Ok, folks, I'm in the mood to expend my energy on haranging our elected officials instead of each other - how about the rest of you
Here is a letter that I have set up to send to the representative/senator of your choice, along with an article pointing out what the problem is. In it I make a suggestion for a legislative ammendment to the fisheries code to allow our Fish Commission to allocate quotas based upon return to the economy. I also included at the end of the article a quick list to local legislators phones, faxs, and e-mails. If you like this idea send this letter, or one like it with your own points would be even better, to you local elected official.
Lets put this board energy to positive use
Jerry or other moderators, if this is OK could you stick it at the top of the board for awhile? Thanks
Dear Representative/Senator:
I would like you to read the first part of the following September 18, 2003 Columbian article carefully. It points out a fatal flaw in WDFW’s ability to manage salmon harvest for the maximum benefit of the people of the State, and for the maximum return to the economy of money generated from harvest of the resource. The policy and/or law that has led to this position by the Fish and Wildlife Commission simply has to be changed. In this day of extreme economic plight in the Pacific Northwest, every effort needs to be made to maximize economic return from State activities, including fish and wildlife management. There is no excuse not to divert the majority, if not all, of the salmon produced in State hatcheries, at considerable expense to taxpayers and purchasers of fishing licenses, to the group that returns the most money per fish to the economy. Many authoritative studies show that a sport caught salmon returns many times more dollars to the economy than a commercially caught salmon. More studies show that the average value of a commercially caught salmon falls far short of the cost to the State to raise one, while the value of a salmon caught by a sportsman dramatically exceeds this cost. Finally, the effort that sports fishermen expend in trying to comply with wild fish release regulations is entirely wasted when these same wild fish wind up dead in gillnets, along with all sorts of other non-target species. In this day and age it is entirely possible in many areas for sportsmen to selectively utilize almost every hatchery salmon available while protecting wild salmon, steelhead, sturgeon, and other fish and wildlife. It will never be possible for a gillnetter to do this.
I would like to suggest that you sponsor a bill to amend the “legislative mandate” that Commissioner Ozment refers to. The amendment should be a simple one: Give the Commission the authority to set seasons based upon best science for managing and perpetuating salmon runs while providing the highest value to the economy of the State from each salmon harvested. In fisheries were there is sufficient sport effort to effectively harvest the quota, no commercial fishing should be allowed. In fisheries where it is not possible to do this, and wild fish returns are healthy enough to sustain fishing pressure, then commercial fishing may be appropriate. The results of such a management system will ensure that wild salmon have the best chance to recover and prevent further ESA listings and curbs on development. It will also allow our State to become one of the most desirable sport fishing destinations in the world, and go a long way towards reversing the economic downturn that our State has recently suffered.
Thanks for listening and for taking action.
Notebook: Commission member says net fishery here to stay
Thursday, September 18, 2003
ALLEN THOMAS, Columbian staff writer
At almost every meeting involving sports fishing for salmon or sturgeon in the lower Columbia, sooner or later someone suggests the elimination of gillnetting, claiming it's a leftover from decades ago and fails to generate the economic activity of recreational angling.
Indirectly, state wildlife Director Jeff Koenings fueled the fire back in July when he said in a speech that fish-and-wildlife-related recreation generate $4 billion in spending in Washington while the state's commercial fleet hauls in nearly $300 million in wholesale and retail sales.
But Ron Ozment of Cathlamet, vice chairman of the state Fish and Wildlife Commission, delivered a much different message to the Vancouver Wildlife League earlier this month.
In a nutshell, Ozment told the sport group to learn to live with the gillnetters because commercial fishing in the lower Columbia River is not going to go away.
No one on the nine-member commission, which sets policy for the state Department of Fish and Wildlife, is of a mindset to eliminate commercial fishing, Ozment said.
"The Department of Fish and Wildlife has a very clear legislative mandate to provide both commercial and recreational opportunity for fishing,'' he said. "Right now I don't think there's a commission member who won't agree with the mandate and doesn't take that mandate very seriously.''
Fish allocation decisions are not made totally by the size of the sport and commercial fleets or their economic influence, Ozment said.
"While the commercial fishers are fewer and far between, and ultimately their take is a significantly lower number, they are the representative of the general, fish-consuming public who do not choose to go out on the water,'' he said.
