Thanks Bob for taking the time to attempt to answer some of my question. If you recall, an I know that you do, since day one (almost 4 years ago) I have always said that each and every river is a dynamic system and needs to be manage as so. I have never changed my opinion on this issue and you know that to be a fact.
When you and others go back and reread the "original thread" on this issue, you will see that my argument has always been about the "process" more so then if "wild steelhead" release is right or wrong. You, like me, both claim to have the fishes "best interest" in mind. But we do differ on statewide band on wild steelhead release. As a retired fishing guide, I fully understand why you, as a guide would love to see such a band in effect. Let's talk turkey with out getting mad at each other on this issue.
You have been up front with me, so I will be up front with you on this issue. If you choose to drop me from your board for doing so, that is 100% your right and choice. But not to be up front with you on this issue, would be a discredit to both you and me and the members of your board.
From a "guides" point of view, I can understand your desire to have catch and release on steelhead for several reason. One reason is that you are almost guaranteed that "fishing" will be to continued, even if it is only on a c&r fishery. That means that you would not have to worry about sending back any refunds to your customers because the river was shut down due to escapement problems. That's becoming a big problem nowadays.
It's pretty hard to have to return deposit money back that has already been spent (been there and done that) because that's the way it works for most guides that I know. The deposit are usually part of trips cost. If a guide has an existing established cliental for c&r, he would defiantly be in the driver's seat compared to the guide that has a cliental of only harvesters. Most likely the guy who business is c&r would increase, while others who have practice harvest, would most likely decrease for some time to come.
For some guides, that could mean the death of their business!
You also know, how important it is to a guides business to have a steady cliental of customers. As we both know, it takes years to establish a good cliental. As you and I have both learned from guiding, if condition don't change much from the day before, you are almost guaranteed to find that the steelhead you caught yesterday and released, in all likelihood will likely be there again tomorrow, holding in the same water…. if he hadn't been bonked by another fishermen.
He will probably be there again tomorrow too, if no one else harvests it before you get to fish on him again the following day (this is defiantly a "good point" that you can make for c&r). Some guys claim to have caught the same fish as many as three different times in the same day. Well that is the nature of steelhead, and it doesn't really matter if it’s a wild one, or he's a hatchery one. It's just the nature of the fish, because the fish lacks the ability to remember what pain is. Steelhead natural desire is to keep feeding when it returns to fresh water to spawn, where other salmonids begin to die. As you also know, even when steelheads are not very hungry, you can still piss them off and make them want to kill a plug or some other type of lure when you get it in front of their face. (Believe me… I know how to piss stuff off
![laugh \:D](/forum/images/graemlins/default_dark/laugh.gif)
For the most part, fishing generally becomes much more easier for the guide if he does not have to worry about competing with others who are out for harvest. You may disagree with me, and it you're right to do so. I am only speaking from my own 10 years of personal guiding experiences. It is really a hassle when you have to bust your butt trying to get a person or two a couple of fish to "take home". When you fish for "catch and release" you don't really care if you release the fish at side of the boat, or the fish releases itself in mid air. Personally if I was still guiding, and especially in the rivers that you do Bob, I would probably want to promote a catch and release fisher too. It makes sense if you have the cliental that are willing to pay you the big bucks to do it. Apparently you have a good enough cliental built up, and do not have to worry, so that is one more good reason for YOU to promote c&r.
The number one reason that I am against this statewide band is not really the issue of catch and c&r of wild steelhead. Anyone who has followed my postings already knows that my complaint is about the "process" in how it was done! Most of the time I do not keep or kill wild steelhead… but I have killed a few. In the past two years, I have had plenty of opportunities to harvest wild steelhead, but I have not done so! The only different between me saying that I have killed a few, and the other guy that says he NEVER kills wild steelhead, is his own self-denial little world that he lives in! He thinks just because he doesn't bonk it in the head that he has done a good thing. But both you and I, and a whole lot of other fishermen know that some of those fish that we "release" will also die. So who's kidding who about killing wild steelhead? If you got a wild fish that has eaten your bait, jig, lure, or whatever, and it's bleeding heavily, it's got about a 0 chance of surviving. So why not allow a sport fisher to decide when it's best to keep one? Why does it always have to be "all or nothing"? If you really don't want to "kill" wild steelhead, quite fishing for them! Your c&r are killing wild steelhead and that is a FACT!
