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#209548 - 09/07/03 08:12 PM Re: Find out what state employees make-WDFW
cowlitzfisherman Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 06/14/00
Posts: 1828
Loc: Toledo, Washington
"identity theft"
Just when I thought I had heard it all!!!

What excuse are you guys going to use next…911? It just might work! laugh


Is the taste of the bait worth the sting of the hook????

#209549 - 09/07/03 08:24 PM Re: Find out what state employees make-WDFW
elkrun Offline

Registered: 01/15/01
Posts: 759
Loc: Port Angeles, WA
I get it...

It's ok to have an opinion as long as it matches CFM's!

Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in the nation. This sort of serves as a menu for those people, dont you think...

start with a list like this, choose a nice salary luckily it has a name attached, and to top it off, even the area the person lives in. With a little work, find an address (also easy to do online). From there is easy. surely you can visualize this CFM!!!

Also, the material listed is at least 2 years old. So even for the purposes you stated, its worthless.

No matter how you slice it CFM, its just wrong and rather sad that you dont see that. Keep trying to justify it all you want... its pathetic.

#209550 - 09/07/03 08:27 PM Re: Find out what state employees make-WDFW
Dogfish Offline
Poodle Smolt

Registered: 05/03/01
Posts: 10878
Loc: McCleary, WA

Just a difference of opinion, that's all. I will abide by the letter and spirit of the law, even though I might not agree with it. I can act within tighter constraints than the law allows me to act, and still be just fine. Just because something is legal, doesn't mean that it is okay to do.

"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"

They call me POODLE SMOLT!

The Discover Pass is brought to you by your friends at the CCA.

#209551 - 09/07/03 08:46 PM Re: Find out what state employees make-WDFW
cowlitzfisherman Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 06/14/00
Posts: 1828
Loc: Toledo, Washington

What a bunch scare tactics!

You guys got to do better than that!….one would hope anyway!

Who on this board even knows what your real name is?

Hell, I gave them my name! What are you guys even whining about?

No wonder why so many of our kid can't sleep at night! Some people are just getting way to paranoid for their own good! It's only a job! If you were to loose it, then what would these "identity thefts" be after next?

Andy, I can accept your way of thinking and I do not have any problem with it. But if people can not accept our laws, they need to make the change!

Until then, I will go with the laws of our land!

PS; if you guys are so darn worried about "identity thefts" why in the world are you even posting on any board?


Is the taste of the bait worth the sting of the hook????

#209552 - 09/07/03 09:23 PM Re: Find out what state employees make-WDFW
papaslap Offline

Registered: 07/02/03
Posts: 622
Loc: Olympia
Nasty's like a crash scene ....don't want ot look but you can't help it....

I have concluded that the employees site is related to fishing .

State employees are like the seal deal TOO DAMN MANY of THEM eek
"Hunting is the only sport that I know of, in which one of the participants doesn't know that he is in the game." John Madden

#209553 - 09/07/03 09:33 PM Re: Find out what state employees make-WDFW
elkrun Offline

Registered: 01/15/01
Posts: 759
Loc: Port Angeles, WA

You missed the point. They dont have to know my name. They grab anyones salary attached to their name as well as where they live. It could be anyone. Why does it matter that the odds are slim they will chose me? Will that matter to the people they do pick? Sort of selfish thinking isn't that? Its not scare tactics, its the world of the internet. I heard somewhere (King 5, I believe), there were over 5000-6000 cases last year in Washington alone. The go through your garbage, or mail, or whatever. And, generally I dont bother the kids in my math class with identity theft...(nice distractor)

As for your question about why post on a bulletin board... I wouldn't post on any board that asked for my salary, or social security number, or credit card number. That would be plain stupid, yet I look at that site and there I am, name salary, and town I live in.... That pisses me off. Its really not anyones business. Salary schedules are one thing, they dont list exact numbers and tie them to names. You can see them online and decide if teachers get fair pay or not. Anything else is a breach of privacy.

Just because its legal, doesn't make it right now does it... Nor because its on the internet make it ok either. You can call a turd a steak, but it still stinks.

You also neglected to comment on the information being over 2 years old. How can information that old be of any use to you?

I know I'll never get you to change your stance even a little so I'm going to quit wasting my time here.

