Bobber Down
It Looks like is is still an active commission, but it under a different name now. This RCW should explain it.
RCW 79.92.010
Harbor lines and areas to be established.
It shall be the duty of the board of natural resources acting as the harbor line commission to locate and establish harbor lines and determine harbor areas, as required by section 1 of Article XV of the state Constitution, where such harbor lines and harbor areas have not heretofore been located and established.
[1982 1st ex.s. c 21 § 69.]
RCW 79.92.020
Relocation of harbor lines by the harbor line commission. Whenever it appears that the inner harbor line of any harbor area heretofore determined has been so established as to overlap or fall inside the government meander line, or for any other good cause, the board of natural resources acting as the harbor line commission is empowered to relocate and reestablish said inner harbor line so erroneously established, outside of the meander line. All tidelands or shorelands within said inner harbor line so reestablished and relocated, shall belong to the state and may be sold or leased as other tidelands or shorelands of the first class in accordance with the provisions of RCW
79.94.150 : PROVIDED, That in all other cases, authority to relocate the inner harbor line or outer harbor line, or both, shall first be obtained from the legislature.
[1982 1st ex.s. c 21 § 70.]
And here is some information:
RCW 79.01.242
Lease of state lands -- General.
(1) Subject to other provisions of this chapter and subject to rules adopted by the board of natural resources, the department may lease state lands for purposes it deems advisable, including, but not limited to, commercial, industrial, residential, agricultural, and recreational purposes in order to obtain a fair market rental return to the state or the appropriate constitutional or statutory trust. Every lease issued by the department, shall contain: (a) The specific use or uses to which the land is to be employed; (b) the improvements required: PROVIDED, That a minimum reasonable time is allowed for the completion of the improvements; (c) the rent is payable in advance in quarterly, semiannual, or annual payments, as determined by the department or as agreed upon by the lessee and the department of natural resources; (d) other terms and conditions as the department deems advisable, subject to review by the board of natural resources, to more nearly effectuate the purposes of the state Constitution and of this chapter.
(2) The department may authorize the use of state land by lease at state auction for initial leases or by negotiation for existing leases. Notice of intent to lease by negotiation shall be published in at least two newspapers of general circulation in the area in which the land which is to be the subject of negotiation is located within the ninety days immediately preceding commencement of negotiations.
(3) Leases which authorize commercial, industrial, or residential uses on state lands may be entered into by negotiation. Negotiations shall be subject to rules of the board of natural resources. At the option of the department, these leases may be placed for bid at public auction.
(4) Any person, firm or corporation desiring to lease any state lands for any purpose not prohibited by law, may make application to the department, describing the lands sought to be leased on forms to be provided by the department.
(5) Notwithstanding any provision in this chapter to the contrary, in leases for residential purposes, the board of natural resources may waive or modify any conditions of the lease if the waiver or modification is necessary to enable any federal agency or lending institution authorized to do business in this state or elsewhere in the United States to participate in any loan secured by a security interest in a leasehold interest.
(6) Upon expiration of the lease term, if the leased land is not otherwise utilized, the department may allow the lessee to continue to hold the land for a period not exceeding one year upon such rent, terms, and conditions as the department may prescribe. Upon the expiration of the one year extension, if the department has not yet determined the disposition of the land for other purposes, the department may issue a temporary permit to the lessee upon terms and conditions it prescribes. The temporary permit may not extend beyond a five year period
RCW 79.95.010
Lease of beds of navigable waters.
Except as provided in RCW 79.95.060 , the department of natural resources may lease to the abutting tide or shore land owner or lessee, the beds of navigable waters lying below the line of extreme low tide in waters where the tide ebbs and flows, and below the line of navigability in lakes and rivers claimed by the state and defined in section 1, Article XVII, of the Constitution of the state. In case the abutting tide or shore lands or the abutting uplands are not improved or occupied for residential or commercial purposes, the department may lease such beds to any person for a period not exceeding ten years for booming purposes.
Nothing in this chapter shall change or modify any of the provisions of the state Constitution or laws of the state which provide for the leasing of harbor areas and the reservation of lands lying in front thereof
RCW 79.96.010
Leasing beds of tidal waters for shellfish cultivation or other aquaculture use.
