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#212918 - 09/27/03 12:42 PM Why should WDFW have your Social Security#?
cowlitzfisherman Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 06/14/00
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Loc: Toledo, Washington
Why should WDFW have to have your Social Security number?

Why is it that we must now give WDFW our social security number when we purchase our fishing or hunting license? What was wrong with just using your driving license for your ID? I know that WDFW have caught a few dead beat dads who have skipped out of paying their child support, but why did our legislators authorize WDFW to get such personal information to hunt or fish?

With all the paranoia that was generated when I posted a web site that gave away who and how much state workers make, what safe guards has WDFW taken to assure us that "our" most secret numbers has been safe guarded? What stops a private business operator or their employee who is tied into the WDFW computer systems from pulling up a persons name and reviewing your personal information including... your SS#? Does anyone know if these license sales people computers only have the ability to upload and enter "impute" and not the ability to download this information?

Since these people are trained in the use of these state computers, and are not state employees, is your Social Security number and other personal important information really being safeguarded or protected?

I don't know the answers, so that is why I am asking you these questions!

The only reason that I could locate that justified WDFW getting our SS number comes under:
RCW 77.32.014
Licenses, tags, and stamps -- Revocation/privileges suspended for noncompliance with support order.
Licenses, tags, and stamps issued pursuant to this chapter shall be revoked and the privileges suspended for any period in which a person is certified by the department of social and health services or a court of competent jurisdiction as a person in noncompliance with a support order. Fish and wildlife officers and ex officio fish and wildlife officers shall enforce this section through checks of the department of licensing's computer data base. A listing on the department of licensing's data base that an individual's license is currently suspended pursuant to RCW 46.20.291(8) shall be prima facie evidence that the individual is in noncompliance with a support order. Presentation of a written release issued by the department of social and health services stating that the person is in compliance with an order shall serve as prima facie proof of compliance with a support order

Wouldn't our fish and games time, funding, manpower, and resources be much better spent going after poachers and enforcing fish and game laws instead trying to catch deadbeats guys who can't get along with there x's?

And yes, this is related to fishing and the information that we must now give to purchase a new fishing license! laugh

Does any one know any of the answers? what


Is the taste of the bait worth the sting of the hook????

#212919 - 09/27/03 01:12 PM Re: Why should WDFW have your Social Security#?
grandpa2 Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 06/04/03
Posts: 1698
Loc: Brier, Washington
Maybe they can use your SS# to find your real identity >? And then about 50 of them could come to your house and beat the crap outta ya.
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#212920 - 09/27/03 01:44 PM Re: Why should WDFW have your Social Security#?
cowlitzfisherman Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 06/14/00
Posts: 1828
Loc: Toledo, Washington
Now be nice there grandpa!

Remember, it was "you" that noticed that I was carrying that big banana in my pocket! It will take more then 50 of them to take me down laugh laugh

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#212921 - 09/27/03 01:59 PM Re: Why should WDFW have your Social Security#?
baddawg Offline
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Registered: 12/14/01
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I don't know about the security aspects of the system, but using a driver license number would work for many but not all people. Young people that need catch records and those that need a fishing license at age 15 may not have a driver license. There are also those that just don't drive and don't have a license. In some states your driver license number is the same as your SS #.
I think one reason they chose the SS# is that you must now have SS# for all your kids to file your income tax so it is a unique number that most people already have.
bawddawg, no biscuit!

#212922 - 09/27/03 04:11 PM Re: Why should WDFW have your Social Security#?
db_cooper Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 01/25/03
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no reply

#212923 - 09/27/03 08:11 PM Re: Why should WDFW have your Social Security#?
sinker Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 03/12/01
Posts: 434
Loc: Puyallup, WA
jeez, the *****ing never stops around here does it??

Big deal if they're using your SSN. Been to college at all in the last decade and a half?? Thats your student ID number now. Ever been in the military? Thats been your number there for god knows how long.

