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#209488 - 09/05/03 06:25 PM Find out what state employees make-WDFW
cowlitzfisherman Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 06/14/00
Posts: 1828
Loc: Toledo, Washington
Do want to know what your WDFW employee makes, or any other state employee makes by name? Well then try this site out….you'll Love it!!

Make copies soon; because it will probably be pulled off line real soon! laugh

Good luck!! laugh laugh laugh


Is the taste of the bait worth the sting of the hook????

#209489 - 09/05/03 11:15 PM Re: Find out what state employees make-WDFW
silver hilton Offline
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Registered: 10/08/01
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I would find it offensive if someone made such an inquiry about me, so I'll pass, thanks.

#209490 - 09/05/03 11:47 PM Re: Find out what state employees make-WDFW

Its public information.

Anyone working for the state a city or county or federal government for that matter should know that their wage is public information.

#209491 - 09/06/03 12:03 AM Re: Find out what state employees make-WDFW
cowlitzfisherman Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 06/14/00
Posts: 1828
Loc: Toledo, Washington
You say;" I would find it offensive if someone made such an inquiry about me, so I'll pass, thanks."

Well, just out of curiosity, if you worked for the public and the public is the one who is paying your salary, why would you think that it would be so "offensive"?

I can understand you feeling that way if you worked for a "private party" or company but when you work for the public, it kind of means it's i.e. "public" information and not private.

Why would a person want to hide what they are making, if they are being paid by the public funds?

How many times have people on this board complained about WDFW not having enough money to pay there people. Now everyone can see exactly what the WDFW people are being paid and make up their own minds. It's all public record information. That's why they call it "public" and not private information. These people work for all of us, so we are entitled to see what we are paying them for there services.

I just don't understand why public jobs salaries should be kept a big secret!


Is the taste of the bait worth the sting of the hook????

#209492 - 09/06/03 12:18 AM Re: Find out what state employees make-WDFW
Sparkey Offline
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Ryan S. Petzold
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#209493 - 09/06/03 12:25 AM Re: Find out what state employees make-WDFW
glowball Offline

Registered: 12/06/00
Posts: 783
Loc: bullcanyon
Thanks CFM

The wife and I found it interesting what we're paying these guys.
There's no head like steelhead!
Operations manager of coors light testing facility.

#209494 - 09/06/03 12:51 AM Re: Find out what state employees make-WDFW
centerpin Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 11/24/00
Posts: 377
Loc: The Terrace
Thanks CFM for the link
I have always wondered where my state tax dollars went
The question now is, are we getting good value for our tax dollars?
If our roads are any indication,I think we are getting the Short end of the stick.
Bait thug
AKA 98043

#209495 - 09/06/03 01:11 AM Re: Find out what state employees make-WDFW

2003 State of Washington Commission on Salaries of Elected Officials List, Job Title and Salary
January 25, 2003 Personnel Detail
Comm on Salaries Elected Officials (2003, 2 employees)

Name Job Title Salary(monthly or hourly)

So it cost $6759 a month to maintain that website... and thats just the elected ones... maybe .05% listed on that list... Thats called Bang for the FV(k!n buck!
Cool site Cow buddy...

interesting info...

nice to know for the most part the salaries are not way over the scale of the private sector....

#209496 - 09/06/03 02:09 AM Re: Find out what state employees make-WDFW
Born to fish Offline

Registered: 02/18/03
Posts: 48
Loc: Elma, Washington
Even though my name is on the list, I have mixed feelings about seeing this stuff on the net. Mostly because it doesn't tell the whole story. For instance on the saturday after the 4th of july we had a family get together and my father in law made a comment about some DOT employees working on a saturday. At first he was a little riled about it, but I couldn't figure out why. Then he mentioned that for a state with budget problems why are we paying people time and a half to work on saturday.

Bingo! Now I know why he had a problem with it. Then I had to explain that most state employees aren't paid overtime. In WDFW, if we work more than 40 hours in a week we get what's called comp time (time and a half) or exchange time (one to one) depending on your position. This is time we get to take off later when things are slower.

I can go to work saturday at 6am and work 40 straight hours and all I get is 40 hours straight time. My father in law couldn't believe we don't get any overtime. He was telling me before he retired he got time and a half for any hours over 8 in a day and time and a half for any time worked between 6pm and 8am. They even got paid meals after working so many hours (can't remember how many). Since then I've started asking friends and relatives how it works at their job and virtually all of them get paid time and a half for anything over an 8 hour day.

While I make a decent living I have no reason to complain, but I've been offered jobs in the private sector and the money and benefits were much better than what I make working for WDFW.

#209497 - 09/06/03 02:26 AM Re: Find out what state employees make-WDFW
Born to fish Offline

Registered: 02/18/03
Posts: 48
Loc: Elma, Washington

I meant to address your comments about why public employees salaries should be available to the public. My personal feeling is that what I make is none of your's or anyone else's business. I'm no different than a lot of folks in the private sector that don't want their salary information made public. What I do think should be readily accessable is what is being paid out in salaries vs goods and services and any other spending category. If you're really interested in what a state employee makes, all you have to do is go to the dept of personnels website and you can see the salary range for a given job class. Ultimately why does anyone need to know exactly what I make?

#209498 - 09/06/03 04:30 AM Re: Find out what state employees make-WDFW
MasterCaster Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 05/09/03
Posts: 368
Loc: Florida
Please, BornToFish....... Don't make me puke on my keyboard and offer you a hanky to wipe your tear strained eyes..... Give me a break!