"The commission has never adopted the stance the fishery emphasis should be strictly predicated on the economic numbers,'' he said. "And I will tell you, the commercial industry will really dispute those numbers of $4 billion versus $300 million. I cannot argue one way or another on that. I don't know. I'm not an economist.''
Ozment did say the jury is still out on tangle nets in the lower Columbia.
Tangle nets are small-mesh nets used during spring chinook season the past two years. They are designed to catch salmon by the jaw, not the gill. Wild salmon caught and released from tangle nets have a much better survival rate than those caught in gillnets.
In 2002, the tangle nets caught a lot of steelhead, although far fewer in 2003.
"There's a lot of uncertainty, obviously,'' Ozment said. "I would emphasize it is, at this point, an experimental fishery,'' he said. "I don't know if it will eventually be deemed viable, feasible or not.''
The tangle nets will be used again in 2004, he added.
On other topics
Ozment said if Klickitat Salmon Hatchery is transferred to the Yakama Indian Nation he wants assurances the chinook, coho and steelhead produced will have a clipped adipose fin, thus available for harvest as the move through the Columbia River.
Federal money for operating Columbia River hatcheries keeps waning, and the Yakamas might be able to access other government financing sources which the state cannot, he said.
The transfer is still under negotiation with a decision likely in 2004 or 2005, he added.
Smelt license: Ozment said he has a problem with suggestions from the Department of Fish and Wildlife to require a license to dip smelt.
Granted, smelt management has become much more costly than it once was, but some things in life should remain free, he said.
Marine mammals: Seals and sea lions are thriving in the lower Columbia River and they no longer need the strong protection they receive under the federal marine mammal legislation, he said.
Ozment lives up the Elochoman River valley, near the former Beaver Creek Hatchery. He said he has seen marine mammals as far upstream as his property.
Quick List for Local Legislators
Last Updated: September 18, 2003
2nd Dist. 19th Dist. 20th Dist. 22nd Dist. 23rd Dist. 24th Dist.
25th Dist. 26th Dist. 27th Dist. 28th Dist. 29th Dist. 30th Dist.
31st Dist. 35th Dist.
2nd LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT: Pierce County, including McKenna, Roy, Ft. Lewis, DuPont, Spanaway, Parkland, Fredrickson, So. Prairie, Prairie Ridge, Orting, Graham, and N of Eatonville
Sen. Marilyn Rasmussen (D)
Olympia: (360) 786-7602
Fax: (360) 786-7520
Home: (253) 874-3276
(253) 847-2168
E-mail: rasmusse_ma@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Roger Bush (R)
Olympia: (360) 786-7824
E-mail: bush_ro@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Tom Campbell (R)
Olympia: (360) 786-7912
E-mail: campbell_to@leg.wa
19th LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT: Pacific, Wahkiakum and portions of Grays Harbor and Cowlitz counties
Sen. Mark Doumit (D)
Olympia: (360) 786-7636
Fax: (360) 786-1999
Home: (360) 795-3063
Rep. Brian Hatfield (D)
Olympia: (360) 786-7806
E-mail: hatfield_br@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Brian Blake (D)
Olympia: (360) 786-7870
E-mail: blake_br@leg.wa.gov
20th LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT: All of Lewis and S Thurston Counties
Sen. Dan Swecker (R)
Olympia: (360) 786-7638
Fax: (360) 786-1999
E-mail: swecker_da@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Richard DeBolt (R)
Olympia: (360) 786-7896
E-mail: debolt_ri@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Gary Alexander (R)
Olympia: (360) 786-7990
E-mail: alexande_ga@leg.wa.gov
22nd LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT: N Thurston County, including all of Olympia and portions of Lacey and Tumwater, and the unincorporated communities of Johnson Point, Cooper Point, Tanglewilde, Thompson Place, and Boston Harbor
Sen. Karen Fraser (D)
Olympia: (360) 786-7642
Fax: (360) 786-1999
Home: (360) 491-4223
Fax: (360) 491-4222
E-mail: fraser_ka@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Sandra Romero (D)
Olympia: (360) 786-7940
E-mail: romero_sa@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Sam Hunt (D)
Olympia: (360) 786-7992
E-mail: hunt_sa@leg.wa.gov
23rd LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT: Kitsap County, including Bainbridge Island, Silverdale, Poulsbo, Kingston, and portions of Bremerton