#209554 - 09/07/03 10:10 PM Re: Find out what state employees make-WDFW
cowlitzfisherman Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 06/14/00
Posts: 1828
Loc: Toledo, Washington

All I can say is if I was that paranoid, I would really consider going into business for my self! 5000-6000 people out of now many people in our state? I think the odds are far better that someone will be stilling your car then you identity!

I'll bet you even "shred up" your trash because everyone is after your identity. Repeat after me; I am not paranoid, I am not paranoid, I am not paranoid, I am not paranoid, I am not paranoid, I am not paranoid, I am not paranoid, I am not paranoid. Now do you feel any better? Will your car be in your garage when you wake up? Will you be safe at work tomorrow? Will the sky fall tonight? Where will it ever end?

Live life and enjoy the short time that you are here, and the rest will happen no matter how bad you worry about it anyway. Sleep well, but don't forget about all those damn robbers that do their dirty work at night. I think you should get my drift! It's not a life or death deal, so relax ….but keep yours ears and at least one eye open when you're sleeping….who knows what's next! laugh

You need to give it a rest! Tomorrow is another school day, and who knows what those little angels may have waiting for you?


Is the taste of the bait worth the sting of the hook????

#209555 - 09/07/03 10:23 PM Re: Find out what state employees make-WDFW
bodysurf Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 11/28/01
Posts: 324
Loc: olympia
actually 10 million people have their identity stolen every year accounting for $53 billion in fraud according to the ftc...the number one thing they say to do is shred stuff you throw friend is still trying to fix his accounts after someone stole checks from his mailbox last year...

#209556 - 09/07/03 10:23 PM Re: Find out what state employees make-WDFW
Dave Vedder Offline
Reverend Tarpones

Registered: 10/09/02
Posts: 8379
Loc: West Duvall
Grandpa: First time ever! We are in agreement.
While we seldom see things the same way CFM has brought us together.
No huevos no pollo.

#209557 - 09/07/03 11:09 PM Re: Find out what state employees make-WDFW
elkrun Offline

Registered: 01/15/01
Posts: 759
Loc: Port Angeles, WA

Repeat after me...

I will not be naive, I will not be naive....

5000-6000 in WASHINGTON EACH YEAR. It has happened to me. Credit card number stolen and $1500 charged to it. major pain in the a$$. I'm one of the many its happened to. You are not in Kansas anymore Toto! This is a major problem and most people dont realize that it has happened to them until their money is gone, or their credit is screwed up.

Theres a difference between being careful and paraniod. Theres a difference between doing what is right and what is wrong. AGAIN, Just because its legal does not make it OK. It is legal to fish for spawners sitting over reds, its not OK. Its legal for TCL to do what they do to the cowlitz, but its not OK. AND its legal for them to post that information, but its not OK.

I've seen your "debate" strategy many times over the board.... you derail the conversation with some silly side road (generally school yard namecalling) in order to avoid the fact you might be wrong. You can beat the paraniod drum until the cows come home, resort to all the crap you want, but the whole thing is still wrong. There are thousands of good people listed there who wouldn't want that information out there, AND THERE ARE NOSEY PEOPLE WHO THRIVE ON THAT KIND OF JUNK. which are you?

#209558 - 09/07/03 11:09 PM Re: Find out what state employees make-WDFW
Sparkey Offline
Repeat Spawner

Registered: 03/06/99
Posts: 1231
Loc: Western Washington
Originally posted by seastrike:
I'm going fishing this afternoon. What are you up to old friend?
Do us ALL a favor and take your old freind along!! I think he needs it!!!!!!!
Ryan S. Petzold
aka Sparkey and/or Special

#209559 - 09/07/03 11:26 PM Re: Find out what state employees make-WDFW
cowlitzfisherman Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 06/14/00
Posts: 1828
Loc: Toledo, Washington


Repeat after me...

I will not be naive, I will not be naïve"

.... You said it better than I can say it elkrun!
I will not be naïve ever again because a few people are paranoid! And now a lot more people will not be naïve either about what they are paying their state employees! You may not like it, but there are now 10,s of thousands of good people out there that now know exactly what we are paying our employees.

I do think that is a good thing! laugh


Is the taste of the bait worth the sting of the hook????

#209561 - 09/08/03 12:55 AM Re: Find out what state employees make-WDFW
seastrike Offline
Hey Man....It's cool...

