Here in lies the problem...
"Implementing wild-release of native fish species remains a high priority for Olympic National Park. However, after consulting with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, we have concluded that our proposal may not result in increased numbers of wild salmon and steelhead reaching spawning areas on the Queets River. Because of previous court rulings, there is no certainty that there will be an increase in the numbers of wild salmon and steelhead which reach spawning areas following the implementation of wild-release requirements on the Queets River. Therefore, Olympic National Park will continue to work with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife to provide some harvest opportunity for non-treaty recreational anglers on wild salmon and steelhead in the Queets River.
Allocation issues are not likely to interfere with our proposal to release wild salmon and steelhead in Goodman Creek, Salmon River and the upper Quinault River. Therefore, Olympic National Park will implement wild release requirements for steelhead caught within the park boundaries on these streams. Harvest will only be allowed on marked (adipose clipped) hatchery steelhead in Goodman Creek. Since hatchery steelhead in Salmon River and the upper Quinault River are not marked, only steelhead with dorsal fins less than 2 1/8 inches in height will available for harvest on these rivers within Olympic National Park.
Our long-term fishery management goal remains a quality fishing experience where all wild, native species are released. An important assumption in any future wild release fishery is an increase in the number of wild fish spawning and contributing to ecologically based escapement goals. We believe ecosystem-based escapement goals for salmon, trout and char will result in more productive and diverse aquatic and terrestrial systems and possibly greater long-term stability. We will continue to explore other options to achieve these objectives. "
PS Another interesting note is that in the opening letter the Park stated that they recieved only 70 responses from individuals and organizations. Must be a lot of sand baggers out there just payin lip service.