#196617 - 05/12/03 07:05 PM
Re: Cougar attack on the Kalama
Eliminating a PROBLEM CAT using hounds is completely justifiable. So what your saying is you like paying for this service in the tune of 1.1 - 1.4 million a year and having it completed by the same individuals that previously were revenue producers for WDFW? You make alot of sense! GFC You know what you can do with your woody you referenced? ahh never mind!
#196618 - 05/12/03 07:22 PM
Re: Cougar attack on the Kalama
Returning Adult
Registered: 11/19/02
Posts: 367
Loc: Seattle, WA
Originally posted by goforchrome: Previously posted: There is no doubt you take nets out you will see increased returns. Just like you take the most effective predator MANAGEMENT tool away you see an increase as we have, which BTW threatens humans.
So whats your point Sherlock?
************************************* Shooting a big cat treed by hounds seems as sporting as a dupont spinner for native steelhead. Eliminating a PROBLEM CAT using hounds is completely justifiable. If shooting a big cat gives you a woody, track it and shoot it yourself.
Let's go fishing! Obviously you've never tried to track a cougar. It is all but impossible to spot and stalk one of these animals. Hounds are the ONLY effective method of tracking cougars. Why is the use of dogs unsporting?? My lab sure thinks its sporting to track and point birds for me... not much more difficult of a shot than shooting a cat from a tree. 
"If fishing is like religion, then flyfishing is high church." -Tom Brokaw
#196619 - 05/12/03 08:27 PM
Re: Cougar attack on the Kalama
Registered: 04/02/01
Posts: 493
Loc: sammamish WA
CWU: Obviously you've never tried to track a cougar. It is all but impossible to spot and stalk one of these animals. Hounds are the ONLY effective method of tracking cougars.
EXACTLY! You want a trophy? WORK FOR IT! How does a 25yd shot at a treed animal with no escape inflate your self-esteem?
CWU: Why is the use of dogs unsporting?? My lab sure thinks its sporting to track and point birds for me... not much more difficult of a shot than shooting a cat from a tree.
If you're a 100% wing-shooter, why waste time and $ on an education. You should be on TNN schooling the 'billies at their own game. Benelli demo team. If I'm hunting behind your lab, that bird has a much better chance than a treed cat. Do you tie the birds to a stake with a 25 yrd string and then shoot them? And there are preserves with stocked pheasants that are a long way from earning their existence. Not EVEN the same thing. 'My lab thinks....' ....I hope you think at a higher level than your lab....although they are pretty smart.
I'm getting tired of this post. I didn't come here to make enemies. We agree to disagree. I wish you all the best of luck in your sporting endeavors. GFC
If you leave things up to interpretation, there's no room to be right.
#196620 - 05/12/03 08:42 PM
Re: Cougar attack on the Kalama
And there are preserves with stocked pheasants that are a long way from earning their existence. Then there are ponds stocked with trout. GFC,, you sure like your elite way but are really quick to condone anothers. It's quite obvious you lack any intimate knowledge of that practice except for some tainted video you have watched!
#196621 - 05/12/03 08:49 PM
Re: Cougar attack on the Kalama
Registered: 04/02/01
Posts: 493
Loc: sammamish WA
GFC,, you sure like your elite way but are really quick to condone anothers.
I guess I am CONDONED to a life of ignorance.
If you leave things up to interpretation, there's no room to be right.
#196622 - 05/12/03 09:08 PM
Re: Cougar attack on the Kalama
Juvenile at Sea
Registered: 03/25/03
Posts: 116
Loc: Rochester, Washington
I won't waste much of my time on this, but I just can't believe the opinions of some on here. You guys sound like you're members of PETA. What I wonder is how can you stand the thought of hooking a fish and causing it pain and stress? Do you do that to make yourself feel more manly? Seriously, what are you guys doing on a hunting/fishing board such as this, if you think hunting is unethical?
#196623 - 05/12/03 10:20 PM
Re: Cougar attack on the Kalama
Registered: 02/03/03
Posts: 40
Loc: olympia wash.
JEFERSON Is THAT downrigger On Your On You r AVA TAR. fAIR give Me a Break . Rick. Former Redneck . Bearbaiter. Unethical. Hunter. Sure is a lot of anti's on this Board. Rick
#196624 - 05/12/03 10:36 PM
Re: Cougar attack on the Kalama
Registered: 02/03/03
Posts: 40
Loc: olympia wash.
That's What REALY pisses Me Off. They Have Comeback's Just Like P eta And other anti's .Rick
#196625 - 05/12/03 10:37 PM
Re: Cougar attack on the Kalama
Returning Adult
Registered: 11/19/02
Posts: 367
Loc: Seattle, WA
Originally posted by goforchrome: CWU: Obviously you've never tried to track a cougar. It is all but impossible to spot and stalk one of these animals. Hounds are the ONLY effective method of tracking cougars.
