Cowlitz fisherman/ Aunty M
You can take the word “Selective” as to what you understand it but as it pertains to a fisheries, Parker is correct.
Gill Nets Are Selective:
•The times that nets can be in the water.
•The size of the mesh openings of the netting.
•The length of the net.
•The location of the nets.
•The depth of the net in the water.
•The Material of the Net.
Given the Alternative to other methods Gill nets are Selective.
“Since most fish will bite a hook, it is hard to be selective with this gear. But anglers and commercial fishermen both can make their hooks more selective by using knowledge of fish behavior”.
We can argue till the cows come home but, you have your understanding and I have mine. This issue had nothing to do with being a Net lover rather the term “Selective fishing and how it pertains to Gill Nets”.
All tools can be used effectively and correctly but it is up to the individual/group.
“Hummmm. . . Maybe that's why the gill netters are allowed their own special "incidental catch" when sport fishers are not!”
Yes, sports fishing does have a by catch ratio. Every time you go fishing for Steelhead and you catch a Salmon or White Fish, etc… that is your By Catch.
Originally posted by AuntyM:
“I would say WDFW wouldn't be testing these other methods if there wasn't a problem. Here is the link to WDFW's Selective Fishing page.”
No Aunty, WDFW would never do anything like that.

There agency is so efficient there never looking into solving any of there own problems.
WDFW had seen this being effective in other fisheries, mainly Alaska and some Atlantic Fleets.
I am sure we can sit here and drag this through the mud too but I am sick of typing and have other things to do this week.
Again this was about the term “Selective” not net lovers.
I am sure we can also turn it into a snagging / lining and any other volatile issue.
I much rather talk then type so if you feel you need to continue you can call me at my office on Monday. (800) 935-6464 Ext. 147 other wise I will enjoy the rest of my week off and type less.