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#200363 - 06/23/03 12:54 AM Re: WMD was that really important anyway?
eddie Offline

Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 2379
Loc: Valencia, Negros Oriental, Phi...
Bulldog, Grandpa may be many things but I can tell you a couple of things that he aint. He is a Northwest boy through and through and he is a damn fine fisherman. And for what its worth, he also contributes a lot of his time to insuring that sports fishermen opportunities are maximized. When it comes to fishing, Grandpa walks the talk.

Now, about his politics....
"You're not a g*dda*n looney Martini, you're a fisherman"

R.P. McMurphy - One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

#200364 - 06/23/03 11:46 AM Re: WMD was that really important anyway?
silver hilton Offline
Repeat Spawner

Registered: 10/08/01
Posts: 1147
Loc: Out there, somewhere
I agree with Eddie. While I disagree with Grandpa on many issues, he is involved in our fisheries. Usually on the wrong side, but he's active and involved. laugh

Seriously, I respect people who go past the stage of ranting and get involved, and he's done that. That puts him head and shoulders above most folks. Even if we disagree on the issues, it's good to simply have the debates, because it elevates public awareness.

As to his politics and manners, well, that's unfortunate. We can choose whether to be mannerly and informed, and that's up to each of us as individuals. It would be nice if we could disagree and debate without the name calling, but that seems to be part of the sport for him. It seems like he hates opposing viewpoints, but is drawn to them, as a moth to the flame. After the recent noise, I've decided not to respond to his posts anymore, as it looks like all he wants to do is fight.

#200365 - 06/23/03 03:34 PM Re: WMD was that really important anyway?
eddie Offline

Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 2379
Loc: Valencia, Negros Oriental, Phi...
Hilton, you are right on a couple of points regarding Grandpa. #1 - this bulletin board ranting is a sport to him, a past time. #2 - Grandpa is actively involved. On a personal note, I know Grandpa and believe it or not, in person, he's a funny, nice, & good man. The whole package (including baggage) comes with him as with everybody. I only have to look in the mirror to see the truth of that. laugh
"You're not a g*dda*n looney Martini, you're a fisherman"

R.P. McMurphy - One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

#200366 - 06/23/03 10:18 PM Re: WMD was that really important anyway?
grandpa2 Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 06/04/03
Posts: 1698
Loc: Brier, Washington
Now Eddie you are pretty darn supportive of old grandpa...I have to admit to the "sport" part of this BB....I am no where near as radical as I sound...This forum does some crazy things to a "confrontational" guy like me...too outspoken I guess.... I can say one thing though, the postings about hot button political issues and hatcheries seem to get the most participants and the most name calling. People have a tendancy to get pretty hot when they oppose someone else's viewpoint enough. If someone thinks they are so right and you are so wrong it can dgenerate quickly. In person would be a totally different story. I can banter back and forth with you and disagree with you on many things but the difference is that I know you personally and respect you very much. It is inherently unfair for all of us to make judgements about each other based on what goes on here. Some judgements.,ok but not major ones. I have always refused to take the easy road and shut up..the easy road is what most some of the people refuse to answer what? doesn't mean much to me at all...But if Eddie scolds me and says I have my head up my ass...I'm gonna bend over and check. Having a big mouth and fast typing hands can get you in trouble...And I have never learned the lesson of being careful what you put in print as it is a permanent record. ...Oh well I do have quite a bit of fishing information..those threads only last a short while and can be boring. And believe it or not I spend a fair amount of my time every day on fishing issues and concerns. I have spent many years helping handicapped kids with swimming boating and fishing...I'm working on making this a better place to enjoy fishing for kids like my 1 year old grandson....He is what counts not all the politics and arguing...grandpa has a thing or two to teach the grandkid and it ain't about politics.
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#200367 - 06/24/03 12:22 PM Re: WMD was that really important anyway?
John Lee Hookum Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/12/01
Posts: 2453
Loc: Area 51
[QUOTE] by Grandpa2

...grandpa has a thing or two to teach the grandkid and it ain't about politics.

hello laugh

Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of
Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter
of the gods.

-- Albert Einstein

#200368 - 06/25/03 12:34 AM Re: WMD was that really important anyway?
silver hilton Offline
Repeat Spawner

Registered: 10/08/01
Posts: 1147
Loc: Out there, somewhere
Well, I, for one, have always found that I learn more when I keep my mouth shut and my ears open. Don't know how I learned it, since I find it so very difficult to practice. I should, and shall, practice more.

#200369 - 06/25/03 08:50 AM Re: WMD was that really important anyway?
grandpa2 Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 06/04/03
Posts: 1698
Loc: Brier, Washington
SH..what you are describing is the
"Crocodile Syndrome"...BIG MOUTH...LITTLE EARS..................chomp chomp!!
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#200370 - 06/25/03 10:22 AM Re: WMD was that really important anyway?
Slab Quest Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 08/17/01
Posts: 1614
Loc: Mukilteo or Westport
OK....200 posts.