I really have to hold back my tongue when I hear people on your board make statements like "I NEVER EVER KILL a wild steelhead and I fished them for 20 years". They are just plain ignorant. They claim that the do not "intentionally" kill wild steelhead, but yet they KNOW that there is definitely a percentage of the fish that they hook that will die and that too is also a FACT. So again, who is kidding who?
I could and do support wild steelhead release in rivers that can not support harvest! But at the same time I do not support a "statewide blanket band" of all rivers just because a group of 100 or so fishermen think that it’s the right thing to do. If the statewide moratorium had been the wishes of the "many" instead the "wishes" of a hundred or so fishermen, you would not be hearing me now! IF this truly was the wishes of the MAJORITY of the sport fishermen, I wouldn't have a problem with wsr. But that is not the way that this was played out. Instead a group of about 100 or so people had privately lobbied with a couple Commissioners to get this moratorium passed.
You have said:
Your disdain for the WSC really shows through Cow.
You are probably correct, but I am not breaking any rules that Bob had asked us to agree to follow by speaking up! I would also have just as much contempt for any other special interest group or users that plans to dominate how I, or others may or may not want to participate in a fishery that I love so dearly. Both you and Bob can go back and reread all my posts concerning this issue, and you will both see that I have never changed my opinion on this issue. Statewide wild steelhead came about because a select group of fishers had lobbied a couple of there commissioners (or maybe a couple of their commissioners i.e., Pelly and Gytenbeek had lobbied WSC) Only WSC knows the real answer to that one!
Clearly, the majority of the public did not know that wsr was going to be considered by the Commission during this regulation cycle. So yes Jerry, I have a problem with how WSC has done its business on this issue. It's my opinion that they were not up front with the public or fishermen in general, and that they went through the back door to get there own way. I just can't forget what the 2 commissioners who brought this issue before the Commission board had said. It speaks mountains for itself!
"Commissioner Van Gytenbeek: I wouldn’t have felt good about asking if there was a proper legal way to bring it forward."
"Commissioner Pelly: So while it did not go through the normal public process with the regulations this year, I think it has been on the hearts and minds of all the fishermen this last year, whether or not it was an actual proposal"
Now that my friend, is why I may hold a little disdain for any "special" interest groups such as WSC.
I not only care about our fish, I also care about my fellow fishermen rights too! When I see that either one (fish or fishermen) rights has been abused, you can rest assured that I will be 100% up front to the parties who took the actions; even if the party truly believed that what they are doing is a good thing. In this case, WSC most likely did truly believe that what they were doing was the right thing to do. For that, I can respect that goal. But when they intentionally cut off OUR established legal process in which WE MUST ALL FOLLOW, then yes, this sport fisherman becomes very disdain!
Maybe the next time around we could support a state wide effort to release all wild steelhead for 1 or 2 years, if its done in an open fashion where all the public is allowed to make their comments and have a say before any decision is made. To bad that it wasn't done that way in the first place. My goal, rather you believe it or not, are to unite all sport fishers and not to divide them. To do that, one must include all sport fishers, and their concerns. There is a lot more to fishing then just hooking that fish! Maybe when this issue is finally resolved, we can all unite as one, and move forward to more important management issues other then statewide c&r for steelhead. To me, statewide c&r is like putting a band aid on a wound that really needs a 100 stitches to close it up. It may make you feel better, but does very little to make it any better!
I will not participate in a targeted CnR season because the genetic cargo that Wild Steelhead carry is too valuable to waste.
I respect you for not being a hypocrite! You are one of the few persons on this board that "walks the talk".
I have meant no disrespect for either Bob or Jerry. I know at times it may appear or sound that way. I know of no other way to say it other then the way that I truly feel or believe. I never have been one of those kinds of guys that use a lot of honey or sugar to express my views.
I think that you're both great guys, an I won't hesitate a moment to fish with either one of you even those we may have our difference on this issue. My record on this board clearly shows that I care about fishermen's right just as much as I care about the fish.
If I write one more word…..I will have written my first Novel
I will leave it at that!