The beds of all navigable tidal waters in the state lying below extreme low tide, except as prohibited by section 1, Article XV, of the Washington state Constitution shall be subject to lease for the purposes of planting and cultivating oyster beds, or for the purpose of cultivating clams or other edible shellfish, or for other aquaculture use, for periods not to exceed thirty years
RCW 79.90.035
"Second class tidelands."
Whenever used in chapters 79.90 through 79.96 RCW the term "second class tidelands" means the shores of navigable tidal waters belonging to the state, lying outside of and more than two miles from the corporate limits of any city, and between the line of ordinary high tide and the line of extreme low tide.
Finally, there is a ton more that can affect your right to use ourmintre state waterways that are to long to list, so I will just list the RCW's and what they are for:
Survey to determine area subject to sale or lease.
First class tidelands and shorelands to be platted.
Second class tidelands and shorelands may be platted.
Tidelands and shorelands of the first class and second class -- Plats -- Record.
Tidelands and shorelands of the first class and second class -- Appraisal -- Record.
Tidelands and shorelands of the first class and second class -- Notice of filing plat and record of appraisal -- Appeal.
Tidelands and shorelands of the first class -- Preference right of upland owner -- How exercised..
Sale of tidelands other than first class.
Tidelands and shorelands of the first and second class -- Petition for replat -- Replatting and reappraisal -- Vacation by replat.
Tidelands and shorelands of the first and second class -- Dedication of replat -- All interests must join.
Tidelands and shorelands of the first and second class -- Vacation by replat -- Preference right of tideland or shoreland owner.
Tidelands and shorelands of the first and second class -- Vacation procedure cumulative.
Tidelands and shorelands of the first and second class -- Effect of replat.
First and second class tidelands and shorelands and waterways of state to be sold only to public entities -- Leasing -- Limitation.
Sale of state-owned tide or shore lands to municipal corporation or state agency -- Authority to execute agreements, deeds, etc.
Construction of RCW 79.94.150 and 79.94.170 -- Use and occupancy fee where unauthorized improvements placed on publicly owned aquatic lands.
Second class shorelands on navigable lake
s -- Sale.
Second class shorelands -- Boundary of shorelands when water lowered -- Certain shorelands granted to city of Seattle.
Second class shorelands -- Platting -- Selection for slips, docks, wharves, etc.
Second class shorelands -- Platting of certain shorelands of Lake Washington for use as harbor area -- Effect.
Second class shorelands -- Platting of certain shorelands of Lake Washington for use as harbor area -- Selection for slips, docks, wharves, etc. -- Vesting of title.
Second class shorelands -- Sale or lease when in best public interest -- Preference right of upland owner -- Procedure upon determining sale or lease not in best public interest or where transfer made for public use -- Platting.
Second class tide or shore lands detached from uplands by navigable water -- Sale.
First class unplatted tide or shore lands -- Lease preference right to upland owners -- Lease for booming purposes.
Second class tide or shore lands -- Lease for booming purposes.
First and second class tide or shore lands -- Preference rights, time limit on exercise.
First and second class tide or shore lands -- Accretions -- Lease.
Tide or shore lands of the first or second class -- Failure to re-lease tide or shore lands -- Appraisal of improvements.
Location of line dividing tidelands from shorelands in tidal rivers.
Certain tidelands reserved for recreational use and taking of fish and shellfish.
Access to and from tidelands reserved for recreational use and taking of fish and shellfish.
Tidelands and shorelands -- Use of tide and shore lands granted to United States -- Purposes -- Limitations.
Tidelands and shorelands -- Use of tide and shore lands granted to United States -- Application -- Proof of upland use -- Conveyance.
Tidelands and shorelands -- Use of tide and shore lands granted to United States -- Easements over tide or shore lands to United States.
Tidelands and shorelands -- Use of tide and shore lands granted to United States -- Reversion on cessation of use.
United States Navy base -- Exchange of property -- Procedure.
Savings -- Captions -- Severability -- Effective dates -- 1982 1st ex.s. c 21.
This should give everone some homework to do on their rights to use or enter many tide waters areas.