Net pens are fairly cheap to purchase! I have purchase several over the years and the more you buy, the cheaper they are.
Gill netters are not dumb, even though we may think they are. All they will have to do is to figure out the over head that they now have. Like boat maintenance, Insurance, mooring, license fees, etc, etc. Then they must consider the fact that the amount of harvestable fish are getting lower and lower each year. The times are getting shorter and shorter, and the writing is on the wall!
The benefits that they will see will be; they get to continue to fish and harvest fish without being interrupted because some wild specie has a problem. They get to continue a livelihood in the "fishing" business. They get to control the size of fish that the markets prefer, they can become a plus to the fishing industry instead of the negative ones that they are now.
Setting them up with net pens and all the goodies that go with it, would be far cheaper then the proposed "by backs" plans would be. Just think of this way, how would you like to make tens of thousands of dollars each year without having to sit all night long on the water "hoping" that you will catch your quota, when you can sit at home and know that your "quota" of fish is already sitting in your net pens. They can control the fish markets, by the amounts of fish that they grow instead of the markets paying them pennies for each pound. If you don't like the price, you hold them a little longer, or you cut back on prodution just like the oil companies do!
I could sit here all day and think of really good reasons why I would rather grow fish in net pens then try to catch them in gill nets.
If you eliminate the general commercial fishery, how do you keep congress from defunding the columbia river hatcheries? The main motivation for creating them in the first place was to provide mitigation for the dams, in support of the commercial fisheries.
That answer is not as complicated as you may think! You're forgetting that the mitigation for the fish lost that where due to the dams must still be met by the people who built them. The only thing that would change is where those fish will be harvested at. The fish managers intentionally allow X amount of fish back to be harvested in the Columbia River. Harvest has never been the issue, it's always been how do the fish managers divide it up so that the gill netters in the Columbia their share.
Fish will still be harvested in multiple other fisheries. Escapement will be higher, and the need to keep more hatcheries going will most like decline. That is going to happen no matter what, so this way the gill netters win, the sport fishers win, and the fish win!
The Commercials boy will remain our allies, they get their share of the pie in the other fisheries and the Columbia boys will get their share, but it will come form the net pens instead of the gill nets.
Congress would love to see a way that this issue could be resloved, and at the same time address the needs of Endangered Specie Act requirements!