I gave up on the whole SSN thing along time ago. It's a losing battle. The feds have already assigned us a personal ID and number. It's your SSN number.

Tell ya what, you wanna ***** about the need to give your SSN to get a fishing license, why don't you leave it off your IRS tax forms next year. That numbers not for tax purposes. Let me know how it works out for you.

Personally I love that I'm in the system under one number. I remember the days all to well of walking up to some untrained clerk who didn't know how to fill out all the forms correctly. Now I walk up, give them my number and tell them what I want and walk off.

#212924 - 09/27/03 08:15 PM Re: Why should WDFW have your Social Security#?
grandpa2 Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 06/04/03
Posts: 1698
Loc: Brier, Washington
Hey there's a great idea! The driver's license for universal ID!! Heck in California a whole bunch of illegal aliens can get driver's licenses now. Use it to get a SS# and maybe even a passport. thing you know someone will get fake ID and fly some planes into some buildings.
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#212925 - 09/27/03 08:34 PM Re: Why should WDFW have your Social Security#?
CWUgirl Offline
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Registered: 11/19/02
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Sinker, your SSN is NOT your ID at any public university (unsure of private) in this state anymore. The law was changed several years ago because of a case at CWU of a professor stealing his students identities and then buying credit cards with them. Over the last two years universities have gradually changed all ID numbers to a random number because it is illegal for universities to use your SSN as your ID number.

I'm against the WDFW using our SSN numbers. In most any other context (including school ID numbers before the law change) the giving of your SSN was completely voluntary. That's how it should be, catch dead beat dads some other way.
"If fishing is like religion, then flyfishing is high church." -Tom Brokaw

#212926 - 09/27/03 08:40 PM Re: Why should WDFW have your Social Security#?
grandpa2 Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 06/04/03
Posts: 1698
Loc: Brier, Washington
You know CWU..Now that you mention it my company (65,000 employees) just issued us a new ID which replaces SSN ID and the reason given was identity theft problems.

Personally I like the fingerprint scan that my bank has available. I haven't used it yet but that may be a better ID verification in the future or retina scans even better. Tht is if you want your identity secure and your privacy protected.
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#212927 - 09/27/03 08:43 PM Re: Why should WDFW have your Social Security#?
ramon vb Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 07/10/02
Posts: 123
Loc: Duvall, WA

Well, I guess I can actually see everyone's point. I would imagine WDFW wants your SS# for the same reason everyone else generally does: convenience. Everyone has one, and they all have the same number of digits. You can't say that for the myriad other numbers we're all assigned.

That said, I do think CFM has some legitimate concerns (which maybe proves the old saw about lefties and righties being paranoid about the same things). The question isn't so much why they want it as what they might decide to do with it and whether it's a good idea to give it to them. Especially in this high-tech age.

THAT said, I also have to agree that boat has pretty much already sailed. I've lost track of who all has my SS#, DL#, sundry CC#'s, and other info they could use to find me and/or screw me, including the hospital, the last college I attended, everywhere I've worked or even just applied for a job, and the guy who sold me my car, if I remember correctly (to be perfectly frank, he seemed even shiftier than Jeff Koenings). If I didn't give my SS# to WDFW and they really wanted it, couldn't they just call their pals at the Dept of Licensing and get it? And doesn't that go for just about anybody else?

Now that all's not to say it doesn't make me uneasy, but it's been going on like this for some time now, and the jack-booted thugs haven't broken down my door yet.

(Again, please note advisory at top.)

