#211890 - 09/19/03 07:45 PM
Re: NFR Why are they striking?
Registered: 10/31/02
Posts: 2449
Loc: Portland
"$120,000 a year(3/4 year)" I'm not sure how exactly one would go about researching this so I'll imagine... I imagine that salary is one of the smallest amongst all superintendents in the state....how much do you think the Seattle superintendent makes?? I'll bet its substantially more... Further, do you think being the superintendent of ANY school district in the state is an eight month a year job? I suppose you are imagining that time as paid vacation? I really have no idea what a 'superintendent of schools' does exactly...do you? If that guy IS taking that time as vacation I guarantee you he is the worst superintendent in the state...no wonder the best superintendent's job he could get was in Mineral.... 
"Christmas is an American holiday." - micropterus101
#211891 - 09/19/03 07:49 PM
Re: NFR Why are they striking?
It all boils down to this - I'm right, everyone else is wrong, and anyone who disputes this is clearly a dumbfuck.
Registered: 03/07/99
Posts: 16958
Loc: SE Olympia, WA
You been on a campus lately, cowfish.
It's true..........profs lecture, your TA explains the lecture, and YOU learn the material.
They get paid what they do because it's about the prevailing wage, industry-wide. Hardly a mystery................
She was standin' alone over by the juke box, like she'd something to sell. I said "baby, what's the goin' price?" She told me to go to hell.
Bon Scott - Shot Down in Flames
#211892 - 09/19/03 08:03 PM
Re: NFR Why are they striking?
Juvenille at Sea
Registered: 07/12/02
Posts: 150
Loc: Issaquah
Cowfish, you are one bitter dude. It ain't that complicated. If you are one of the unemployed, you have my regreats. If you have a job, and it pays less than the steelar amount teachers are getting, get a better job. Maybe you just want the summers off to do more fishing. Now I can relate to that!!
Pass Me a Beer
#211893 - 09/19/03 08:36 PM
Re: NFR Why are they striking?
Registered: 12/06/00
Posts: 783
Loc: bullcanyon
Now I just did a little research and I'm even more flabergasted. The marysville teachers are wanting a total package raise of 11%. Are you $hitting me. Get real. Cost of living is (i think) less than 2%. With the struggling economy they should be happy they're getting anything for a raise.
There's no head like steelhead! Operations manager of coors light testing facility.
#211894 - 09/19/03 08:56 PM
Re: NFR Why are they striking?
Three Time Spawner
Registered: 06/14/00
Posts: 1828
Loc: Toledo, Washington
Dan Can't say that I have been on a college campus lately! But when was the last time you were on a normal school campus lately? Have you ever really informed yourself by looking through their books? That is the key to knowledge on this issue! I have spent probably more hours then most of this board has going through school records concerning school levies. Now if you want to ask me your usual lines of questions about that…feel free to do so! I have done my homework about school levies! I have folders full of documents to support whatever I say about that…and that one you can bet money on! Just wait tell you get to see your schools superintendent dragging one of his own board of directors back through a door way screaming that " I can get plenty of dirt on you…just ask the … telephone company! " Then, and only then, will you trully understand how screwed up schoool levys are! It was almost funny to see such people act in such a childish way! So, if people want to really talk about levies, and what 99.9% of the money is wasted on, I will be more than willing to debate that one! I am all for educating our kids, but the rest of the fat that only property owners are being force to pay for it pure bull $hit!!!!! Golfer The only reason that you may assume that I am "bitter", is because I have spent hundreds of hours going through the schools records, to find the difference between "bull $hit" and lies! Can you say "Public Discloser Act"? Try doing it sometime, and then tell me how wrong you think I am. Remember, I don't state facts on this board unless I can back them up with documentation! Opinions are not facts! Cowlitzfisherman
Is the taste of the bait worth the sting of the hook????
#211895 - 09/19/03 09:03 PM
Re: NFR Why are they striking?
Juvenille at Sea
Registered: 07/12/02
Posts: 150
Loc: Issaquah
Just curious, how many kids say I want to go through 4 years of college, so I can be a teacher and make all that money and have all that time off? Most parents would not be all that excited. I have not looked at individual pay scales, but I would suspect that tenure drives the number up, and new teachers make squat. The question is how do school districts attract good people to teach our kids?
Pass Me a Beer
#211896 - 09/19/03 09:44 PM
Re: NFR Why are they striking?
starting salary too low... I dont buy that...
Every proffesion whether teacher or dichdigger has a low starting salary... you gotta pay your dues and show your worth... fifteen years ago I started out making $7 bucks and hour drafting... needless to say the payscale goes up drastically from there if you're any good...
#211898 - 09/19/03 10:19 PM
Re: NFR Why are they striking?
Registered: 03/10/01
Posts: 570
Loc: Snohomish, WA, USA
"I don' t recall to many fouth graders coming to class with a hangover do you?!"