EXACTLY! You want a trophy? WORK FOR IT! How does a 25yd shot at a treed animal with no escape inflate your self-esteem?
CWU: Why is the use of dogs unsporting?? My lab sure thinks its sporting to track and point birds for me... not much more difficult of a shot than shooting a cat from a tree.
If you're a 100% wing-shooter, why waste time and $ on an education. You should be on TNN schooling the 'billies at their own game. Benelli demo team. If I'm hunting behind your lab, that bird has a much better chance than a treed cat. Do you tie the birds to a stake with a 25 yrd string and then shoot them? And there are preserves with stocked pheasants that are a long way from earning their existence. Not EVEN the same thing. 'My lab thinks....' ....I hope you think at a higher level than your lab....although they are pretty smart.
I'm getting tired of this post. I didn't come here to make enemies. We agree to disagree. I wish you all the best of luck in your sporting endeavors. GFC First, Benelli's are crap. If its not a double barrel, I won't shoot it. Wing shooting isn't a very difficult sport and I tend to hit most of what my dog points. Not terribly uncommon for a good wingshooter to shoot most of what they shoot at. Doesn't merrit exceptional skill, just practice makes ya good! There is little difference between wingshooting and hound hunting. The purpose, means, and outcome are all the same. If you're against one, you're against all sporting dogs. Why is it I can make my case without personal attacks and you can't? Why don't you ponder that for a bit! Please look in to predator hunting. "Work for it" implies that hound hunters sit in their trucks, which is off base. But the real meat of the issue is that we need to control the cougar population...You can't do that through spot and stalk. Right or wrong, the only way to do that is through hound hunting.
"If fishing is like religion, then flyfishing is high church." -Tom Brokaw
#196626 - 05/12/03 11:24 PM
Re: Cougar attack on the Kalama
Registered: 12/06/00
Posts: 783
Loc: bullcanyon
Well said CWUgirl.
The fact of the matter is we have too many cats and there is only one sure fire way to control them. HOUNDS. Why pay to have them get the cats that have already caused problems when we can have hound hunters pay to hunt. Hmmmm pay over a million dollars to control cats or make a bunch of money to control the cats.
Amazing how some people think their method of doing something is the only way. Flyfisheerman hate baitfisherman. Really whats the difference. OOOPS the fish engulfed the fly. Oh and he's just a little one guess I gotta kill him. Now when you tree a cat and its not a mature tom you walk. Not everything is killed.
I guess you've never chased dogs all night long in 2 feet of snow. Freezing your butt off praying you catch up to the dogs before you freeze to death. All in hopes that what they're chasing is the one you want. If you haven't tried it shut your pie hole cause you know nothing.
There's no head like steelhead! Operations manager of coors light testing facility.
#196627 - 05/12/03 11:41 PM
Re: Cougar attack on the Kalama
Juvenille at Sea
Registered: 07/12/02
Posts: 150
Loc: Issaquah
Simply an observation. I am on the board as a fishing fan, looking to learn and observe. By the way, the name is Northwest Fishing Board, not NW hunting. That aside, I understand the joy of the hunt, but the kill is another story. I enjoy reading the pompus recaps of those that stalk and kill. Here is a big clue. You have the latest in scope and kill technology. The poor sob animal in your sights is simply doing what they do. To take glee in your victory is weak minded and simple at best. By the fuk Peta and the other simpletons, but to call what you do sport, well I guess you didn't make the football team. Wait, I forgot, yo have to camp out, wait, and pack your kill out. I guess that means something....
Pass Me a Beer
#196628 - 05/13/03 12:36 AM
Re: Cougar attack on the Kalama
Returning Adult
Registered: 11/19/02
Posts: 367
Loc: Seattle, WA
Originally posted by golfer: Simply an observation. I am on the board as a fishing fan, looking to learn and observe. By the way, the name is Northwest Fishing Board, not NW hunting. That aside, I understand the joy of the hunt, but the kill is another story. I enjoy reading the pompus recaps of those that stalk and kill. Here is a big clue. You have the latest in scope and kill technology. The poor sob animal in your sights is simply doing what they do. To take glee in your victory is weak minded and simple at best. By the fuk Peta and the other simpletons, but to call what you do sport, well I guess you didn't make the football team. Wait, I forgot, yo have to camp out, wait, and pack your kill out. I guess that means something.... Um.....the same can be said for fishermen!! Fishermen show off their kills with glee all the time. "To take glee in your victory is weak minded and simple at best." I guess fishermen didn't make the football team either!
"If fishing is like religion, then flyfishing is high church." -Tom Brokaw
#196629 - 05/13/03 12:48 AM
Re: Cougar attack on the Kalama
Juvenille at Sea
Registered: 07/12/02
Posts: 150
Loc: Issaquah
Actually it is a little more "sporting". We don't have an advantage over nature, can't sit in the bushes from 2oo yards out and wait for the unsuspecting prey. I know this is personal preference, but the fact is in the hunt, the hunter has a distinct advantage.
