North Shore of Minnesotas' Lake Superior has some very beautliful steelies. Not built like the fish to the East that are more of a football in shape. The fish in Lake Superior are streamlined freaks of nature, and know how to use the current to their advantage. Due to the temp of the big lake, they grow slow, and a 10 pounder is cery rare. The rivers for the most part are very short, but have incredible eddy currents, boils, rapids, and steep gardients where the fish hold. I have fished Alaska, Oregon, Michigan, Wisconsin, Washington, Canada for steelies. If you can consistently catch steelies on the North Shore, you can catch them anywhere. High flows, ice cold water, and fishing off the edge of icy cliff banks make it about as tough as it gets. It's also more like West Coast steelie fishing than most of the Midwest, as rivers are not heavily planted, and return rates are significantly lower than the rivers that drain in to lake Erie, Michigan, and Ontario. Gotta say that they are my all time favorite. Thank god they don't get over twenty pounds, or I wouldn't go in the same water as them. LOL
The best way to be succesful in life is to keep the people who hate you away from the people who are undecided