There is nothing better than a woman, to put another woman in her place!
It sure looks like "Ter" handled her self pretty darn well against you Aunty.

She handled your brutal challenge excellently in my opinion, and it appears that you got your feelings hurt because she countered all or your theories so well. I got to give her (Ter) credit for having the guts to come back and reveal her board name, knowing full well that you would be jumping all over her on as soon as she made a post!
You must have felt that you had to continue knocking her down because you looked pretty darn silly to the board after you already had said;
"Sorry CFM, but you have been sold a bill of goods. Or you're creating fiction."
No question in our minds now, that you were dead wrong on both allegations!!
I would have though by now that you would of apologized for even thinking that I would consider posting anything that was "fiction" on any of my posts! You were wrong, and you should be a big enough a person to admit it on this board! I take your statement "…you're creating fiction", the same as; or you were making up something that was not real or has not happen! Either way, you been proven to be dead wrong about that statement, and you have chosen to let it go without correcting your error!
A lot of members disagree with what I may say, but there is not one single member on this board that can ever show that in my 1223 posting that I have ever once lied, or made any posts that were ever "fiction" on this board.
Aunty, you know what you need to do, but I don't know if you are a big enough person to do it.
ltlCLEO, your really to much sometimes!
You say;
"I am done with this thread as my point is made and your crazy need to have the last word has wasted enough space on the internet already.Yap..Yap
Well looks who came back again and says;
"so now Bobs fine board is a divorce court. a new and very sad low IHO "
Being the man of your word that you are, you just had to get in that "last word" one more time ….right? What was that old saying about don't throw stones if you live in a glass house?
A man is no better then his word!