Have you guys beat this dead horse enough yet??


#200371 - 06/25/03 11:00 PM Re: WMD was that really important anyway?
grandpa2 Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 06/04/03
Posts: 1698
Loc: Brier, Washington
your pathetic little car has 200,000 miles on it and you still drive it??? This thread is just trying top prove that political controversy will never be won and will go on and on and on.....Try to find a fishing topic this long???
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#200372 - 06/27/03 12:55 PM Re: WMD was that really important anyway?
Maguana Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 10/16/01
Posts: 199
Loc: Hoquiam/Newton
Editorial Reviews
Dick Morris is on a tirade in Off With Their Heads--and that’s good news. For as an experienced political consultant who has worked with both Democrats and Republicans at the highest levels of government, he knows what he’s talking about. As a result, there is much to learn from this detailed book, regardless of whether one may agree with his conclusions. Morris begins by railing against the established news media for showing blatant liberal bias and for irresponsibly undermining the war on terror as the Bush administration is waging it. With good reason, as he illustrates in many examples, he advises citizens to rely on a wider variety of sources for information and to approach the media in general with far more skepticism. (Presumably this includes his current employer, the Fox News Channel.)

Morris’ hit list is extensive, and he spares nothing in his attacks. There is a particularly fascinating chapter on Bill Clinton in which he declares that "All our terrorist problems were born during the Clinton years." Though he praises the former President’s achievements on many domestic issues, he accuses him of utter negligence in terms of national security and foreign policy. In explaining exactly why, he also offers fascinating insights into Clinton’s character and approach to policy-making that only an insider could supply. He also targets outspoken leftist Hollywood elites and crooked CEOs. Other chapters deal with the realignment of political districts and the power it affords incumbents, governors who failed to use the massive tobacco settlement for the slated purpose of funding anti-smoking campaigns, and the plight of 3.5 million nursing home residents. He saves special venom for his assessment of France.

Morris does not accuse his opponents of treason or even a lack of patriotism, only of being wrong and misguided. He is aggressive without being vicious and he backs up every claim he makes--two things that put him ahead of most other political analysts in the media (in addition to his work on Fox News, he is also a columnist for the New York Post. A well-informed and thoughtfully argued book delivered with force. --Shawn Carkonen
From Publishers Weekly
Morris is mad as hell: liberals, led by the New York Times (which is as biased as Radio Moscow, he says), are trying to prevent the Bush administration from effectively fighting the war on terror. Morris's targets are broad, his charges simplistic: the Times, under the now-departed Howell Raines, slanted coverage, spouting left-wing "propaganda," moaning about civil liberties and the economy in order to distract Americans from the main event. Bill Clinton "just didn't get" the terrorism problem...

#200373 - 06/27/03 02:41 PM Re: WMD was that really important anyway?
goharley Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 3188
Loc: U.S. Army
Originally posted by Maguana:
... he advises citizens to rely on a wider variety of sources for information and to approach the media in general with far more skepticism. (Presumably this includes his current employer, the Fox News Channel.)
I couldn't agree more. Especially when it comes to the GOP (Fox) News Channel.

When one broadens their information base, they will learn things like:

The prior administration gave substantial intelligence information to the Bush cabal that would have identified the Twin Towers as a target. However, because Clinton's name was associated with it, the report was ignored.

The cabal also recieved information about bin Laden on three separate occasions and could have taken him out with unmanned drones, however, intra-administration squabbles over who got credit for the kill prevented the arming of drones with warheads.

There is NO connection between Iraq and al Quadea.

Saddam was NOT responsible or involved in the attacks of 9/11.

There was NO nuclear program in Iraq.

Experts have determined that the two trailers found were used for activities such as manufacturing helium for weather balloons or perhaps refueling rockets, but NOT for chemical or biological warfare.

World opinion shows that America has lost a great deal of its credibility.

The American people were lied to by its leaders. The American media prostituted itself by glorifying those lies for ratings. (Okay, that last senctence is really just my opinion.)

40% of Americans believe we've already found WMD in Iraq. 30% believe that chemicals were used against us in the war. About 50% believe Saddam was responsible for 9/11 attacks.

I find it very scary, and unsettling, that the American people can be so easily conditioned by misinformation to believe erroneous facts. And I find it appalling that a man of self-proclaimed strong Christian faith can deliberately lie, and that lie lead to the death of thousands of people. All politicians lie, I can accept that. But when that lie leads to the death and destruction of late, that I cannot accept. Especially by a man whose platform was to bring morale integrity back to the Whitehouse.
Tent makers for Christie, 2016.

