#210191 - 09/12/03 01:29 AM
Re: NFR Do you know how much $87 Billion is?
Juvenille at Sea
Registered: 02/27/03
Posts: 103
Loc: Portland
Originally posted by Pmartin: Go Harley, I got to about, Nice try and already know what your babble is... Whole lot about nothin', changin subjects, and always negative. You're boring. Whatever babble you cut and pasted I'm sure was fascinating???
Unsurecatch. I and I think many don't care about some stupid link that we'll never find. Who cares about some link!!?? All I know is that some MF'r flew some planes into some big buildings in my home court and it's time to return the favor!! I could really care less if there is a connection! I am just happier than a pig is snot that we are over there kickin' some ASS!! Ya, we've lost some soldiers but as the saying goes, you play with the bull you're gonna get stuck with the horns!! I have yet to hear from one of you anti everything’s a better solution on how this situation could have been handled. Should we sit down and talk with them?? Gee, why did you fly those planes into those buildings? Was it that your daddy didn't hold you enough? Well, hold this...5.56 in the cranium! The heat is on Baby and we are in till we finish this mess! 187 bil...whatever, clean up the house and take the damn trash out!
Point I was trying to make is all was fine when they blow each other up. But the USA....nother story!
What did you people really expect us to do????
I know what Cliton would do....
Um, well, we have some delegates going to talk ...... So it sounds like you've taken the same approach as the Palestinians...they just walk into a crowded market and blow up whomever they can. Doesn't matter whether they had anything to do with it or not... Don't you find it ironic though that the country that we decided to go after has lot's of oil??? If we were to just go after any 'ol country who is Islamic, then why not go after any middle easter or african country??? Please tell me you're brighter than that...
#210192 - 09/12/03 01:38 AM
Re: NFR Do you know how much $87 Billion is?
Originally posted by Twig: So it sounds like you've taken the same approach as the Palestinians...they just walk into a crowded market and blow up whomever they can. Doesn't matter whether they had anything to do with it or not...
#210193 - 09/12/03 02:03 AM
Re: NFR Do you know how much $87 Billion is?
Registered: 09/24/01
Posts: 769
Originally posted by Twig: It keeps going round and round, but the bottom line is that there is no connection between terrorism and Iraq. The two factions hate each other. They hate each other and they hate us but that does not make them a common enemy. As Goharley mentions, if a lie is told often enough, it becomes reality. Certainly there is enough press to validate any connections that the Bush administation would lead us to believe, and there isn't a press story out there that will confirm that!
We were then told to believe that war was imminiment. Bush was unable to convince any other country with the information that he had. Don't you think if the information was good enough that other countries (heads of state) would have bought in on it? Certainly they are at liberty to discuss classified issues and still, Bush could not convince them.
It is far easier to just believe in what the Bush administration wants you to believe than to actually have to think yourself and/or listen and research various sources to gain perspective on the matter. If you choose to simply be a believer, then fine, but accept that you are not able to process information on your own, that you simply believe something rather than have the capacity to observe something and come to your own conclusions. The info I needed I saw.. The pics I posted above... As far as the blind, such as yourself, they can not see.. Once again no answer to any question just ***** and moan... How do You think it should have been handled? Wait, I know what you'll say...Bush lied to us and Saddam is not connected to Bin... bla, blah Once again I say to you. Bush has NEVER been proven to lie, such as your hero Clinton, but he is doing what he as PRESIDENT feels best!!! That's how is works people...Get over it!! Next November you can try to change who is in the white house but until then go change your diapers and have a warm bottle.. May as well go back to sleep because it sure seems that they is a lot of day dreaming going on here... Now you people know what all those sheep in those packs talk about.... Ever stick your head out to do something constructive?? Kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out! Piper you are the uncontested intellectual whiz... Your wisdom and knowledge are too profound for me so I may not be getting your full intellectual connotations. Thank you for your input and calling question to ones intellect. Isn't everyone on this board a genius??? You apparently are. I am just a low down scumbag and my thoughts should not be heard right? Or is it that unless someone meets your specifications that they qualify in this debate? Practice what you preach!! You may be old but definitely not wise!
This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave. —Elmer Davis
#210194 - 09/12/03 02:10 AM
Re: NFR Do you know how much $87 Billion is?
Reverend Tarpones
Registered: 10/09/02
Posts: 8379
Loc: West Duvall
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Pmartin: [QB] Go Harley, I got to about, Nice try and already know what your babble is.
Unsurecatch. I and I think many don't care about some stupid link that we'll never find. Who cares about some link!!?? All I know is that some MF'r flew some planes into some big buildings in my home court and it's time to return the favor!! I could really care less if there is a connection!
