A few months ago I may have had misconceptions about Surecatch and 4salt...Now that I have met both of you and see that you are not boogey men but real genuinely good guys I might listen to both of you more often.
Dave stepped up to the plate for PSA SnoKing in more ways than one and for that I am truly and sincerely greatful. I'm not kidding on this. I work pretty hard trying to make a difference and it kind of chokes me up to see someone making our lives more enjoyable like Dave does. I know how much effort Dave put into the event last night and I now he had a bad day yesterday. I am a better person for knowing Dave Vedder and can't thank him enough for his great contributions to me, PSA and sports fishing in general.
Now on to 4Salt... I appreciate you coming last night and the fact that you introduced yourself. I always pictured you as an old fart with crazy opinions...now I know you are a young congenial person with crazy ideas. I am looking forward to wetting a line with you and Dave this year some time. I'm sure I can learn alot from both of you.
Thanks , too, to JR for building that spectacular custom rod for our raffle. Thanks for your tireless service to PSA. Thanks to all the others who joined us and especially to all the new members who joined our organization last night. Especially one special new member....you know who you are. I was pleasantly surprised to hear about your decision to join.