Bounty Hunter,
I fish out of an 18 foot Seaswirl with an open bow. Most days it is just fine, and you will be out there with plenty of other boats your size. If it gets real windy, usually in the afternoons, head in and take a break if the swells and wind waves are too rough.
One hint to maximize time between runs. Low tide in the morning, head east a few miles and start your run west from there, zig-zagging until you find fish. High tide in the morning, head west first thing, then zig zag.
Another hint on taking the bigger waves is to quarter into the waves, not take them straight on. If you have swells bigger than 6 feet and wind waves over 3 feet, head in. Again, you can get a feel from the number of other boats out there whether or not you should be out there, but I suggest being more cautious than the rest your first few times.
Bring your GPS, and if you don't have one, get one. When the fog rolls in a compass is needed, but a GPS is better. The two combined would be best.
Finally, take it slow out there. Most days you won't be able to run faster than 20 mph. Start at a slow speed, and keep your hand on the throttle.
"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"
They call me POODLE SMOLT!
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