So pmartin, let me see if I understand. You told Goharley, "I got to about . . ." Can you possibly translate that into English? I can see that you and you, didn't read any of what GOHarley had pasted into his message. I think that's a good idea. No sense wasting precious brain cells with facts. I bet your head is nearly full as it is! That must be so, as you and you don't even care who was responsible for 9/11, just as long as you and you get to kick somebody's ass. Jeesh I hope a bunch of right thinking Canadians, guys who try to stay on top of the issues like you, don't decide to bomb the U.S. if Libyan terrorists attack Canada. Hey, using your logic it would make perfect sense.
Here's an idea, why don't we try to find out who is really funding terrorists so we can stop them?
No huevos no pollo.
#210195 - 09/12/03 02:26 AM
Re: NFR Do you know how much $87 Billion is?
Registered: 09/24/01
Posts: 769
Originally posted by surecatch: [QUOTE]Originally posted by Pmartin: [QB] Go Harley, I got to about, Nice try and already know what your babble is.
Unsurecatch. I and I think many don't care about some stupid link that we'll never find. Who cares about some link!!?? All I know is that some MF'r flew some planes into some big buildings in my home court and it's time to return the favor!! I could really care less if there is a connection!
So pmartin, let me see if I understand. You told Goharley, "I got to about . . ." Can you possibly translate that into English? I can see that you and you, didn't read any of what GOHarley had pasted into his message. I think that's a good idea. No sense wasting precious brain cells with facts. I bet your head is nearly full as it is! That must be so, as you and you don't even care who was responsible for 9/11, just as long as you and you get to kick somebody's ass. Jeesh I hope a bunch of right thinking Canadians, guys who try to stay on top of the issues like you, don't decide to bomb the U.S. if Libyan terrorists attack Canada. Hey, using your logic it would make perfect sense.
Here's an idea, why don't we try to find out who is really funding terrorists so we can stop them? Well Thanks for the translation!! What an english whiz you are. Especillay for being an "outdoor writer' .. LOL Unsure, you make me laugh. You really have nothin to say.. As, far as H's posts they all say the same thing! Ignant BS, just like you! The only reason I am even writing in this stupid post is that I'm half drunk and it's fun right now. You know, kind of like teasing your dog or cat, simple entertainment. Like you...Simple. If you will ever answer the question that I have asked over many posts... What do you think we should have done? Maybe you'll be getting somewhere??? I feel we did the right thing. U? Just moan some more about the kid who took your ball away... A big 'L' 4 U Let me guess.....You drive a mini Van and ALWAYS troll the other way? 
This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave. —Elmer Davis
#210196 - 09/12/03 03:52 AM
Re: NFR Do you know how much $87 Billion is?
Three Time Spawner
Registered: 06/04/03
Posts: 1698
Loc: Brier, Washington
Reprinted from the Drudge Report: Author Ann Coulter
VERMONT Gov. Howard Dean has been issuing diatribes against the Bush administration that would surpass even Tariq Aziz with severe menstrual cramps. This strategy has made him the runaway favorite of the Democratic Party. Even Mr. War Hero, John Kerry, is getting shellacked by Dean. At times Kerry seems almost ready to surrender, making him look even more French. (If only Kerry had a war record or an enormously rich spouse to fall back on!)
In the wake of Dean's success, the entire Democratic Dream Team is beginning to sound like Dr. Demento. On the basis of their recent pronouncements, the position of the Democratic Party seems to be that Saddam Hussein did not hit us on 9-11, but Halliburton did.
Explaining his vote for a war that he then immediately denounced, Kerry recently said his vote was just a head-fake, leading some to wonder how many of Kerry's other votes in the U.S. Senate this would explain. He voted for war only to bluff Saddam Hussein into letting in the U.N. weapons inspectors. "It was right to have a threat of force," Kerry said, "because it's only the threat of force that got Hans Blix and the inspectors back in the country." But he never imagined that Bush would interpret the broadly worded, open-ended war resolution as grounds to start an actual war! "The difference is," Kerry said, "I would have worked with the United Nations."
None of the Democrats has the guts to come out and demand that U.S. forces turn tail and run when the going gets tough. If only one of them had the courage to demand cowardice like a real Democrat! So instead, they stamp their feet and demand that Bush go to the United Nations. Apparently it is urgent that we replace the best fighting force in the world with an "international peacekeeping force," i.e., a task force both feared and respected worldwide for its ability to distribute powdered milk to poor children.