Sen. Betti L. Sheldon (D)
Olympia: (360) 786-7644
Fax: (360) 786-1999
E-mail: sheldon_be@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Phil Rockefeller (D)
Olympia: (360) 786-7934
E-mail: rockefel_ph@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Beverly Woods (R)
Olympia: (360) 786-7842
E-mail: woods_be@leg.wa.gov
24th LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT: Clallam, Jefferson, and portions of Grays Harbor Counties
Sen. Jim Hargrove (D)
Olympia: (360) 786-7646
Fax: (360) 786-1999
Rep. Jim Buck (R)
Olympia: (360) 786-7916
E-mail: buck_ji@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Lynn Kessler (D)
Olympia: (360) 786-7904
E-mail: kessler_ly@leg.wa.gov
25th LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT: Cities of Puyallup, Milton, and portions of Fife and Edgewood, and the communities of Midland and Summit/So. Hill
Sen. Jim Kastama (D)
Olympia: (360) 786-7648
Fax: (360) 786-1999
E-mail: kastama_ji@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Joyce McDonald (R)
Olympia: (360) 786-7948
E-mail: mcdonald_jo@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Dawn Morrell (D)
Olympia: (360) 786-7968
E-mail: morrell_da@leg.wa.gov
26th LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT: Parts of Pierce and Kitsap Counties. Major Cities: Port Orchard, Gig Harbor, Key Peninsula, parts of Bremerton
Sen. Bob Oke (R)
Olympia: (360) 786-7650
Fax: (360) 786-7651
E-mail: oke_bo@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Patricia T. Lantz (D)
Olympia: (360) 786-7964
E-mail: lantz_pa@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Lois McMahan (R)
Olympia: (360) 786-7802
E-mail: mcmahan_lo@leg.wa.gov
27th LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT: Portions of Tacoma and Fife in Pierce County
Sen. Debbie Regala (D)
Olympia: (360) 786-7652
Fax: (360) 786-1999
E-mail: regala_de@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Dennis Flannigan (D)
Olympia: (360) 786-7930
E-mail: flanniga_de@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Jeannie Darneille (D)
Olympia: (360) 786-7974
E-mail: darneill_je@leg.wa.gov
28th LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT: Fircrest, University Place, Lakewood, Steilacoom, Tillicum, and West Tacoma, Anderson, Ketron, and McNeil Islands
Sen. Shirley Winsley (R)
Olympia: (360) 786-7654
Fax: (360) 786-1999
E-mail: winsley_sh@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Gigi Talcott (R)
Olympia: (360) 786-7890
E-mail: talcott_gi@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Mike Carrell (R)
Olympia: (360) 786-7958
E-mail: carrell_mi@leg.wa.gov
29th LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT: So. Tacoma, Parkland, and portions of Lakewood and University Place
Sen. Rosa Franklin (D)
Olympia: (360) 786-7656
Fax: (360) 786-1999
E-mail: franklin_ro@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Steve Conway (D)
Olympia: (360) 786-7906
E-mail: conway_st@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Steve Kirby (D)
Olympia: (360) 786-7996
E-mail: kirby_st@leg.wa.gov
30th LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT: Federal Way, Milton, Algona and Pacific. Major Cities: Federal Way and part of SW King County
Sen. Tracey Eide (D)
Olympia: (360) 786-7658
Fax: (360) 786-1999
E-mail: eide_tr@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Mark Miloscia (D)
Olympia: (360) 786-7898
E-mail: miloscia_ma@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Skip Priest (R)
Olympia: (360) 786-7830
E-mail: priest_sk@leg.wa.gov
31st LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT: So. King County and NE Pierce County, including Auburn, Bonney Lake, Buckley, Edgewood, Enumclaw, Greenwater, Sumner, and Lake Tapps
Sen. Pam Roach (R)
Olympia: (360) 786-7660
Fax: (360) 786-1999
E-mail: roach_pa@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Dan Roach (R)
Olympia: (360) 786-7846
E-mail: roach_da@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Jan Shabro (R)
Olympia: (360) 786-7866
E-mail: shabro_ja@leg.wa.gov
35th LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT: Mason and portions of Grays Harbor, Kitsap, and Thurston Counties
Sen. Tim Sheldon (D)
Olympia: (360) 786-7668
E-mail: sheldon_ti@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Kathy Haigh (D)
Olympia: (360) 786-7966
E-mail: haigh_ka@leg.wa.gov
Rep. William Eickmeyer (D)
Olympia: (360) 786-7902
E-mail: eickmeye_bi@leg.wa.gov