Registered: 08/18/02
Posts: 4242
Loc: seattle
Are you the guy with the big billboard down in Cowlitz County with the Uncle Sam on it?
It would be fitting!

#209562 - 09/08/03 01:34 AM Re: Find out what state employees make-WDFW
elkrun Offline

Registered: 01/15/01
Posts: 759
Loc: Port Angeles, WA

nice change in strategy. wink

You have us figured out... We teachers make WAY TO MUCH, and you've exposed us! damn, you'll be on 60 minutes for sure. Thank God for patriotic americans like you! I can read the headlines now "First year teachers making a whopping $21,000" I think you've solved the state's budget problems. Nice work... you should be proud.

I hope you're smarter than you sound here...

Your get a different job strategy is plain stupid. That would be a brilliant move after paying for all the education it took to get in the profession, and all the hoop$ we jump through just to keep ourselves certified.

I noticed you posted your name previously, but you forgot to mention your salary? Why not include you taxes for the last few years too? (I could get them anyway if I wanted too.)

You deny that identity theft happens, and say I'm just paranoid, despite me telling you it already has to me and many thousands of others statewide, you just keep writing "paranoid" like a child covering his ears, closing his eyes, and screaming "I cant hear you..." when he doesn't want to hear something. Maybe your right... It'll never happen in Toledo! And especially not to YOU!

When you decide to stop clouding the issue and make a valid point, I'll be watching, but not holding my breath.... wink

#209563 - 09/08/03 01:51 AM Re: Find out what state employees make-WDFW

Anyone seen a small white haired scruffy looken "cur" dog lately that yaps alot but doesn't really have much of value to say in response to others queries as to why it yaps so much? It just yaps back and dances around honest cogent questions based on facts it's afraid to address. Be forewarned this dog will bite anyone who chooses to disagree with it. Seriuously I'm lookin for this dog. wink

Gonads are brass and very big wink .

#209564 - 09/08/03 07:34 AM Re: Find out what state employees make-WDFW
db_cooper Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 01/25/03
Posts: 168
Loc: Foothills, Wa.
I can see the "Remove Cow... from the board" poll starting up shortly. I'm ready to vote...

#209565 - 09/08/03 07:54 AM Re: Find out what state employees make-WDFW
ltlCLEO Offline
Repeat Spawner

Registered: 06/15/01
Posts: 1104
Loc: brownsville wa.
Some peoples long winded soap boxes definately get old.I do not even have the will to read them any more,basicly because of what auntym said.

#209566 - 09/08/03 08:26 AM Re: Find out what state employees make-WDFW
cowlitzfisherman Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 06/14/00
Posts: 1828
Loc: Toledo, Washington
Same ones are still a crying !!

cry cry cry cry

If only you knew what people are thinking about your hopeless whining?

You guys are your own worse foes, you just can't understand how pathetic some are you are begging to sound, especially moderators from other boards restoring to name calling.
Maybe you guys can all form a "click" and start a new state agency. You can call it something KKK anonymous! Take off those sheets and show your faces!!

Or just keep cry cry cry laugh

PS and please don't use our tax dollars while your at work today to keep crying about your actions.


Is the taste of the bait worth the sting of the hook????

#209567 - 09/08/03 09:08 AM Re: Find out what state employees make-WDFW
glowball Offline

Registered: 12/06/00
Posts: 783
Loc: bullcanyon
I want to make sure I understand you guys correctly here. This web site shows your name (no one can figure that out) your job title and your salary. These three things will help someone steal your identity. HOW? I steel need your social security number, bank account number, date of birth how about a mothers maiden name. Lets not be silly. There is nothing on that site that can't be figured out with a little prying at your choice of employment.

If you really are upset with it contact the person in charge of the website. I'm betting that you payed for the site with your taxdollars. So I'm I wrong in saying you made a bad financial decision.
There's no head like steelhead!
Operations manager of coors light testing facility.

#209568 - 09/08/03 09:25 AM Re: Find out what state employees make-WDFW
DUROBOAT15 Offline

Registered: 09/08/02
Posts: 812
Loc: des moines
I work in the privite sector and my wages are posted on the net too real easy to find. Big deal cry cry
All you that work for the public know that your wage and benifit package is public information.If you cant deal with it you could always go job hunting.
Chinook are the Best all else pale in comparison!!!!!

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