I would much rather have paid time off (comp time) that is not included in your vacation or sick time.... You then do not have to fork 50% of it over to Uncle Sam..... If I work 20 hours overtime in a 2 week period, they take so much that I get only $100.00 more than a regular check. That is why I refuse OT nearly all the time (Unless the Hospital is in a REAL bind). It is just not worth it. My ex-wifes husband (we are good friends) works for Oregon DEQ and he had so much comp time he had to take 5 weeks off (Paid) and still had 5 weeks vacation coming..... If he doesnt use his vacation, he cash's it out and he thinks "Its a real sweet deal"....... Hard to feel sorry for any Gov't worker. If a company used as many people on a job as the Gov't, they would be bankrupt in no time.... Gov't is probably the least productive of any "business" in this country.

I feel better now.... Just try working in the Healthcare field if you want something to whine about... I have some of the worst healthcare benefits of any working group.. Go figure that one. I wont even start on your benefits as a state worker....

MC mad

"Equal Rights" are not "Special Rights"........

#209499 - 09/06/03 04:45 AM Re: Find out what state employees make-WDFW
cupo Offline
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Registered: 06/18/03
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Loc: north sound
My pay looks just as sad on that site as it does on my checks. I'm making a little more now than I was when that was published, but it still ain't much.
The overtime scale depends on which entity you work for. We can take comp time or time and a half for our overtime.
The information given would be just as useful if it gave the pay scale for each position without giving individuals' names.

#209500 - 09/06/03 05:22 AM Re: Find out what state employees make-WDFW
ltlCLEO Offline
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Registered: 06/15/01
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Not the way I was raised either....thank god.

#209501 - 09/06/03 07:53 AM Re: Find out what state employees make-WDFW
HntnFsh Offline

Registered: 06/24/01
Posts: 684
Loc: Toledo Wa
Born to fish and others.
Because we the public pay your wages.And in a sense are your boss.We have a right to know what you make.
If the money and bennies are better in another job why not take it?Could it have to do with retirement bennies? Just curious.

#209502 - 09/06/03 10:41 AM Re: Find out what state employees make-WDFW
cowlitzfisherman Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 06/14/00
Posts: 1828
Loc: Toledo, Washington
Born to fish

You said;" If you're really interested in what a state employee makes, all you have to do is go to the dept of personnels website and you can see the salary range for a given job class. Ultimately why does anyone need to know exactly what I make?

I wonder how many state employees are named" Born to fish"? I am still looking through the list to find out how much "Born to fish" makes but I still haven't located that name yet!! laugh

Is the taste of the bait worth the sting of the hook????

#209503 - 09/06/03 10:55 AM Re: Find out what state employees make-WDFW
Fair hooker Offline

Registered: 02/02/03
Posts: 28
You get what you pay for.

Employers be it private industry, the federal government, state, or self employment opportunities are in competition for the most capable people.

In the long run, if WDFW pays better including benefits, vacation, etc. they will get folks that do a better job of managing fish and wildlife resources. Pay less and the most competent will take better paying jobs with the federal government or private sector.

To me, the salaries and benefits for the WDFW employees seem about right.

#209504 - 09/06/03 02:54 PM Re: Find out what state employees make-WDFW
bentpole Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 10/29/01
Posts: 133
btf I have to call b.s. on your post sayin "most employees" do not get o.t., yes I wouldn't doubt there are dept.s that "work for free" but the dot they have many times worked on the holiday at triple time so plz do not try to b.s. Hell I work 10 of the 11 holidays a year and do not get the kind of comp. that state workers do. it's all by choice. I know a guy in the signal dept. that volunteers to sit in his office on the fourth and leaves early but makes more then most people do in a week, so ya make thier wage public

#209505 - 09/06/03 03:53 PM Re: Find out what state employees make-WDFW
Born to fish Offline

Registered: 02/18/03
Posts: 48
Loc: Elma, Washington

It was my understanding that all state offices functioned much the same and I obviously made an assumption that was incorrect. When I've worked holidays in the past, it was voluntary and straight time no leaving early. If we were needed to work for 8 hours we got 8 hours pay and if we were needed to work for 2 hours we got 2 hours pay. We worked as long as we were needed and sent home and paid for no more and no less. This has been my experience and it sounds like I've been lumping a lot of others in that same category when I shouldn't have.

I apologize if folks thought I was trying mislead them as that was not my intention.

#209506 - 09/06/03 06:11 PM Re: Find out what state employees make-WDFW
Born to fish Offline

Registered: 02/18/03
Posts: 48
Loc: Elma, Washington
Ok Cowlitz-

I'm not sure why you had a hard time finding me, I went back and looked and found my name right away:D I cut and pasted the section so you could see where I was at. You are right though, I couldn't find anyone with the same name as me.

Fish, Anadromous C WMS 1 - 4950
Sinker, Boat L Biologist 2 - 2814
Fish, Born T Biologist 3 - 4216
Feeder, Bottom J Biologist 1 - $10

Just to give folks an idea where I fit in the scheme of things and to promote fair comparisons, I would probably be characterized as upper end journymen level. In another field, I'd probably be similar to a journey level machinst, carpenter or welder with many years of experience and responsible for supervising subordinates.

How come the smilie thing didn't work?

#209507 - 09/06/03 06:21 PM Re: Find out what state employees make-WDFW
Dave Vedder Offline
Reverend Tarpones

Registered: 10/09/02
Posts: 8379
Loc: West Duvall
I am 100% with Born To Fish. Just bacause our police, firemen, game wardens etc. are public employees, there is no reason violate their privacy by listing names and salary. It should be enough to be able to know what a given position pays, but not the exact amount paid to a given person.

There are enough drawbacks to WDFW jobs, like idiots blaming lack of fish on them, loudmouths complaining if they do, or do not give out tickets etc. The pay is too low to compensate for jerks always loking for something to complain about.
No huevos no pollo.

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