#200374 - 06/27/03 11:55 PM Re: WMD was that really important anyway?
racerdan Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 10/14/02
Posts: 128
Loc: longview
There was NO nuclear program in Iraq.
What kind do you mean? He was building a plant, and it was well on its way until Israel bombed it. And what about the hidden crucial nuke bomb part or parts just recently found? I did hear that on FOX so i guess its just propaganda. I also heard it on CNN so it must be true. wink Everyones an expert these days zzzzzzzz
If that fish would have kept his mouth shut, you wouldnt be eating it.

#200375 - 06/28/03 12:06 AM Re: WMD was that really important anyway?
goharley Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 3188
Loc: U.S. Army
Sorry, I should have stated that there wasn't a current nuclear program creating an imminent threat as alluded to by Bush, et al, in numerous public addresses. By the way, that part (buried 12 years ago) was one centrifuge out of a thousand needed to enrich uranium. It was, more than likely, a template to be used should the sanctions ever be lifted and the nuke program reconstituted.

I've never claimed to be an expert (don't even play one on TV), but I do read as many opinions as possible from recognized experts to educate myself on current issues.
Tent makers for Christie, 2016.

#200376 - 06/28/03 02:56 PM Re: WMD was that really important anyway?
ramon vb Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 07/10/02
Posts: 123
Loc: Duvall, WA
You know, I've tried very hard to not post on threads that don't directly address WT-related issues, but I just have to say something here. Please understand and acknowledge that I am not on the clock and am writing representing only myself and my own personal opinion.

Let me get this straight. Some of you that have posted here are the same ones who were ready to practically march on Olympia because you found out that F&W Commissioner Lisa Pelly was at one time a member of Washington Trout, but you think that it's OK for the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES to LIE and/or DISTORT FACTS to justify SENDING U.S. FORCES INTO HARM'S WAY, not to mention spend biliions of dollars of the US treasury, sacrifice US credibility and stature abroad, kill thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians and tens of thousands of Iraqi conscripts, and further destabilize an already powderkeg-like situation. Is that about it?

Now THAT'S what I call clear, consistent thinking.


#200377 - 06/28/03 04:03 PM Re: WMD was that really important anyway?
micropterus101 Offline

Registered: 01/03/03
Posts: 802
Loc: Port Orchard
I have not read all six pages but I just have to ask. Werent the missles being fired over kuwait wmds? I seem to remember on the news that they were not suppose to have those long range weapons, or the bunch of chemical weapons warheads they found that was also reported in the news but now it seems to be all about making bush look bad.

#200378 - 06/28/03 04:33 PM Re: WMD was that really important anyway?
fishforlife Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 02/19/03
Posts: 238
Loc: redmond wash
all i can say is bring our boys home now we are loseing to many for that damn country. lets just send bush and company over instead.
wishin i was fishin

#200379 - 06/28/03 07:47 PM Re: WMD was that really important anyway?
racerdan Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 10/14/02
Posts: 128
Loc: longview
Ive got an idea. When all you Bush bashers get some real evidence that he purposely mis-led us, than flail away, ill be right besides all of you. Untill then lets contend it as alledgedly and or arguably, until the FACTS come to light as lying or perhaps WMD are possibly found.
If that fish would have kept his mouth shut, you wouldnt be eating it.

#200380 - 06/28/03 07:52 PM Re: WMD was that really important anyway?
BW Offline

Registered: 04/04/00
Posts: 749
101 just to keep things straight the war heads were supposedly stored and forgotted about. Even our government admitted that with Iraq that is very possable. Says a lot for thier record keeping right confused . As for the missles they are allowed a max range of 100 miles (I think, can't recall the exact range they are allowed).

The one they had to get rid of the the Al Simud (sp) the shorter range stuff was ok.

Racerdan, I don't think you quite get it. We own that country now. It is time for Pres Bush to prove what he said was true. If he can't then he is the one with the problems. So far all he has been able to show us is body bags.

I begin to fear the day my son may come home in one.
Everyone's superman behind the keyboard

#200381 - 06/28/03 10:15 PM Re: WMD was that really important anyway?
ltlCLEO Offline
Repeat Spawner

Registered: 06/15/01
Posts: 1104
Loc: brownsville wa.
The majority of America does get it you are the one of them that does not.

#200382 - 06/29/03 01:23 AM Re: WMD was that really important anyway?
Big Bad Voodoo Daddy Offline

Registered: 10/15/01
Posts: 888
Loc: Enumclaw

Thank God for kids like yours, who will stand up and fight for America's as well as other nations rights.

Thank God they are willing to put men like Houssein out of business.

Thank you BW, and when your son returns, thank him for me as well.


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