Anyone know what spots/drifts/small rivers are hot now for springers? I know you probably dont want to broadcast it all over this website so e-mail me if you feel inclined to. I'm mostly a steelhead fisherman so if you would like some secret spots I KNOW you dont know of for steelhead
I would definetly be willing to trade secrets. These spots I'm talking about ive seen no more than 2 or 3 people on any given outing and ive never been skunked at them, I guess thats why their secret
If you mention the Cowlitz your stupid for even posting it
the last thing I want to do is fish next to a guy with a doubl digit shoe size and a single digit I.Q. who every three casts is going to make me appriciate the Emergency Room personal more and more in their expertise of pulling a one ounce chunk of lead out of the back of my head. I also dislike the notion of playing "bumper" boats with the "no lookers"......What is a "no looker" you ask. Well I'll tell you. A "no looker" is a guy who has three or more (depending on how big his smile is when you whip out your checkbook) people in his boat who rrriiiggggghhhhht as he runs over, not just your line but everyone elses in your driftboat/sled, turns his head the other way and looks far off into space on the other side of the boat. Perhaps contemplating what my six ounce lead is gonna do to the side of his boat when I re-rig with my Sturgeon rod I brought.....""just in case"
. Not only can he look the OPPOSITE way that he is fishing but he also preforms the sidewinder in mid drift! The SIDEWINDER ,you ask? Yes, thats where he notices that the boat AHEAD of him is looking the other way and is slightly off track to hit one of the best spots that the DRIFT FISHERMAN ARE FISHING. With lightning reflexes he preforms the sidewinder. He revs his BIG motor, coincidently spitting your one ounce lead out of his jet pump, whips his boat over the drift fishermans lines and in between the other "no looker" who is busy untangling his three buddy's from another " no lookers" bad cast, all the while maintaing not only his drift through prime water but a look of seriousness on his face. At least I think its serious? I can never really tell because he's alway's staring off into space the opposite direction everytime I have the oppurtunity to look up from rigging up for the...30th time that MORNING. Oh wait I lied. I do get to see his face when he comes over, after hooking another fish in the hole I was fishing and says......."Catch any fish?"