#212928 - 09/27/03 08:54 PM Re: Why should WDFW have your Social Security#?
grandpa2 Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 06/04/03
Posts: 1698
Loc: Brier, Washington
just to clarify ..I give my SSN all the time and am not paranoid about giving to anyone for a legitimate reason. I do think a more secure ID system may be in our that can't be stolen so easily and used against us. As far as the government spying on me goes..well I bet I have a file already and have no real secrets except some fishing related ones....and my bachelor party pictures.
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#212929 - 09/27/03 09:10 PM Re: Why should WDFW have your Social Security#?
ramon vb Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 07/10/02
Posts: 123
Loc: Duvall, WA
Well I can't resist the opportunity to say this (who knows if I'll ever get the chance again):

Amen, grandpa! wink

#212930 - 09/27/03 09:14 PM Re: Why should WDFW have your Social Security#?
Cigar Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 09/01/01
Posts: 354
Loc: Shoreline, Wa.
Mandated by Federal Law, all licenses must contain your SS# inorder to track and catch dead-beat dads not paying child support.

"Thanks President Clinton"

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#212931 - 09/27/03 09:33 PM Re: Why should WDFW have your Social Security#?
grandpa2 Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 06/04/03
Posts: 1698
Loc: Brier, Washington
Thanks Ramon....I think we're making some progress towards detante
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#212932 - 09/27/03 09:43 PM Re: Why should WDFW have your Social Security#?
stlhdfishn Offline
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Registered: 12/29/02
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Loc: kitsap peninsula
gotta keep things equal nowadays deadbeat dads isn't politically correct its deadbeat parents laugh

#212933 - 09/28/03 12:09 AM Re: Why should WDFW have your Social Security#?
sinker Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 03/12/01
Posts: 434
Loc: Puyallup, WA
good point, I heard on the radio the other day that over 80% of all mothers that are supposed to be paying child support aren't paying anything.

#212934 - 09/28/03 01:36 AM Re: Why should WDFW have your Social Security#?

#1 If you don't like it bug your congessman.

#2 If you don't like it bug your legislator.

#3 Other than that your beaten a dead horse.....have fun beaten it. beer

#4 Try fishen without a license....your local county will appreciate your donation to their budget.

#5 This is a gumms and jowl flapping thread rolleyes ....anyone have somethin really important to discuss? eek

#212935 - 09/28/03 02:19 AM Re: Why should WDFW have your Social Security#?
Plunker Offline

Registered: 04/01/00
Posts: 511
Loc: Skagit Valley
Bad hair day gooose? laugh

You're beginning to sound like a gander. flog rofl :p laugh
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#212936 - 09/28/03 03:55 AM Re: Why should WDFW have your Social Security#?
Rob Allen Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 05/10/03
Posts: 311
Loc: Vancouver WA
I am all for tracking down dead beat dads and moms.. if they can afford a license they can sure as hell afford to pay to raise their kid.. for thoes of us who that doesn't describe it's a very MINOR inconvenience.. if anyone wants your SSN they are going to get it easily enough without going through WDFW..

#212937 - 09/28/03 11:41 AM Re: Why should WDFW have your Social Security#?
cowlitzfisherman Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 06/14/00
Posts: 1828
Loc: Toledo, Washington
What's your problem gooose? cry Last time you were into name calling, now your saying; "… This is a gumms and jowl flapping thread....anyone have somethin really important to discuss?" cry

Is it the fact that you have no power on this board to control what others may say, think or write? Or is it the "lack of power" to edit or remove whatever you personally don't like as you so often tend to do as a moderator of another fishing board? cry One would think that a "moderator" would have a little more class then the average poster, and learn to control his own emotions and stop making personal attacks against other board members!

Even though Jerry has rightfully disagreed with my opinion on several threads, he has always had the class to do it a "professional way" (something you need to learn how to do). He's never had to resort to came calling or trying to lower the demeanor of another person just because he may personally disagree with their opinion. Why is it that you feel so compelled to come over to Bob's Board to make your personal attacks?

Personally, I would hope that persons who are "moderators" would set higher standards and examples for others to follow, but then again maybe that's just one of the reasons why you are not a moderator on Bob's board. So why not save your anger until I make a post on your site, where you are the moderator, and you can play god as usual? laugh


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