Is your goal to reduce your credibility to zero with that? What the hell does that have to do with anything?
*I've* taught college classes for ****'s sake. Two hours of Geology 101 lab was a breeze compared to having my kid's friend ****** over for dinner for 45 minutes. I can't imagine having her in a classroom all day. Believe me, lecturing to college kids with a hangover is easy. They don't say a word for the whole hour.
#211899 - 09/19/03 10:29 PM
Re: NFR Why are they striking?
Registered: 03/10/01
Posts: 570
Loc: Snohomish, WA, USA
I'll tell you what, piper, the teacher that will take $7 an hour can teach yours and cowfish's kids.
#211900 - 09/19/03 11:14 PM
Re: NFR Why are they striking?
Originally posted by Skywalker: the teacher that will take $7 an hour can teach yours and cowfish's kids. Now I never said that is what they should be making... that is what I made... I paid my dues and I do allright now... All I am saying is that anyone starting out in any profession should not expect to make top dollar...
#211901 - 09/20/03 12:09 AM
Re: NFR Why are they striking?
Registered: 06/26/01
Posts: 79
Loc: Eugene,Or.
Amazing, people who have no problem spending thousands of dollars on rigs,boats and trailers,computers,fishing gear,etc., can't stand to see the people entrusted with the care and education of our children make forty to fifty thousand a year.
If waste and incompetence need to be addressed take the necessary action and don't throw out the baby with the bath water.
It's true that wages lost during a strike usually are not recovered but sometimes one has to take a stand just to keep from losing ground.
For those of you who feel govt. agencies need to be held accountable, I agree, but focus on the problem, pay the competent grade and high school teachers a good salary and weed out the rest.
You will have to use the existing system to make a difference, if this proves to much the only alternative is to be mad at and jealous of good teachers making a good living.
#211902 - 09/20/03 12:22 AM
Re: NFR Why are they striking?
Registered: 12/06/00
Posts: 783
Loc: bullcanyon
Why not work while they negotiate, that way they don't lose anything and more importantly the kids don't lose. Most of the discussion has been about the teachers. What about the kids? I would understand this if they were after a realistic goal, but they are looking for a raise that is way beyond that.
There's no head like steelhead! Operations manager of coors light testing facility.
#211903 - 09/20/03 01:19 AM
Re: NFR Why are they striking?
Returning Adult
Registered: 02/06/02
Posts: 306
Loc: hermanghardtke@yahoo.com
I would be interested in knowing how many teachers started college with the intent of becoming a teacher, and how many had other aspiirations and couldn't cut the curiculum(sp). As I see it, they all knew what the pay was before they signed the contract. We (the public) expect way too much from the teachers. That being a given, if they are intelligent enough to become a teacher, they were aware of the conditions before they signed the contract. I don't think they are overpayed for what they are asked to do, but I do think they knew what the job was when they took it. herm
too much of anything is just right
#211906 - 09/20/03 12:35 PM
Re: NFR Why are they striking?
Returning Adult
Registered: 12/10/02
Posts: 436
Loc: Everett, WA
Teachers don't lose money in a strike! The feds and state mandate the number of school days in a year. All that really happens is that they (and our kids) will be in school later in the summer. Withholding ones labor services as a method of attempting to obtain a better contract is a traditional way to negotiate throughout industry. However, in the public school arena the striking teachers take no financial hit to their annual compensation.
It's wonderful to be good. But it's better if you're lucky and good!
#211907 - 09/20/03 12:56 PM
Re: NFR Why are they striking?
Registered: 09/16/02
Posts: 15
Loc: Lk. Stevens
Don't know how I missed this topic for so long, anyone that thinks teachers work 8 months are a little far from reality. I have a sister inlaw that teaches in Marysville and my daughter goes to Lake Stevens. I am 100% behind the teachers. The daycare issue, I never have understood that mentality.. Teachers pay, would you accept a contract that gave you the same pay and said you need to work 2 weeks longer? I don't know how many nights and weekends they are grading papers, planning etc.. The kids might be out of school but teachers are not! For all of you that say they get paid to much I'm willing to bet not one of you could do their job! How about working in a place were a child gets expelled, comes to school the next day as if nothing happen, why? He happened to belong to the local Tr### and got restaining orders against anyone that could do anything about it.. How come admistrators pay never comes into this topic? Since the new superintedent came to Marysville they have added 10 people under her @ 70,000 a year!! My only issue is that I wish we could get rid of the bad one.. That's a whole new union topic. Just my 2 cents..
#211908 - 09/20/03 01:46 PM
Re: NFR Why are they striking?
