchard
Not that I have the need for flossing but If there using 2 to three ounces of lead there flossing rig is all wrong they should be using 3/4s to get that 12 to 14 foot leader drifting paralell through the fish. I have been fishing for springers for 17 years down there, among other places, I think I know a thing or two about the rigs. most the snaggers are down there in august when the springers are dark and spawning. That would be a good time for your digital camera FJ. FISH COMING DOWN! WHAT A BUNCH OF FRICKING MORONS!"this ones good for the smoker" LOOSERS! Thats a fishery that needs to go bye bye.

Glowball you dont have a clue. Its not a matter of being convinced its a matter of experience 17 years experience. The other side is where I first started river fishing I fished with the best and will forget more than most people will ever learn. Unless your Dezaree, Darwin, Bill, or Joe You were not there when I started springer fishing. I catch more fish than the few flossers will ever floss (7 to 10 fish a day) during the peak.

For the others out there alot of those (not all) fish coming down are hooked in the snappers, the water is quite a bit faster on the other side and the guys that know what there doing are using ten pound test. I have had many fish in the past take me around the corner. some fish run to the opposite side of the river and hold in the current, the only way to get them in is to run below the fish and pull them to you. The fish do bite!

Yes there are some snagged fish but that is the exception not the rule! This time of the year.

Its been my expierience in the past that The Guys that dont catch anything down there are the ones whining about snaggers. Dont make excuses just put your time in and someday you'll learn how to catch them (maybe). I am getting sick and tired of people that just want everything handed to them. Observe, Deduct Adjust,= fish on! How are you ever going to have respect for the resource unless you learn yourself? (kinda like dad giving you your first car)it just doesnt last. If your making an honest effort and are learning and not doing a bunch of whining Ill be more likely to help out.

#194844 - 04/21/03 11:09 AM Re: The Cowlitz Zoo
glowball Offline

Registered: 12/06/00
Posts: 783
Loc: bullcanyon
Sounds like you're implying that I don't catch fish. I do pretty good down on the ol river.

IN regards to the flossing. You might be the exception to the rule. If thats the case I apologize. I'm speaking from what I've seen over there and heard from friends who've fished over there. Most of those yahoos are flossing the fish. Just because a hook is in the head doesn't mean it bit. Most of the fish are hooked outside in. Not saying yours are so don't rebut the last comment.

Just for the record I'm not complaining about someone else catching fish. It's the whole package that goes with fishing the cowlitz on a weekend. You fishing there for 17 years should know as well as anyone how much its gone downhill. Yeah yeah I know don't go down there then. Don't worry I won't go down there on a weekend again.
There's no head like steelhead!
Operations manager of coors light testing facility.

#194845 - 04/21/03 12:09 PM Re: The Cowlitz Zoo

Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 672
QUESTION, to get to the other side of the river, would it be safe to row my pontoon boat across? and how do they fish it, jus eggs or will corkies suffice?

#194846 - 04/21/03 01:56 PM Re: The Cowlitz Zoo
wooldridge Offline

Registered: 08/29/01
Posts: 64
Loc: Centralia
I have been thinking about doing that in my pontoon boat as well. I think it would be fine, just start up river a bit and were a PFD. I have not been to the Barrier in a while and figured I would try that to get away from the Combat fishing, but maybe its getting bad over there as well....


#194847 - 04/21/03 03:57 PM Re: The Cowlitz Zoo
rola76 Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 11/18/02
Posts: 134
Loc: Wapato, WA
On the weekend when the flows are low you could easily make it in a pontoon, no problem whatsoever.

As for the snaggers, I too get disgusted, but as others have said, no one can make them go away as long as it's not against the law. Once they keep a snagged fish, according to a sheriff down at Barrier last year, then they become law-breakers. I sat there with the sheriff last year and watched a bunch of trashy morons snag fish in the slack water, but he couldn't put a stop to it because none of them had treble hooks or kept the tires they were catching.

There IS privacy on that river, with or without a boat, so find some. I manage to, so I'm sure others can as well.

#194848 - 04/21/03 05:38 PM Re: The Cowlitz Zoo
Returning Adult

Registered: 02/12/03
Posts: 368
Loc: W. WA
I moved my question to a new thread laugh
I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it. Thomas Jefferson.

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