TO: Puget Sound Recreational Crab Advisors
FR: Rich Lincoln
Hello Advisors,
On her way out the door last week for a two week vacation, Lisa had the opportunity to talk with the Director, Phil Anderson and myself about the rumors that seem to be flying around regarding some imminent action by the Fish and Wildlife Commission to reduce daily Dungeness crab bag limits in Puget Sound. I believe that most of you know there is no substance to this rumor, and I am asking each of you, as key advisors to the Department, to help us get information out to recreational crabbers about discussions we hope to have with you and the broader public in the context of the next annual sport rules process. This process would have a typical time frame of the Commission taking action on any proposed rules in February 2005, with any adoption of rules being in place for the May 1, 2005 - April 30, 2006 season.
I know that increasingly shortened crab seasons have been a significant topic for your advisory group, and that Lisa recently discussed a desire for the group to discuss potential management tools to increase recent season length within the context of current quotas and harvest sharing guidelines. I also realize that harvest sharing itself is also an big issue for most of you. Nevertheless, within any given available harvest, it seems intuitive that we should try to optimize the length and quality of opportunity on the water to the maximum extent possible.
Toward that end, we had envisioned a meeting with the advisory group this summer to look at a wide range of possible tools that might be used to better accomplish these objectives. Some types of examples for discussion might include the following:
* reduced days per week (Areas 8-1 and 8-2 are currently open 4 days per week, all other Puget Sound areas are open 7 days per week during the season)
* reduced hours per day
* alternating open weeks
* daily bag limit reductions
* annual bag limits
A desired outcome of these discussions would be the development of one or more potential rule change proposals that the Commission would consider as part of its 2005-06 public decision process. Alternatively, a conclusion might be reached that we should live with the approaches we have in place now for the 2005-06 season and continue to react in-season to shortening seasons if/when the pace of catches toward quotas continues its recent fast pace.
We will be back in touch with you about scheduling an advisory group meeting for further discussions on this topic. We are also considering collecting some public input through the WDFW website that the advisory group could use in its deliberations with us.
In summary the Department is not making any proposals to the Commission on this topic outside of those that would be potentially developed through the above process for the 2005-06 season. The advisors and the public will play a key role any creating any such proposals. We would appreciate your help in getting this basic message out to folks. I don't believe the public, the resource or the fishery is well served by having inaccurate rumors flying around.
For more general information on the 2005-06 rule process, please check out the following WDFW web address: Thanks for your help.
Rich Lincoln
Natural Resource Policy Lead