Inconsolable that their pleas to "work through" the U.N. did not stop Bush from invading Iraq and deposing Saddam Hussein, now all the Democrats are eager for the U.N. to get involved so it can wreck the rebuilding process. Since we didn't let the U.N. lose the war for us, the least we can do is let them screw up the peace.
The idea that we would involve those swine in the postwar occupation of Iraq is so preposterous that it's under serious consideration as next week's slogan for the Howard Dean campaign. I hesitate to raise it to the level of a serious argument by offering a rebuttal, but as luck would have it, we have two models for how to occupy a country after a war. Getting "the allies" involved is not the winning model.
After World War II, the United States ran the Japanese occupation unilaterally. Without the meddling of other nations, the Japanese occupation went off without a hitch. Within five years, Gen. Douglas MacArthur had imposed a constitutional democracy on Japan with a bicameral legislature, a bill of rights and an independent judiciary. Now the only trouble Japan causes is its insistence on selling good products to Americans at cheap prices.
By contrast, the German occupation was run as liberals would like to run postwar Iraq – a joint affair among "the Allies," the United States, Britain, France and the Soviet Union. It took 45 years to clean up the mess that created.
The Soviets bickered with the French, refusing to treat them as "allies" (on the admittedly sensible grounds that they didn't fight). While plundering their zone, the Soviets refused to relinquish any territory to France. Trying to be gallant, the U.S. and British carved a French zone out of their own sectors. The Soviets then blockaded Berlin, built the Berlin Wall, and Germany was split for the next 45 years.
The British made Germany's war-torn economy worse by trying to impose socialism in their zone (as well as in their country). Predictably, economic disaster ensued. Over the next five years, the U.S. was required to spend the equivalent of about $200 billion annually in today's dollars to bail out Western Europe under the Marshall Plan. I note that there was no need for a Marshall Plan in Japan.
And the disastrous German occupation is the best-case scenario for "international peacekeeping." The less rosy picture involves the defaced corpses of American servicemen being dragged through the streets by dancing, cheering savages, as happened under "international peacekeeping" forces in Somalia in 1993. Showing that America is not a country to be toyed with, our draft-dodging, pot-smoking commander in chief responded by withdrawing our troops.
So naturally the Democrats are rooting for an international force in Iraq. The Democratic logic on national defense is: As soon as anyone in the military gets his hair mussed, we must pull out and bring "international peace-keeping" forces in. Our boys are in harm's way! People are dying! Bush lied when he said major combat operations were over! Let's run. That'll show 'em.
It was not lost on Osama bin Laden that it only took 18 dead in Somalia for the Great Satan to pull out. It should not be lost on Americans that this is what the Democrats are again demanding we do in Iraq.
#210197 - 09/12/03 04:27 AM
Re: NFR Do you know how much $87 Billion is?
Returning Adult
Registered: 05/09/03
Posts: 368
Loc: Florida
The more I get to know Americans, the more I hate them..... And I am American. You dumbass people go back and forth, back and forth, but are all so stupid and narrow minded that you fail to see the real problems. They are not Democrat or Republican, Iraqi or Al Quida..... IT IS PEOPLE! Israeli's can drop a friggin 500lb bomb on a building to kill a Hamas leader and it is fine, "they are protecting their people". A man straps a bomb to his body to kill Israelis and "he is a lunatic". Americans side with Israel that acts no different than South Africa did during aparteid by isolating another race and keeping them in extreme poverty. We all condemned S. Africa for this same type of treatment of the blacks. Then we get Nelson Mandela freed from prison and help him end aparteid and rise to the status of President of that country and he now despises the USA and says that we deserve terrorist attacks. We are despised by other peoples because we whine about our "collapsing economy" yet even our poorest have more than most people in other countries could ever imagine having. I often complain that my boat is too small, yet how many people in other countries could never imagine owning a boat like the one I have? We cannot seem to solve the problems we have in this country, yet we think we can solve the problems of other countries "If they would only act and live the way we do". We say that all people are created equal, yet we live in a country that allows certain groups priviledges that others do not have. We base our self-worth on the amount of money a person has, or their beauty, or star status, not whether or not they are a good person. We send pot smokers to jail, yet the billionaire that bankrupted thousands retirement pensions sleeps wonderfully every night in his $100,000,000 home and Martha Stewart cries "I didn't do anything wrong, they are picking on me". We lose 3000 in on day and we will continue to feel sorry for ourselves for the rest of our history and make a spectacle of ourselves every year on it's anniversary (big deal, Bangladesh can lose 10,000 in one flood, or 250,000 in China in one earthquake. We are the best whiners in the world, yet we have the most. This is why the world, and certain groups of people despise us and think the world would be better without us. Not siding with them, just making it clear that we have no right not understanding why we are despised........