Three Time Spawner
Registered: 06/14/00
Posts: 1828
Loc: Toledo, Washington
Here's one that will frost most of you teacher "supports" rears! Just because a person is called a "teacher" doesn't make them any smarter or better then the average guy at his own job is. The only reason so many of you think a teacher is so fantastic and underpaid is most likely because of the love of you own children. As a parent, you just can't bare the thought that your kids are being trained for 8 hours of the day by just some average human being. Your hopes are high for little Johnny so you want your kids to always be in the best hands available. You do everything that is possible to see that your kid has "supper teacher" at their side to teach them what you failed to learn when went to school. You hope that the more you pay them; the better off your kid will be when they grow up. It always amazes me how teachers and other school related jobs use the kids for their own personal gains. Have you every though of how we got to where we are now? Teachers have never been paid "high wages" since they started teaching in this county. Teachers took on the profession of teaching because they really cared about kids. It was never considered to be a high paying position until recent years when they became so strongly unionized. It's quickly become all about money for the modern day school teacher now. I live among a "nest" of teachers, and I get to see what they are really like when they are not baby sitting the kids. These same people that some of you hold to be almost god-desses, are really no different then the average person is. From what I have observed in the past 18 years of living among them (they call our area "schoolhouse hill) they are no smarter or better trained then anyone else is in their own field of work. Their kids turn out just like our own kids do, and they all live in a higher life style then most of the rest of the local community does. Most of them have brand new cars or trucks that cost well over $35,000 sitting in their garages while they drive the "old clunker" to school and public events. I wonder why they would do a thing like that.  From what I have observed, the teaching profession is no different then any other profession, except that they get to use your kids a bargaining chip for whatever perks they desire. What other trade can you think of that gets to use your kids as blackmail when they go on a strike or want a pay raise? Levies just subsidize what the state can't and won't justify giving to the teachers, and they are probably one of the most unfair taxes that this state has. Lots of people don't even know that the majority of states that have the best and highest educational programs, don't even use this states backward, outdated, unfair levy system to fund the needs of education programs. In my opinion, teacher should be paid on their ability to teach and not on the length of time that they have managed to "hold down" their jobs. You have good teachers, you have great teachers and you also have stupid teachers; just like every other profession also has. That's why you will see this state in the near future going to a voucher system. It's the only way that the "deadhead" teachers will ever be weeded out of the educational system in many people's minds. After one does a public discloser request of a schools records, you will see that much of what "teachers" do wrong is keep pretty darn secret from the public view. Unless a teacher does a "felony act" you are not going to hear jack $hit about it. In fact, most of the time when a teacher has done something really bad, he just moves on to another school district to do it all over again! Kind of sounds like the bureaucratic way that the Vatican did it business. You would be surprised, if you were to ever get to see what really goes on at times in our schools. Teaching, and the profession of teaching is really no different then the rests of the professions that we all do. There are good one and bad ones, but when was the last time you heard of a teacher being fired? The last one I can recall, was the teacher who got caught after she had taken her student home for a little extra "home work". They are just human and they should be paid just like the rest of us are! They should start out at a low livable salary and get promoted by how well they perform in their job! If they did that, we wouldn't be having such miserable low test score in our schools today! I can just hear old Skywalker whining again; there goes the rest of my credibility…darn!! Sorry Skywalker, but the truth is often a hard pill to shallow! Are you sure you're not a "teacher aid" Skywalker…you sure sound like some of those deadheads at times! Trophy Mac You said; "How about working in a place were a child gets expelled, comes to school the next day as if nothing happen, why?"
How about the people who are just doing their jobs at whatever it may be each day, and the guy who they have worked with for years comes in the next day and kills 8 of his fellow workers? Every job, and every profession has its ups and downs and teaching certainly is no different. You just hear more about it because "kids" are often involved in the issues, and "kids" as always, make far better new stories. Cowlitzfisherman
Is the taste of the bait worth the sting of the hook????
#211909 - 09/20/03 02:10 PM
Re: NFR Why are they striking?
It all boils down to this - I'm right, everyone else is wrong, and anyone who disputes this is clearly a dumbfuck.
Registered: 03/07/99
Posts: 16958
Loc: SE Olympia, WA
"...College professors don't teach, they lecture." Did you go to college? I had some great professors who went above and beyond with labs, field work, and weekend trips. Sure, you get to be face to face with a professor..............when you're a junior and your major has been declared. At least that's the way it is at our two largest state universities (UW & WSU). When you're a freshman or a sophomore and you're completing your courses required for graduation, and sitting in a lecture hall with 600 other students, chances are your profs don't even know your name. How could they? cowfish, If college profs compete with other profs around the country, at different universities around the country (both public AND private schools) and this competition sets the prevailing wage in the industry....................and you think profs are overpaid. Don't you think the institutions around the country have a better handle on what professors should be paid than you do?
She was standin' alone over by the juke box, like she'd something to sell. I said "baby, what's the goin' price?" She told me to go to hell.
Bon Scott - Shot Down in Flames
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