Pass Me a Beer
#196630 - 05/13/03 12:56 AM
Re: Cougar attack on the Kalama
Juvenile at Sea
Registered: 03/25/03
Posts: 116
Loc: Rochester, Washington
Golfer, Obviously you know nothing about hunting. Technology? Hasn't changed in any significant way in at least 70 years. Sport? No, hunting is not a sport, did anybody say it was? Hunting is about killing animals, for food. May I ask where you get your meat? Or are you a vegetarian? Because if you do eat meat, you are quite the hypocrit, to be putting down hunters, who at least have the balls to go out and kill and butcher our own meat, instead of paying others to do it for us. Do you seriously believe it is ok to kill a fish? You know fish have feelings too, don't you? I have a suggestion...why don't you stick to subjects you at least have a little basic knowledge of? I see you're from Issaquah, that explains part of your ingorance. I have an aunt who lives there, she is anti-hunting also, and she grew up with a family of hunters, and they lived on deer meat! Seems like Issaquah is headquarters for anti-anything & everything.
#196631 - 05/13/03 01:04 AM
Re: Cougar attack on the Kalama
Actually it is a little more "sporting". Golfer,, Is that fact or your opinion? Give me a break! Your way is OK but mine isn't. You would fit in well with the AR crowd! Go and force your opinion down my throat with another ill-thought intiative! Glowball, I see you have had the opportunity to experience a hound hunt. Half these boys would give up after a few hours in the snow, knowing it will probabally go another 4 hours. They would probablly puke at the site of having to stitch up a hound wound. They have no clue do they? HairyApe, You know he won't tell the truth to your questions I prefer to be a predator and provide meat for my table but unfortunantly this day and age I am forced to be a scavenger at Albertsons 
#196632 - 05/13/03 01:14 AM
Re: Cougar attack on the Kalama
Juvenile at Sea
Registered: 03/25/03
Posts: 116
Loc: Rochester, Washington
Golfer, Oh..so it's ok for you to sit with your bait in the water where the unsuspecting fish can't see you, and wait until that poor innocent fish gets hungry and decides to eat that bait? If you are so against any kind of "technology" why don't you jump in the water with the fish and catch them with your bare hands? Don't you think that would be more sporting? I am trying to be nice, but you truly are an ignorant idiot. Join PETA, that is where you belong.
#196633 - 05/13/03 01:31 AM
Re: Cougar attack on the Kalama
Juvenille at Sea
Registered: 10/14/02
Posts: 128
Loc: longview
Hunting is about killing animals, for food. Does cougar taste that good? Doesnt seem like there would be much meat on one. If all thats true than it would be purely sport, because i could think of alot cheaper way to feed a family than raising dogs just to hunt cougar. Just speculating is all. As far as fishing for me and all the gear and the boat its my hobby, half sport and half for the meat. I likin fishing to using a predator call for instance. You put out an inticer and the rest is up to the game as to whether it responds or not.How about we say instead of "sport" we just call it "fun" isnt that what its suppose to be about anyways?
If that fish would have kept his mouth shut, you wouldnt be eating it.
#196634 - 05/13/03 01:32 AM
Re: Cougar attack on the Kalama
Returning Adult
Registered: 11/19/02
Posts: 367
Loc: Seattle, WA
Originally posted by golfer: Actually it is a little more "sporting". We don't have an advantage over nature, can't sit in the bushes from 2oo yards out and wait for the unsuspecting prey. I know this is personal preference, but the fact is in the hunt, the hunter has a distinct advantage. I'm a bird hunter. Anything over about 45 yards for me is out of range. And I defintely do not have distinct advantage. The birds are faster than me, hear far better than me, and its pretty common that they outsmart me! I even have a dog and these birds still get away more than they end up in my vest. When I'm fly fishing, sometimes I have to crawl on my belly to sight cast to unsuspecting trout. How is that more sporting than hunting?
"If fishing is like religion, then flyfishing is high church." -Tom Brokaw
#196635 - 05/13/03 01:38 AM
Re: Cougar attack on the Kalama
Juvenile at Sea
Registered: 03/25/03
Posts: 116
Loc: Rochester, Washington
The hound hunters I have talked to have always said that they prefer cougar meat over anything else, and I would think you would get a good amount of meat from a large cougar. But even if the meat wasn't good, that's not the point. I don't think anybody would hunt cougars for the meat, it just would not be worthwhile. But cougar populations need to be controlled, and some guys love hunting with hounds, and they are good at it, why not let them do it? Let them buy a hunting license and tag from the state, so they can control the cougar population, rather than the state hiring these same guys to do the same thing, because it is now illegal. For you guys who think hound hunting is not ethical, just realize it is being done anyway, but your taxes are paying for it.
#196636 - 05/13/03 01:43 AM
Re: Cougar attack on the Kalama
Kinda tastes like,,, ohh better not go there Actually cougar meat is very paletable and I have enjoyed it.
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