"Equal Rights" are not "Special Rights"........
#210198 - 09/12/03 09:16 AM
Re: NFR Do you know how much $87 Billion is?
Registered: 03/10/01
Posts: 570
Loc: Snohomish, WA, USA
Thanks, AuntieM. I'm sure something will come up, what with my boyish charm, astronomical IQ, and appreciation of sarcastic humor.  :p
#210199 - 09/12/03 09:27 AM
Re: NFR Do you know how much $87 Billion is?
Juvenille at Sea
Registered: 02/27/03
Posts: 103
Loc: Portland
The problem with Bush and his supporters is that they are not able to produce any proof that Iraq was involved with WMD's or ties to Terrorism. You'll remember that these were the foundation of the argument to invade Iraq. Your challenge is to find one story written by a credible journalist that ties this together.
Just like a court of law requires proof and not just heresay, the American public should demand the same thing from it's government. Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary proof, and folks, there just isn't any.
People keep mentioning "Well Clinton lied, and so has Bush." As though they are somehow equal. Clinton's lie should have been between himself and his wife. It's the same thing that 70% of the population do, they have affairs. Bush's lie, on the other hand, is a matter of National Security and National Integrity. Although both lies, one is much greater in magnitude. There simply isn't any comparison.
Bush and his supporters have failed the U.S.. It's for this very reason that the world continues to hate us. You should be embarrased.
The good news is that there are institutions out there that can help though, they're called Universities. They can help you muddle through the retoric and teach you how to think on your own, although it might be scarry to some the first couple of times...
#210200 - 09/12/03 09:54 AM
Re: NFR Do you know how much $87 Billion is?
Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 2394
Loc: Valencia, Negros Oriental, Phi...
PMartin - the only problem with "Kill 'em all and let God sort it out" is that I am part of the all and so are you. I'd prefer to stick around for a while.
Striking out against just anyone is an irrational approach that reminds me of a two year olds tantrum. Part of getting older (and hopefully wiser) is that we can start making distinctions based upon knowledge and experience.
I will vote against Bush in Nov. 2004 (Not sure that I'll be voting FOR anyone if you get the distinction). That does not mean I hate him, it does mean I believe he has failed the American people.
Grandpa, your posting of the Ann Coulter piece gave me a chuckle. I finally got who she reminds me off. Do you remeber Joe Pyne back from the 60's? Ann Coulter is Joe Pyne in a miniskirt. Better looking and she makes more money, but she inflames and makes noise for the sheer joy of it.
It is becoming increasingly apparent that we have targeted the wrong enemy. If we really want to "have a central front of the War on Terrorism" we probably have to look real closely at Saudi Arabia. And that truly creates some problems for America, regardless of who sits in the Oval Office.
"You're not a g*dda*n looney Martini, you're a fisherman"
R.P. McMurphy - One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
#210201 - 09/12/03 11:05 AM
Re: NFR Do you know how much $87 Billion is?
Registered: 03/10/01
Posts: 570
Loc: Snohomish, WA, USA
eddie, thanks for the civil discussion. You too, Dogfish.
We're all emotional beings (as humans tend to be), but we really don't benefit much by allowing emotions to steer our online discussions, do we?
#210202 - 09/12/03 11:38 AM
Re: NFR Do you know how much $87 Billion is?
River Nutrients
Registered: 05/27/00
Posts: 2447
Loc: Stumpy Acres
I believe we get to much info!! We the people elect people to take care of this country! There not elected to relay info to you to see if you agree with what they have decided to do to keep us safe..
I think that some of the info brought out before hand has put our people in danger!
Get a freekin grip you whiners!!!
If ya can't run with the big dogs stay on the porch!
#210203 - 09/12/03 12:09 PM
Re: NFR Do you know how much $87 Billion is?
River Nutrients
Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 6732
PMARTIN: You wanted to know what could have or should have been done about Iraq? How about nothing for the time being. We had them contained and there was no imminent threat. Full concentration should have been on Afghanistan and Bin Laden. Plus, we were containing Iraq not as the U.S versus Iraq but as the U.N. versus Iraq. It wasn’t our show. But, we have now made this our own personal war with all the cost and responsibilities that go along with it. Your [Bleeeeep!] for tat logic is exactly why there will never be peace in the middle east without some sort of nuclear holocaust. Now the U.S. is mired in, what I see as, a never ending war. Ten, twenty, thirty years from now our troops will still be dying over there. Our children’s children will most likely be subjected to terrorist bombings over seas and at home as a result. While we spread ourselves ever thinner abroad and approach bankrupting this country while off-shoring manufacturing and technology the EU and Asian conglomerate grow stronger by the day. I think it’s very clear where all of this can easily be headed and they see/saw it too…..the U.S. will no longer be a super power.
Is Saddam a bad man. Sure. There are a lot of nasty world leaders. To the world we have one right here in the good old US of A. But notice we didn’t kill Saddam. We killed Iraqis. Lot’s of them and we still are every day.
This thread is fun but sad. Anything negative towards this f’d up administration is merely Bush-bashing while burying your head in the sand and giving a politician the power of life or death over yourself and this country without question is patriotic.
People say “I trust Bush”. I ask what makes you trust? People say “I believe in Bush”. I ask what makes you believe? People say “he’s doing the right thing”. I ask how do you know?
To a tee the answers never contain a shread of anything resembling evidence to back up their beliefs. Some cannot answer without the name Clinton in there. Why? We are talking about Bush not Clinton. Others get down right hostile as if you are questioning the authority of the almighty supreme being. He’s not you know. Actually he didn’t even receive the most votes. In my opinion we should be looking at impeachment. We can’t wait another year.
My favorite Homer Simpson quote “Facts schmacks. You can prove anything with facts.”
Wow Timberman...how communist of you.
"You learn more from losing than you do from winning." Lou Pinella
#210204 - 09/12/03 01:03 PM
Re: NFR Do you know how much $87 Billion is?
River Nutrients
Registered: 05/27/00
Posts: 2447
Loc: Stumpy Acres
stlhead- communist???
That was just a f*****g stupid comment!!!
Impeech? where the hell did clinton go when he was impeeched? NO WHERE
freekin liberals!!!
If ya can't run with the big dogs stay on the porch!
#210205 - 09/12/03 01:21 PM
Re: NFR Do you know how much $87 Billion is?
River Nutrients
Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 3188
Loc: U.S. Army
Grandpa and Pmartin -
I probably don't need to reply since many others have already pointed out the obvious. However, the obvious seems to be lost on you both. I'll try to refrain from confusing you with facts since your mind is already made up.
Speaking of facts, it seems that half the posters here base their opinions, trusts, and beliefs on fact; the other half on emotion, Drudge, and the view inside their rectum.
Timberman- I'm glad Jefferson, Adams, et al had more intestinal fortitude than you. Otherwise we'd still be swearing allegiance to the Queen. By the way, being impeached is not the same as being fired. It's merely an investigation into wrong doing.
MasterCaster - very good post with interesting insight. I'm sure you'll get the cliche "if you don't like it here, leave...." response from the self-appointed sergeant-at-arms wannabe.
Tent makers for Christie, 2016.
#210206 - 09/12/03 01:58 PM
Re: NFR Do you know how much $87 Billion is?
River Nutrients
Registered: 05/27/00
Posts: 2447
Loc: Stumpy Acres
Alot of you must be CIA Because you sure act like you know everything that has happened and what has been found in investigations on Hussein... This thread needs to be locked! This is a fishing forum you want to argue polotics go to another forum!!!!
If ya can't run with the big dogs stay on the porch!
#210207 - 09/12/03 02:14 PM
Re: NFR Do you know how much $87 Billion is?
River Nutrients
Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 6732
Then why are you posting? Isn't this way too much info anyway?
"You learn more from losing than you do from winning." Lou Pinella
#210208 - 09/12/03 02:25 PM
Re: NFR Do you know how much $87 Billion is?
Registered: 09/08/02
Posts: 812
Loc: des moines
As far as I am concerned both Bushs have made big mistakes. THEY STOPPED BOMBING WAY TO SOON!!! They should have turned that place to the glass desert. I say an eye for an eye or better yet 100,000 of there eyes for every one of ours. GWB will get my vote again he is a man with guts and guts is what we need. Not the yellow stripe some of you wear so proudly.
Chinook are the Best all else pale in comparison!!!!!
#210210 - 09/12/03 02:59 PM
Re: NFR Do you know how much $87 Billion is?
Juvenille at Sea
Registered: 02/27/03
Posts: 103
Loc: Portland
You've done it now!!! You're asking those people who are Pro War and Pro Bush to both read and to think...it's gonna hurt!!! By the way, there are some BIG words in there, so for those that stumble, look them up! If the US has got the whole thing in Iraq under control, then why is the US asking for help??? DUh.. which way did he go...
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